| Pinus aristata
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus aristata Silver Bee
Полное солнце, почва щелочная - раз в 2 года следует добавлять доломитовую мука. Прирост 2 см
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus aristata Silver Shaker
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus armandii
| | 15-20
| 2L
| Pinus banksiana
зона2- 4 малоизучена
| Сосна Банкса
| 80-100
| BK
| Pinus banksiana
| | 100 — 125
| BK
| Pinus banksiana 5xv
| 125-150
| BK
| Pinus banksiana Angel до 4-х м высотой
| 15-20
| 3L
| Pinus banksiana Angel
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus banksiana Kü mmerholz
медленный рост, компактная закрученные ветки и шишки
| 30-40
| 2L
| Pinus banksiana Prostrata
| 40-50
| 5L
| Pinus banksiana Schneverdingen до 0, 6
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus banksiana Schneverdingen
| 40 -50
| BK 15L
| Pinus banksiana Schneverdingen
| Шт. 80, 30-35
| 20L
| Pinus banksiana Shoodic
прирост 5-10 см в год до 1, 2 высоты
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus banksiana Tear Drop
| 35- 40
| BK
| Pinus banksiana Wisconsin
| 30-35
| 10L
| Pinus cembra Aurea сосна кедровая европейская
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus cembra Aurea
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus cembra Aurea
| 30 -40
| 7, 5L
| Pinus cembra Aurea
| 60 -80
| BK
| Pinus cembra Cleison
| 20-25
| 5L
| Pinus cembra Glauca
| 20 -30
| 3L
| Pinus cembra Hintertux
| 25-30
| BK
| Pinus cembra Helmers
| 60 -70
| BK
| Pinus cembra Horstmann
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus cembra Horstmann
| 20 -30
| BK
| Pinus cembra Horstmann
| Сосна кедровая европейская Horstmann
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus cembra Horstmann
| Сосна кедровая европейская Horstmann
| 35-40
| BK
| Pinus cembra Lilliput
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus cembra Lilliput
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus cembra Mongolei
http: //pinuslibrary. ru/Pinus_7/
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus cembra Ortler
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus cembra Ö tztal
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus cembra Piz Boe
| 20-25
| 5L
| Pinus cembra Stanley
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus cembra Stoderzinken 1
| 30-35
| BK
| Pinus cembra Stoderzinken 4
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus cembra Stoderzinken 5
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus cembra Stoderzinken 6
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus cembra Stoderzinken 8
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus cembra Stoderzinken II
| 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus cembra Trento (blue normal form)
| Шт. 20, 20-30
| 2L
| Pinus cembra Turrach 3
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus cembra x pumila M - CEM 2
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus contorta
| 80- 100
| 7, 5L
| Pinus contorta
| 100 — 120
| BK
| Pinus contorta
| 120-140
| BK
| Pinus contorta
| 200-250
| BK
| Pinus contorta Anna Aurea
| Сосна скрученная Anna Aurea
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus contorta Anna Aurea дерево
| 20 -30
| 3L
| Pinus contorta Asher
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus contorta Aurea Pendula
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus contorta Chief Joseph
| 20 -25
| 2L
| Pinus contorta Chief Joseph
| 30 -40
| 3L
| Pinus contorta Chief Joseph
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus contorta Chief Joseph
| 50- 60
| 20L
| Pinus contorta Chief Joseph
| 50- 60
| BK
| Pinus contorta Krnak метла
| 20-30
| 5L
| Pinus contorta Pendula
| 60-80
| 3L
| Pinus contorta Pendula
| 100-125
| BK
| Pinus flexilis Arapaho сосна мягкая
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus flexilis Cherokee
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus flexilis Dame Fino
| 20 -25
| BK
| Pinus flexilis Horstmann
| фото
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus hakkodensis
| 30 -40
| 3L
| Pinus koraiensis
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus koraiensis
| Сосна кедровая корейская (Корейский кедр)
| 40 -60
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis
| Сосна кедровая корейская (Корейский кедр)
| 60-80
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis
| Сосна кедровая корейская (Корейский кедр)
| 80- 100
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Amur
| Нет описания сортов
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Baishan
| 20 -25
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Blue Ball
| Шт. 20, 10-15
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Blue Ball 
| 30-40
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Chanbai
| 15 -20
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Chanbai

| 20 -25
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis China Boy
| 20 -25
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Glauca
| 40-50
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Jack Corbit дерево
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus koraiensis Jilin

| 30-40
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Kohout`s Selection
| 40-50
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis La Lao Yang
| 25 -30
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Spring Grove
| 10 – 15
| 3L
| Pinus koraiensis Spring Hill
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Tsingtao
| 25 — 30
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Winton
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus koraiensis Winton
