Introduction: 'Nirodh' means total dedication to Krushna and complete detachment from worldly attraction. Such Krushna Leelas are described in the tenth part of Shree Bhagwat. In this work Achary explain the attributes of Nirodh. This book was written in V. S. 1566 at Dwarka. Raj Dave and Madhav Dave were two brothers, who became Achyar's disciple after hearing Bhagwat from him at Dwarka. They asked him to explain the meaning and significance of Nirodh. So Vallabhacharyaji composed this work, explained the meaning of Nirodh and asked them to go home and devote themselves in service of God. Shree Vallabhacharyaji teaches here in, a great principle of absorbing one self completely in Godly activities and Discipline the mental faculty in a way all limbs of the body and soul are constantly put to use for purposes of Shree Krushna. Our Desire should be so sublimated that they serve the interests of God. There is nothing that can compare with reciting and singing God's glory with complete absorption in him.
य च ् च द ु ः ख ं य श ो द ा य ा न न ् द ा द ी न ा ं च ग ो क ु ल े । yacca duḥ khaṃ yaś odā yā nandā dī nā ṃ ca gokule. The pain of separation from Shree Krushna, which overtook Yashoda, Nanda and others, in Gokul and that agony which happened to the Cowherd maids; May that happen to me at least once in a while. (1)
ग ो क ु ल े ग ो प ि क ा न ा ं च स र ् व े ष ा ं व ् र ज व ा स ि न ा म ् । gokule gopikā nā ṃ ca sarveṣ ā ṃ vrajavā sinā m. Will God Shree KRUSHNA give me that divine happiness which was experienced by the Cow-herd maids in gokul and all the dwellers in Vraja? (2)
उ द ् ध व ग म न े ज ा त उ त ् स व ः स ु म ह ा न ् य थ ा । uddhavagamane jā ta utsavaḥ sumahā n yathā . When will my mind experience that divine happiness of the great festival which took place in Vrundavana and Gokul on arrival of Uddhava? (3)
म ह त ा ं क ृ प य ा ं य ा व द ् भ ग व ा न ् द य य ि ष ् य त ि । mahatā ṃ kṛ payā ṃ yā vad bhagavā n dayayiṣ yati. Till, due to the favour of the venerable devotees, GOD SHREE KRUSHNA bestows mercy, the great ocean of Bliss (joy), whose glory is being sung by devotees will give divine happiness. (4)
म ह त ं क ृ प य ा य द ् व त ् क ी र ् त ् त न ं स ु ख द ं स द ा । mahataṃ kṛ payā yadvat kī rttanaṃ sukhadaṃ sadā . Just as singing praise of GOD SHREE KRUSHNA, with the blessing of the venerable devotees, always gives happiness, the same singing by woridly people gives no happiness. The former is like tasteful food, Where as later is like dry food. (5)
ग ु ण ग ा न े स ु ख ा व ा प ् त ि र ् ग ो व ् न ् द स ् य प ् र ज ा य त े । guṇ agā ne sukhā vā ptirgovndasya prajā yate. The happiness that is achieved in singing glourious praises of Govinda is not experienced even by such great saint Shukadevaji, who are in search of divine Soul, So how can you attain the same with other means. (6)
क ् ल ि श ् य म ा न ा च ् ज न ा न ् द ृ ष ् ट ् व ा क ृ प ा य ु क ् त ो य द ा भ व े त ् । kliś yamā nā cjanā n dṛ ṣ ṭ vā kṛ pā yukto yadā bhavet. Seeing his devotees in distress as they are unable to achive him, He becomes full of grace, then, his ever-blissful full form, dwelling in the heart of the Devotee comes out As Shree Krushna. (7)
स र ् व ा न न ् द म य स ् य ा प ि क ृ प ा न न ् द ः स ु द ु र ् ल भ ः । sarvā nandamayasyā pi kṛ pā nandaḥ sudurlabhaḥ . Though GOD is all-blissful, the joy of his divine grace is very difficult to achieve. That perfect GOD dwelling in the heart of devotees on hearing his glory from devotees drowns his people in the ocean of bliss. (8)
त ् स ् म ा त ् स र ् व ं प र ि य ज ् य न ि र ु द ् ध ै ः स र ् व द ा ग ु ण ा ः । tsmā tsarvaṃ pariyajya niruddhaiḥ sarvadā guṇ ā ḥ . So leaving everything, glory of GOD should be sung by devotees who are completely prone to the ever-blissful (GOD) and who have attained the intense mental discipline; this will induce in them the GOD's qualities of existence, knowledge and divine bliss. (9)
