Assumption, evidence, to rest on, inappropriate, application, limitations, deficient, favour, adaptable, warranted, non-existent
2. Fill in the gaps, usingthesewords: Assumption, evidence, to rest on, inappropriate, application, limitations, deficient, favour, adaptable, warranted, non-existent
1. There is the realist critique that the evidence of international norms as determinants of state policyand behaviour is weak or ________________. 2. There are several solidarist critiques that emerge from within the International Society tradition itself that focus on its ________________________. 3. The ‘transnational society’ critique basically argues that international society conceived in terms of a ‘society of states’ is _______________________ because it fails to take into account ‘the transnational activities of individuals, firms, interest associations and social groups. 4. What is the evidence in_______________________ of this theory? 5. This theory may have _____________________ to contemporary understanding if IR. 6. International Society theorists are sometimes accused of being realists in disguise. Is that accusation _________________________? 7. Traditional International Society theorists argue that the society of states is more flexible and _________________________than that critique implied 8. The Realist doctrine _____________________ the assumption that human nature is conflictual. 9. The traditional structure of international law is wildly ______________________ to many of the new environmental challenges.
3. Match the parts of word collocations:
4. Translate into Russian: 1. the rise of international terrorism - ______________________________________ 2. breakup of Soviet Union and Yugoslavia_________________________________ 3. the growth of transnational organizations __________________________________ 4. unification’ of the world by means of advancing technology____________________________________________________________ 5. the spread of electronic communications_________________________________ _ 6. the expansion of private international violence _____________________________ 7. It is increasing importance on the international agenda________________________