II. Say what the mother asked her sons to bring.II. Say what the mother asked her sons to bring. 1) Some milk from the market. 2) Some water from the cellar. 3) Some water from the well. III. Say what the sons brought the water in. 1) In a jug. 2) In a jar. 3) In a bucket. IV. Writetrue, false, or I don't know. 1) The poor woman had two sons. 2) The youngest son went to seek his fortune first. 3) The eldest son took his knife with him. 4) The Red Ettin was a kind magician. 5) The Red Ettin's castle was not far away. 6) King Malcolm married his daughter to the Red Ettin. 7) The eldest son got into trouble. 8) The youngest brother chose the whole cake. 9) The giant asked the youngest brother the same riddles. 10) The Red Ettin could never lose his power. V. Give the Past Simple Tense form of the following verbs. to cut off to grow up to become to bring to understand to seek to shine to take to hide VI. Fill in the gaps with the suitable verbs from the list above. 1) The young man ____an axe and _______ the giant's heads. 2) The brothers ____in a small village. 3) The young man _____some water from thewell. 4) One morning the knife______rusty, it didn't_______. 5) The young man ____________his brother was introuble. VII. Complete the sentences. The words from the box can help you. magic wand court clay power the cracks come to live captives 1) The clever young man took some_____ andpatched up the_____. 2) When a terrible beast came up roaring to him, the young man hit it with the________ 3) The giant's _____ ran out as he heard all three answers to his questions. 4) The old woman opened a lot оf doors and all the ________were free. 5) The following day all the freed people set out forMalcolm's _____. 6) When the young man touched a large piece of stone with his wand, his brother ________.