| 60-80
| BK
| Pinus koraiensis Winton Gee Broom
| 10 – 15
| 3L
| Pinus koraiensis Winton Gee Broom
| 15 -20
| BK
| Pinus leucodermis
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus longaeva Break Down
| 8 – 10
| 2L
| Pinus longaeva Shulman Grove
| 15 -20
| BK
| Pinus monticola Pendula
| 40-50
| BK
| Pinus mugo
| 20 -30
| BK
| Pinus mugo
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus mugo
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus mugo
| 40 — 50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo
| 60 —80
| 10L
| Pinus mugo Albospica 2 м и более
| 25 — 30
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Albovariegata Panoch
беловариегатная сосна
| 10 — 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Alpenhexe
| Шт 30, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Andrzej
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Andrzej
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Aurea Plzen
| 30-40
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Benjamin
| Шт. 10, 10-15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Bozi Dar
| 20-30
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Brevifolia
| Шт. 20, 20-25
| BK
| Pinus mugo Bubikopf
| 10 — 15
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Carsten's Wintergold до 0, 7
| 30 -40
| 7, 5L
| Pinus mugo Carsten's Wintergold
| Шт. 100, 25-30
| BK
| Pinus mugo Carsten's Wintergold
| Шт. 80, 40-50
| 15L
| Pinus mugo Chameleon
| 50-60
| 20L
| Pinus mugo Cole Prostrata
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Corley`s Mat
| 40-50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo December Gold
| | 15- 20
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Dikobraz
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Echiniformis
| 20 -25
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Echiniformis Spacek
| | 10 — 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Frisby
| 40-50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Frü hlings Gold до 2-х м высотой и 2 м в диаметре
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Gnom
| 30 -40
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Gnom до 2-х метров
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus mugo Gold Star
| Шт 70, 50-60
| 25L
| Pinus mugo Golden Glow
| 20 -30
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Golden Glow
| 30 -40
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Hesse 5-70 см
| 30-40
| BK
| Pinus mugo Hnizdo 1 м.
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Hobl
| Шт. 10, 8-10
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Honeycomb
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Honeycomb
| 15 -20
| BK
| Pinus mugo Humpy высота 0, 5 *1, 0
| Шт 30, 40-50
| 20L
| Pinus mugo Humpy Jos (Humpy WB Joska)
| 15 -20
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Hvozdany
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Hvozdany
| 15 -20
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Jacobsen
| 20-25
| BK
| Pinus mugo Jacobsen
| 40-50
| BK
| Pinus mugo Jacobsen
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Jacobsen
| Шт. 40, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Jacobsen
| 20 -25
| BK 7, 5L
| Pinus mugo Jalubi 1 м
| 15 — 20
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Kafumbi
| 20 -25
| BK
| Pinus mugo Kalus
| 20 -25
| BK
| Pinus mugo Kalus
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus mugo Kleiner Prinz
| 8 – 10
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Klostergrü n
| 40 -50
| 15L
| Pinus mugo Klosterkutter
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Koeman - Franz
| 5-8
| BK
| Pinus mugo Kokarde до 1 м.
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Koral
| Нет фото
| 40-50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Krakus
| 100 — 120
| BK
| Pinus mugo Krauskopf
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Kuck's Minimops
| 20-30
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Kvaca
| Сосна горная Kvaca
| 30 -40
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Lemon
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Lilliput
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Little Delight
| фото
| Шт. 40, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Maria
| 10 — 15
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Maria
| 20-30
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Michal
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Michal
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Milky Way
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus mugo Mini Mini
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Minimops
| Шт 40, 10-15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Misty более 1 м.
| 20- 25
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Monophilla
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Mops до 1 м.
| Шт 30, 25-30
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Mops
| 50- 60
| BK
| Pinus mugo Mops Gold
| 15 -20
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Mops Holice
| 50- 60
| 10L
| Pinus mugo Mops Midget
| Шт. 10, 10-15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Mops Snezna
| 15 — 20
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Mopslik
| Шт. 10, 8-10
| BK
| Pinus mugo Nerost стелющаяся
| шт. 60, 15-20
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Nerost
| Шт. 40, 10-15
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Ofenpass
| 10 — 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Ophir
| Сосна горная Ophir
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus mugo Orange Sun высота 1 м диам 2 м.
