Letter of Appointment
Letter of Appointment 23 April 2020 Me, Hans Jurgen Kari (Hansadutta Das), in the event of my death, transfer all my rights and duties as Trustee of the Bhaktivedanta Book trust, established in the state of California, USA in 1972, entrusted to me by the founder of the Trust, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1974 to Andrey Khmelnitsky (Abhimanyu das). Canadian Citizen, Passport GJ402985, issued in Scarborough, ON Canada 14 February 2014 as a senior Trustee-successorof the Trust's founder, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who died in 1977. I also give him all the documents in my possession concerning the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. I also instruct you to check all the documents of the Trust and, if necessary, restore the lost ones. And also to investigate the fraudulent unauthorized activities of the Bhaktivedanta Book trust international Corporation incorporated in California in 1988 ( criminal acts of a deliberate nature, such as misappropriating the name of the trust, the BBT logo without permission, changing the contents of books, manipulating copyrights, unauthorized registration of copyrights in the Library of Congress in their own name, attempts to illegally transfer copyrights to relatives of the founder A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, illegal court proceedings in 1990 in Singapore and in 1998 in Los Angeles, California, United States, printing unauthorized literature under the name of the trust, illegal appointment themselves as Trustees of a Trust to which irrelevant, embezzlement and misuse of funds of the Trust in violation of clear and understandable instructions of founder set forth in the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust agreement). All of the above entitles Andrey Khmelnitsky, as a Senior Trustee of the Trust, to apply to the US Justice and law enforcement Agencies if necessary. Hans Jurgen Kary (Hansadutta das Adhikari