Version 1.10 – 2009.11.04. Version 1.10rc2 – 2009.09.14Version 1. 10 – 2009. 11. 04 [+] Added Batman Arkham Asylum, Settlers II, Need for Speed Shift, G-Force, Section 8, Majesty 2, Allods Online, Killing Floor, Guitar Hero 3, Guitar Hero World Tour, Serious Sam 2, Flight Simulator 2004, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, Left 4 Dead 2 profile. [+] Tables for new glasses added. [+] New key DrawMonoImageOnSecondMonitor added, that replace additional Side By Side output modes. Only work with outputs that use one monitor. [+] New key ScreenshotType (0 - JPG, 1 - PNG, 2 - BMP) added. [! ] Handling Anti-Alaising on ATI videocards improved. [! ] Shader analyzing for some new games improved. [! ] Driver minor optimizations. [! ] Internal profile system improved (new attribute ConvergenceShift). [f] Resource leak fixed. [f] Some D3D8 errors fixed that cause Last Chaos crash. [f] Smoke in Tom Clancy H. A. W. X fixed. [f] G-Force crash on NVidia fixed. [f] Flatout UC sky fixed. [f] Interface in Sexy Beach fixed. [f] Motion blur in Dirt fixed. [f] Mirror's Edge profile fixed. [f] In-game menu in Ghostbusters fixed. [f] Crash in Ghostbusters by Alt+Tab fixed. [f] Stereo YouTube future fixed. [f] Over/under mode fixed. [f] Driver statistic fixed when FPS off. Version 1. 10rc2 – 2009. 09. 14 [+] Added profiles for " Call Of Cthulhu DCoTE", “Call of Juarez - Bound in Blood”, Drakensang, Rise of the Argonauts, Trine, Tomb Rider Legend, Sims 3, Street Fighter IV, Flatout Ultimate Carnage, G-Force, Empire Total War, Battlestation Pacific, Overlord 2, HAWX. [+] Added Stereo Screenshot and Swap L& R keys to Control Center. [+] Third-part d3d9. dll support added. [+] Added additional Side By Side modes (maybe helpful for video recording). [+] Added gap control between views in Side By Side mode to Config. xml. [+] Added customizable matrices mode to Anaglyph mode. [! ] Anaglyph output now use normal colors in mono mode. [! ] Fixed Witcher, Fallout 3 profiles. [! ] Improved support fullscreen YouTube video (only on Vista with Aero). [! ] Improved table method. [! ] DX9/DX10 outputs merged. [! ] Added some application to exclusions list. [! ] Improved computability with Steam Community on x64 platforms. [! ] Deferred wizard resource loading. [! ] Enhanced Mouse Lock. [! ] Improved performance with some D3D8 games. [! ] Screenshot button handling improved. [! ] Improved key recognizing in Control Center. [f] Fixed problems with Runes of Magic, ARMA 2, Rise of Flight, Ghost Busters, Resident Evil 4, Duke Nukem Manhattan Project, Mini Ninjas, Trine, Terminator Salvation (mono objects). [f] Fixed shaders analyzing in Resident Evil 5. [f] Fixed second window position with StereoMirror output.