Nurgle Putrid Blightkings. Difficulty Bonus: All. Blightking with Shield. Relentless. Behaviour Table. Khorne Blood Reavers. Chieftain. Banner. Behaviour Table. Horrors. Difficulty Bonus: +1Nurgle Putrid Blightkings
Difficulty Bonus: All All Putrid Blightkings gain +2 extra Vigour instead of +1 per each difficulty level.
Blightking with Shield Blightking with Shield gains has base Vigour of 9 rather than 7.
Relentless All Putrid Blightkings are immune to the effects of Stun
Behaviour Table Unchanged Khorne Blood Reavers
Can attack with all his weapons rather than +1 Attack bonus
Banner +1 To Hit for all Blood Reavers from the same group
Behaviour Table 1: Berserk Fury: Each Blood Reaver attacks all adjacent Heroes. Then, all Blood Reavers who are not adjacent to any Hero (by any reason! ), can move towards the nearest Hero 2-3: Blood and Skulls!: Each Blood Reaver moves to the most 4-5: Slaughter Them: Each Blood Reaver moves towards the nearest Hero, and attacks it. 6: Khorne Calls!: Add D3 Blood Reavers to the board, in the same manner as for Ambushes. They must be set up in the chamber containing any Blood Reavers or adjacent to it. Then, move all Blood Reavers towards the nearest Hero.
Difficulty Bonus: +1 No bonus to Vigour. Weapons improved instead: - Flickering Blade: Roll 1 additional dice (3 instead of 2) - Blue Fire: +1 damage (3 instead of 2) - Pink Fire: +1 To Hit (2+/3+/4+ instead of 3+/4+/5+)