| 25 -30
| BK
| Pinus mugo Peve Roam
| фото
| Шт. 50, 25-30
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Piatra Craiului (yellow )
| фото
| 20 -30
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Picobello
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Pyramide
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Rositech 1 м.
| 30 -35
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Schon Ilse
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Schweizer Tourist
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Silvia
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Sonnenberg
| Шт. 10, 10-15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Starkl
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Starkl
| фото
| 15- 20
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Starkl
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus mugo Subrt
| 10 — 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Subrt
| | 10 — 15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Sunshine
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus mugo Sunshine
| Шт 60, 30-40
| 10L
| Pinus mugo Sunshine
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus mugo Sylvanus Tarka
| | 20- 25
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Teeny
| 20-25
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Tip-Top
| | 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo var. Pseudopumilio SS Svetlana
| фото
| Шт 80, 15-20
| 15L
| Pinus mugo var. pumilio
| | 25 — 30
| 3L
| Pinus mugo var. pumilio высота 1*2, 0
| 60-70
| 35L
| Pinus mugo Varella высота 1, 5
| Шт. 30-40, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Varella
| Шт 20, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Varella
| 25 -30
| BK
| Pinus mugo Vysoké Tatry
| 40-50
| 15L
| Pinus mugo Walch
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus mugo White Top
| 15 -20
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Winter Gold до 1 м.
| 70- 80
| 60L
| Pinus mugo Winter Gold
| 60-70
| 25L
| Pinus mugo Winzig карлик
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus mugo Winzig
| 35- 40
| BK
| Pinus mugo Zundert желтая летом зеленая
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus mugo Zundert 60-80 см
| 30-40
| 3L
| Pinus mugo Zwergkugel
| Шт. 40, 20-30
| 10L
| Pinus mugo Zwergkugel
| 15 -20
| 5L
| 15 -20
| P9
| Pinus nigra
| 110-120
| BK
| Pinus nigra Gobosa Lytomysl
| 100 — 120
| 20L
| Pinus nigra Goldfinger
| Сосна черная Goldfinger
| 50- 60
| 5L
| Pinus nigra Nana Wurstle
| | 40 — 50
| 10L
| Pinus nigra Oregon Green
| 100 — 120
| BK
| Pinus nigra Oregon Green
| Сосна черная Oregon Green
| 80- 100
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Al Fordham
| 20 -25
| 2L
| Pinus parviflora Cuddles
| 25 -30
| 5L
| Pinus parviflora Dr. Landis
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus parviflora Dr. Landis
| 25-30
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Fukai
| 25-30
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora Ge - Bö
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Goldilocks
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Goldilocks
| 35-40
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Gyokusen SDL
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Hagoromo
| Сосна белая японская Hagoromo
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora Hatch – Ichi
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora Hevergers
| 25 — 30
| 5L
| Pinus parviflora Karen (FW - 7)
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora Kenwith
| 40 -50
| 10L
| Pinus parviflora Kin - po
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus parviflora M - PAR 22
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus parviflora M - PAR 36
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Mijo-jo
| 20-30
| 5L
| Pinus parviflora Negishi
| 50- 60
| 12L
| Pinus parviflora Negishi
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora Regenhold Br.
| 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora RU - 2
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus parviflora RU - 6
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus parviflora Shikoku
| 20-30
| 3L
| Pinus parviflora Tenysu Kazu
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus parviflora Toyo Nishiki
| 10 – 15
| 3L
| Pinus peuce
| | 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus peuce Bitola
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus peuce Daniel
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus peuce Fulda
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus peuce Fulda
| 60 -80
| 10L
| Pinus peuce Kobold
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus peuce Kobold
| 25 -30
| BK
| Pinus peuce Minidom
| 25 -30
| 5L
| Pinus peuce Minidom
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus peuce Pirin
| 50- 60
| BK
| Pinus peuce Piroschka
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus peuce Piroschka
| 25- 30
| 5L
| Pinus peuce Piroschka
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus peuce Yugo
| 15-20
| 5L
| Pinus ponderosa
| 50- 60
| 7, 5L
| Pinus ponderosa Tasha
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus ponderosa Tasha
| 35-40
| BK
| Pinus ponderosa WB SDL 2 J. M.
| 30 -35
| 10L
| Pinus ponderosa WB SDL D. D.