अ ह ं न ि र ु द ् ध ो र ो ध े न न ि र ो ध प द व ी ं ग त ः । ahaṃ niruddho rodhena nirodhapadavī ṃ gataḥ . Shree Vallabhacharya Says that I have reached that stage of complete Nirodh - total absorption in God and complete detachments from worldly attraction. I am now describing to you that intense self absorption for attaining mental discipline of the persons inclined to be absorbed in GOD. (10)
ह र ि ण ा य े व ि न ि र ् म ु क ् त ा स ् त े म ग ् न ा भ व स ा ग र े । hariṇ ā ye vinirmuktā ste magnā bhavasā gare. Those souls who have been ababdoned by Hari are submerged in ocean of worldly affairs. Only those who have been absorbed in GOD achieve divine bliss for all the day and night. (11)
स ं स ा र ा व े श द ु ष ् ट ा न ा म ि न ् द ् र ि य ा ण ा ं ह ि त ा य व ै । saṃ sā rā veś aduṣ ṭ ā nā mindriyā ṇ ā ṃ hitā ya vai. Forthe good of senses tarnished with worldiness, everything should be associated with Shree Krushna, who is the ever pervading and omnipotent. (12)
ग ु ण े ष ् व ा व ि ष ् ट च ि त ् त ा न ा ं स र ् व द ा म ु र व ै र ि ण ः । guṇ eṣ vā viṣ ṭ acittā nā ṃ sarvadā muravairiṇ aḥ . Those, whose minds are absorbed in the divine glourious attributes of GOD the enemy of demon Mura, will not surfer I and Mine of the world and pain of separation from worldly attachments. On the contrary they will attain bliss like GodHari. (13)
त द ा भ व े द ् द य ा ल ु त ् व म न ् य थ ा क ् र ू र त ा म त ा । tadā bhaveddayā lutvamanyathā krū ratā matā . When in the case of devotees absorbed in God, this happens it is his mercy. Even if it does not happen, it is his softness. So there is no question of one's falling from that stage. It is sure to result in the total absorption in him. (14)
भ ग व द ् ध र ् म स ा म र ् थ ् य ा द ि र ा ग ो व ि ष य े स ् थ ि र ः । bhagavaddharma sā marthyā dirā go viṣ aye sthiraḥ . Detachment from worldly attraction results from the strength of love for God. By singing the glory of God and there by his divine touch, a soul never suffers any pain. (15)
ए व ं ज ् ञ ा त ् व ा ज ् ञ ा न म ा र ् ग ा द ु त ् क र ् ष ं ग ु ण व र ् ण न े । evaṃ jñ ā tvā jñ ā namā rgā dutkarṣ aṃ guṇ avarṇ ane. So with this clear understanding that recital of GOD's glorious attributes is far more siperior compared to the path of knowledge, GOD's glourious attributes should always be recited without envy and without Greed. (16)
ह र ि म ू र ् त ि ः स द ा ध ् य े य ा स ं क ल ् प ा द प ि त त ् र ह ि । श ् र व ण ं क ी र ् त ् त न ं स ् प ष ् ट ं प ु त ् र े क ृ ष ् ण ा प ् र ि य े र त ि ः । harimū rtiḥ sadā dhyeyā saṃ kalpā dapi tatra hi. ś ravaṇ aṃ kī rttanaṃ spaṣ ṭ aṃ putre kṛ ṣ ṇ ā priye ratiḥ . GOD's idol should be meditated. With a strong determination one will have realistic experience of seeing him and touching him; so also realistic experience of all activities and movements for him; so also realistic experience of hearing and singing of his glory. Relation with wife is only for begetting a son who has love for Shree Krushna. Even the excretary organs by throwing out excreta serve GOD by keeping body fit for divine service of GOD and all the rest of organs of body should be used in GOD's divine service. (18)
य स ् य व ा भ ग व त ् क ा र ् य य द ा स ् प ष ् ट ं न द ृ श ् य त े । yasya vā bhagavatkā rya yadā spaṣ ṭ aṃ na dṛ ś yate. In case, involvement of any organ in divine service is not clearly seen, it should be specifically controlled. It is the decision (19)
न ा त ः प र त र ो म न ् त ् र ो न ा त ः प र त र ः स ् त व ः । nā taḥ parataro mantro nā taḥ parataraḥ stavaḥ . Beyond this there is no greater chant, no better hymn, no higher knowledge, no superior place of pilgrimage. (20)
॥ इ त ि श ् र ी व ल ् ल भ ा च ा र ् य व ि र च ि त ं न ि र ो ध ल क ् ष ण ं स म ा प ् त म ् ॥ .. iti ś rī vallabhā cā ryaviracitaṃ nirodhalakṣ aṇ aṃ samā ptam.. (15)
स े व ा फ ल म ्