Повторение:. Беседа по теме «Хобби и увлечения».. Опорная лексика: выполнить перевод. Вопросы: ответить. IdiomsПовторение: Беседа по теме «Хобби и увлечения». Today we will revise and summarize your knowledge and skills in using words and idioms about hobbies which we have learned. All these knowledge will allow you to speak about your future intentions and actions, hobbies and you will be able to use some English Idioms in your speech. Everybody has got a hobby. We all do, and we have different hobbies. I want you to find the definitions of the word “hobby” and then I will ask you some questions.
Задание: 1. Найти в англо-английских словарях значение слова “hobby”, выписать его и примеры его употребления в предложениях в тетрадь и перевести.
Задание: 2. Объяснить собственное понимание этого слова и ответить на вопросы использую лексику по теме «Хобби и увлечения». Например: Hobby – something that you enjoy doing when you are not working: e. g. Mike`s hobbies include reading and chess
Опорная лексика: выполнить перевод Hobbies: reading, walking with friends, playing basketball/football, watching films, listening to the music, dancing, cooking, collecting smth (postcards, coins, magnets), gardening, playing musical instruments, surfing the internet, drawing, playing chess.
Вопросы: ответить What hobbies do you know? What hobbies in your opinion are the most interesting? Why? What hobbies are the most popular in Britain? What hobbies are the most popular in Russia? What is your hobby? Задание: 3. Произнести и перевести идиоматические выражения. Idioms A little bird told me A scaredy cat It`s raining cats and dogs It`s a dog-eat-dog world To have a cow Seems a little fishy Задание: 4. Подобрать похожие по смыслу русские фразеологические выражения. Напрмер: A little bird told me - птичка на хвосте принесла.
Задание: 5. Выбрать единственно правильное объяснение к предложению, перевести его и объяснить свой выбор.
1. Wow! It's raining cats and dogs today! I wish I'd brought my umbrella to school! 2. When I told my mom I would be home around 2 am, she had a cow! 3. Jean: How did you know it was my birthday today? 4. Frank: Why didn't your brother ride the roller coaster with us? 6. I never learned how to use a computer, so I lost my job to a new employee. It's a dog-eat-dog world.