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus pseudopumilio Bajaja 40*70; 4 см в год прирост; P. mugo x P. uncinata гибрид
| 20 -30
| BK
| Pinus pseudopumilio Batorov
| Сосна горная Batorov
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus pseudopumilio Helma
| 30-35
| BK
| Pinus pseudopumilio Ikarus
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus pseudopumilio Krasavec
| Шт. 30-40, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus pseudopumilio Na Knajpe
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus pseudopumilio Premysl
| фото
| 25 -30
| BK
| Pinus pseudopumilio Smrtak
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus pumila
| Сосна кедровая стланнковая, или Кедровый стланик — Рinus pumila (Pall. ) Regel
| 10 — 15
| P9
| Pinus pumila
| Сосна низкая (Кедровый стланик)
| 5-15
| 7x7x9
| Pinus pumila
| Сосна низкая (Кедровый стланик)
| 15-25
| 2L
| Pinus pumila Barmstedt
| 20-30
| 3L
| Pinus pumila Barmstedt
| 30-40
| BK
| Pinus pumila Blue Lamp
| фото
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus pumila Blue Mops
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus pumila Drajer's Dwarf
Сосна низкая (Кедровый стланик) Drajer's Dwarf
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus pumila Dwarf Blue
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus pumila Glauca Erecta
| 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus pumila Glauca Erecta
| 35- 40
| BK
| Pinus pumila Ikawa
| 8-10
| BK
| Pinus pumila Jeddeloh
| 20-30
| 3L
| Pinus pumila Jeddeloh 60*120
| 50- 60
| BK
| Pinus pumila JEG – 2 до 50 см
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus pumila Santis 2 м
| 8 – 10
| BK
| Pinus pumila Sergej 2
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus pumila Venus (parviflora? )
| | 30-40
| 3L
| Pinus sibirica
http: //flower. onego. ru/conifer/pinus_ss. html
http: //kedr. forest. ru/
| 10 – 15
| 7x7x9
| Pinus sibirica Avrov (Biosfera 3)
| ШТ 30, 20-30
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica Beshenaya Reka (076 — Baikal)
| Шт 10, 10 — 15
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica Gorec
| Шт 20, 10-20
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Gorec
| ШТ 30, 20-30
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Ice Kristal (079 — Baikal)
| 20-30
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica Ideal (Biosfera 2)
| Шт. 25, 10 — 15
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Ideal (Biosfera 2)
| Шт 15, 8-10
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Izumrud
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus sibirica Narciss (06)
| Шт. 30, 30-40
| 15L
| Pinus sibirica Oligarh
| Сосна кедровая сибирская Олигарх
| 40 -50
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica Plantacionniy
| Сосна кедровая сибирская Плантационный
| 15 -20
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Plantacionniy
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Plantacionniy
| Шт 40, 40-50
| 15L
| Pinus sibirica Plantacionniy
| Шт 30, 15-20
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sibirica President
| Сосна кедровая сибирская Президент
| 20- 30
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica Recordistka
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sibirica Sohondo (052)
| шт. 25, 10-15
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica Surprise (058)
| Шт. 20, 15-20
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica x pumila 029
| Шт. 20, 20-30
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sibirica x pumila 029
| Шт. 20, 40-50
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sibirica x pumila 029
| Сосна гибридная sibirica x pumila 029
| Шт. 40, 40-50
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica x pumila 029
| 80 — 90
| 10L
| Pinus sibirica x pumila 029
| 100 — 120
| 10L
| Pinus strobiformis
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus strobiformis
| 40-60
| BK
| Pinus strobus
| Сосна веймутова
| 160-180
| BK 40L
| Pinus strobus Bergman`s Mini
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus strobus Blauer Tit
| 20-30
| 5L
| Pinus strobus Contorta
| 40-50
| BK
| Pinus strobus Contorta Selection
| 70-80
| BK
| Pinus strobus Fastigiata
| 15-20
| 2L
| Pinus strobus Gold Weeper
| Ширина 80-100
| 40L
| Pinus strobus Golden Candle
| 25-30
| BK
| Pinus strobus Green Curls
| 20-25
| BK
| Pinus strobus Green Curls
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus strobus Greg
| 35- 40
| BK
| Pinus strobus Gutebom
| 15-20
| 3L
| Pinus strobus Himmelblau
| 60-70
| 10L
| Pinus strobus Krü ger`s Lilliput
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus strobus Louie
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus strobus Louie
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus strobus Louie
| 50- 60
| BK
| Pinus strobus Louie
| 60-80
| BK
| Pinus strobus Minima
| 35- 40
| BK
| Pinus strobus Minima
| 40 -50
| BK
| Pinus strobus Nivea
| 100-120
| 7, 5L
| Pinus strobus Pacific Sunrise
| 40-50
