Introduction: Vishnudas was born in a Chipa - Textile printers family of a village near Agra. Once he had gone to Agra to sell Printed Textile and came in contact with Shri Vallabhacharyaji and became his desciple. He was a simple man. He requested Acharya to explain the reward of God's service. So Shree Vallabhacharyaji Composed this work and explained to him the benefits of Seva. In this final work, a very difficult one, Shree Vallabhacharyaji, deals with rewards of divine service of God. These are (as described in, …) by way of extraordinary capability, joy of union with GOD and Body fit for divine service. He also points out three impediments viz mental agony, other obstacles, and worldly pleasure. These can be overcome by full trust in God and One's sincere efforts, But in some God-given impediments, one must take it that they are not avoidable and leave them to GOD's will. This work was composed in V. S. 1582 at Agra.
य ा द ृ श ी स े व न ा प ् र ो क ् त ा त त ् स ि द ् ध ौ फ ल म ु च ् य त े । फ ल ं व ा ह ् य ध ि क ा र ो व ा न क ा ल ो ऽ त ् र न ि य ा म क ः । yā dṛ ś ī sevanā proktā tatsiddhau phalamucyate. phalaṃ vā hyadhikā ro vā na kā lo'tra niyā makaḥ . 2(a). Depending upon the well-described types of divine service, now their rewards are mentioned. Amongst the divine (Superhuman-Transcendental) rewards are 1. godly desire get fulfilled, 2. Goal is achieved, 3. Elegibility gets established. Here time is not the controlling factor. (1 1/2)
उ द ् व े ग ः प ् र त ि ब न ् ध ो व ा भ ो ग ो व ा स ् य ा त ् त ु ब ा ध क म ् ॥ २ ॥ अ क र ् त व ् य ं भ ग व त ः स र ् व थ ा च े द ् ग र ् त ि न ह ि । udvegaḥ pratibandho vā bhogo vā syā ttu bā dhakam.. 2(b).. akartavyaṃ bhagavataḥ sarvathā cedgartina hi. But mental distress, obstruction, and worldly enjoyments could be impediments in the receipt of these rewards. If God is not willing to give rewards then there is no other way. In that case, discreet understanding is only means and one should patiently try to understand the God. (2, 3)
ब ा ध क ा न ा ं प र ि त ् य ा ग ो भ ो ग े ऽ प ् य े क ं त थ ा प र म ् । bā dhakā nā ṃ parityā go bhoge'pyekaṃ tathā param. All impediments in the path of devotion must be abandoned. In worldly and divine enjoyment, worldly enjoyment as well as worldly obstacles must be got rid of. (But) the supreme joy, without any difficulties, is always a part of the first reward of divine service. (4)
स व ि घ ् न ो ऽ ल ् प ो घ ा त क ः स ् य ा द ् व ल ा द े त ौ स द ा म त ौ । sa vighno'lpo ghā takaḥ syā dvalā detau sadā matau. Worldly joy is full of impediments and momentary; and worldly obstacles are destroying. Both are believed to be powerfully fatal. In the case of God given obstruction one should not worry as worldly affairs are destine for him. (5)
न न ् व ा द ् य े द ा त ृ त ा न ा स ् त ि त त ी य े ब ा ध क ं ग ृ ह म ् । nanvā dye dā tṛ tā nā sti tatī ye bā dhakaṃ gṛ ham. In the first obstacle, namely, distress or dispondency one should presume that GOD does not desire to give divine Bliss. In the third obstacle namely, worldly joy Home is the impediment. All these impediments coming in the way of rewards of divine service should be definetly thought of. Every thing else is only frailty of mind. (6)
त द ी य ै र प ि त त ् क ा र ् य ं प ु ष ् ट ौ न ै व व ि ल म ् ब य े त ् । tadī yairapi tatkā ryaṃ puṣ ṭ au naiva vilambayet. Those belonging to GOD should also do that. There is no delay in the case of souls of Grace. In the case of mental disturbance due to the three attributes also the same should be taken care of observed. That alone is my thinking. In this connection, if any other ideas occur on account of lack of faith in what is stated above or otherwise it is only a misconception. (7)
॥ इ त ि श ् र ी व ल ् ल भ ा च ा र ् य क ृ त ं स े व ा फ ल न ि र ू प ण ं स म ा प ् त म ् ॥ .. iti ś rī vallabhā cā ryakṛ taṃ sevā phalanirū paṇ aṃ samā ptam.. (16)