SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS. THE PYTHAGOREAN PROPOSITION. Petrenko P.I.. email@for.sending.mentions. ReferencesSUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS The report may be done in one of the official languages. The authors should send: hard copy of filling registration form and hard copies of abstracts, and also the electronic variant on CD-disk before 20. 04. 2016 on address of Organizing Committee: Organizing Committee PDMU-2016 Faculty of Cybernetics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv The authors could dublicate filling registration form and abstracts by e-mail: pdmu@univ. kiev. ua
Instruction for paper preparation in MS Word: THE PYTHAGOREAN PROPOSITION Petrenko P. I. Institute of control email@for. sending. mentions We consider some random processes x(t), a sequence (tk, k> 1) of random points [1], [2]. . . References 1. Chaban А. V. Mathematical modeling of oscillating processes in elektromechanical systems / А. V. Chaban. – Lviv, 2007. – 312 p. (in ukrainian) 2. Valko P. М. Methods of approximate of solving Cauchy problem / P. М. Valko, V. S. Bykov, І. V. Petrenko // Computation and applied mathematics. – 2007. – №1. – P. 54–59. (in ukrainian) 3. Mizohata S. The theory of partial differential equations / S. Mizohata. – Cambridge, University Press, 1973. – 490 р.
The Conference languages is English.
REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee for foreigner is 100 EURO and The registration fee for participants from the Commonwealth of Independent States is 50 EURO and for students and aspirants is 10 EURO.
Registration fee is paid upon the arrival at the Conference and does not include living in hotel and regular meal (breakfast, dinner, supper).
More detailed information will be included in the second announcement.
Series of walk and bus excursions will be proposed to participants of the Conference.
We are looking forward to see you in Georgia!
Dedicated to 70-th anniversary of Professor Oleksandr Nakonechnyi
May 23-27, 2016 Tbilisi-Batumi, Georgia