Notification on the non-fulfillment of demands afforded by the Art. 10. 1 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and We inform that in accordance with the decision of The Federal Service For Supervision Of Communications, Information Technology And Mass Media dated 06. 04. 2017 № 8-NonExecution the organizer of the distribution of information Zello Inc. who maintains the operability of the information systems or software intended for transceiving and processing the digital messages of the “Internet” Telecom Network (hereinafter – Internet) users doesn’t fulfill the demand stated by the Chapter 2 of the Art. 10. 1 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Protecting Information” № 149-FZ dated Jul 27, 2006 (hereinafter – the demands) with reference to computer program Zello. The organizer of the distribution of information in the Internet Zello Inc. must fulfill the demand in 3 working days. Moreover, we request you to inform the organizer of the distribution of information in the Internet Zello Inc. about this notification for the purpose of the well-timed fulfillment of the above-mentioned demand. Should The Federal Service For Supervision Of Communications, Information Technology And Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) don’t receive the notification from the organizer of the distribution of information in the Internet about the fulfillment of the above-mentioned demand within the time frame specified, the access to the information resources zello. com, 184-173-145-235. ip. loudtalks. com, 50-97-46-113. ip. loudtalks. com, login6. loudtalks. com, login. loudtalks. com, loudtalks. com, 50-22-234-250. ip. loudtalks. com, content. zello. com, my. zello. com, stats. zello. com, profiles. zello. com, alerts. zello. com owned by the organizer of the distribution of information in the Internet Zello Inc. in the Russian Federation will be restricted in accordance with the Chapter 2 Article 15. 4 of the Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Protecting Information” № 149-FZ dated Jul 27, 2006 until the above-mentioned demand is fulfilled. This notification is signed by the approved computer-generated signature of The Federal Service For Supervision Of Communications, Information Technology And Mass Media.