Maqolaning nomi
Maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola matni maqola [15, p. 121] - kvadrat yo'nalishlarga havolalar [manba, sahifa]
Adabiyotlar ro'yxati:
1. Youna Choi. The Paganini Variations: A study of selected Works by Liszt, Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Lutoslawska and Muszynsku. WVU, 2017.
Matn ichidagi havolalarni yaratish: betlarni ko'rsatmasdan bitta adabiy manbaga izoh: [15]. bir adabiy manba uchun izoh, betlarni ko'rsatib: [15, p. 171].
The State Conservatory of Uzbekistan announcesthe International scientific and practical conference “The contemporary condition of culture through the vision of the youth” which will be held on March 15, 2022. Bachelors, magistrates and doctoral students of various areas or art history can take part in the conference. Articles are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English in paper and electronic forms by mail uzdk_conference@mail. ruuntil March 10, 2022. According to the results of conference, an electronic book of articles will be published. The conference is held online and offline (Zoom: https: //us02web. zoom. us/j/8104635272? pwd=NHluVWR5clV2eFQ3ZW9pUzY2UzRPdz09). The conference will start at 10. 00 and the session by directions will begin at 10. 30. Main directions of the conference: Session 1: The importance of intercultural relations in art. Session 2: Dialogue of traditions in musical practice. Session 3 Art history as a science at the present stage: creation, performance and pedagogy. . Session 4: The digital contemporary art: genesis, specifics and strategies. The time-line of speech 7 minutes. Certificates will be issued at the end of the conference. The best articles written in Russian and English, will be published as scientific articles of the conference on the platform of the International journal «Eurasian music science journal». Conference organizing committee: K. Urinbayev – rector of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan. Sh. Ganikhanova – PhD ofart sciences, editor of the «Eurasian music science journal». S. Kasimkhodjayeva – PhD of art sciences, head of department “History of music and criticism”. F. Mukhamedova – PhD of art sciences head of department of organizing research activities for talented students of the State Conservatory. V. Khandamyan – lector of department “Composition and orchestration”
More information can be found: M. Kamolidinova – magistrate’s student (974091851) G. Bekmuratova –doctoral students(998623137)
Article writing rules Text no more 6 pages format A4, “Times new roman” font, font size – 14, interval – 1, 5. Page settings: top and ______– 2 sm, left – 2, 5 sm, right – 1, 5 sm.
Article structure Name (Title) of articles Student’s name, institution, department, course Scientific director, position Article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text, article text [15, p. 121] – links in square (source).
Bibliography 1. Youna Choi. The Paganini Variations: A study of selected Works by Liszt, Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Lutoslawska and Muszynsku. WVU, 2017.