Veolia Water
Mining impacts upon the natural water environment, and its effect can be seen throughout the life cycle of the mine, and even long after mine closure. The potential impacts of mining on the water environment are disruption of hydrological pathways, the seepage and disposal of contaminates, and the depression of the water table around the dewatered zone. In the past “water management” simply consisted of dewatering a coal mine`s workings and providing safety for miners. In contrast a modern day system provides for total water management which will include the following activities: groundwater control; waste treatment and recycling; pollution prevention and control and the supply of safe drinking water. All of this will be required to be achieved with minimal wastage of this valued resource.
Acid rock drainage (ARD) is a major water contaminant. In many operating mines any liquid, usually rainwater, that is allowed to drain from coal stocks, coal handling facilities, coal washers, and waste tips can be highly acidic. Treating contaminated ARD water presents problems in itself but collecting and keeping this water separate from uncontaminated water often presents more challenges. (The pink biofilm, a community of bacteria that thrives in an abandoned mine, floats atop green acidic drainage with a pH of about 0. 8, which is equivalent to battery acid)
Groundwater can be collected for treatment or used for on-site mining applications such as drilling, blasting, dust suppression, sanitation and washing. Veolia Water Veolia Water is a division of Veolia Environment, a global leader in sustainable environmental services, with more than 155 years of water treatment experience. Founded in 1853 Veolia has water operations in 66 countries across the globe, employing 95, 789 workers worldwide and serving completely or partly about 64 metropolitan areas with more than 139 million inhabitants. It is strongest in Europe, particularly in its native France and Germany. Its biggest competitor is Suez Environnement. In July, Consol Energy announced an agreement with Veolia Water for a 10 year operating partnership, plus additional five year options to operate, treating mine water from the US mines coupled with an environmentally sustainable design and construction approach. This expertise will be key to the design and operation of this new system which will treat high-volume mine water with numerous constituents.