| 4L
| Pinus strobus Pendula
| 40-50
| BK
| Pinus strobus Pendula
| 80-100
| BK
| Pinus strobus Pendula 4xv
| 100-125
| BK
| Pinus strobus Pendula WB
| 25-30
| BK
| Pinus strobus SDL of Contorta 2
| 25-30
| BK
| Pinus strobus Sea Urchin
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus strobus Stowe Pillar
| 100 — 120
| BK
| Pinus strobus Stvoridla
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus strobus Tiny Curls
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus strobus Tiny Curls
| 15-20
| 3L
| Pinus strobus Tiny Curls
| 15-20
| BK
| Pinus strobus U Conn Gold
| 20-25
| 3L
| Pinus strobus Uncatena
| фото
| 15 -20
| BK
| Pinus strobus Uncle Bish
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Alba
| http: //flower. onego. ru/conifer/pinus_sy. html
| 100 — 120
| 15L
| Pinus sylvestris Alba
| 150 — 200
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Albospica
| | 80 — 90
| 10L
| Pinus sylvestris Albyns
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Aurea Nisbeth
| Сосна обыкновенная Aurea Nisbet
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Barry Bergman
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Barry Bergman
| 100 — 120
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Beuvronensis
| 40-60
| 12L
| Pinus sylvestris Bexel WB SDL
| 20 -25
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Bexel WB SDL
| 25 -30
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Biał ogon
| 20 -30
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Biał ogon
| 100 — 120
| 20L
| Pinus sylvestris Bonna
| 30-40
| 2L
| Pinus sylvestris Bonna
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Brentmoor Blond
| 25-30
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Candellight
| 40 -50
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Candellight
| 25 -30
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Chantry Blue
| 25 — 30
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Chantry Blue
| 30-40
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Fastigiata
| 30 -40
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Fastigiata
| 25 — 30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Frosty
| 60 -70
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Hillside Creeper приподнимающийся почвопокровник
| Шт. 60, 60-80
| 35L
| Pinus sylvestris Hillside Creeper
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Hillside Creeper
| 70- 80
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Holzbecher
| 10-15
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Jeremy
| 30 -40
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Kaltha Norvegen
| 15 -20
| 2L
| Pinus sylvestris Kaltha Norwegen
| 50- 60
| 40L
| Pinus sylvestris Kelpie
| 20-30
| 2L
| Pinus sylvestris Kissen
| 40-50
| 20L
| Pinus sylvestris Little Ann
| 25-30
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Market
| Шт 15, 20-25
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Martham
| 25 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Meffengowd
| 30-40
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Meffengowd
| 40 — 50
| 10L
| Pinus sylvestris Miba
| 60 -70
| 20L
| Pinus sylvestris Minima
| 30-40
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Mitsch Weeping (Pendula)
| 50- 60
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Mitsch Weeping (Pendula)
| 60-80
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Mosery
| 15 -20
| 2L
| Pinus sylvestris Mosery
| 30 -35
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Obesak
| карлик
| 10 – 15
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Paradekissen
| Шт. 20, 40-50
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Piskowitz
| 25-30
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Repanda
| фото
| 40 -50
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Riska
| фото
| 15 -20
| 2L
| Pinus sylvestris Sandringham
| фото
| 50- 60
| 20L
| Pinus sylvestris Skyak
| 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Skyak II
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Sport of Repens почвопокровная
| 25 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Tomino
| 10-15
| 2L
| Pinus sylvestris Troll
| Шт. 30, 10-15
| BK
| Pinus sylvestris Trollguld
| 20-25
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Trollguld
| Сосна обыкновенная Trollguld
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris var. lapponica Fritsche
| 50- 60
| 15L
| Pinus sylvestris var. lapponica Fritsche
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris var. lapponica Fritz
| 20 -25
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Watereri
| 60–80
| 10L
| Pinus sylvestris Watereri
| 50- 60
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Watereri
| 30 -40
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Watereri Spacek
| 60 -70
| 7, 5L
| Pinus sylvestris White Bud
| 25 -30
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Wintergold
| 50- 60
| 3L
| Pinus sylvestris Wintergold
| 50- 60
| 5L
| Pinus sylvestris Wintergold
| 80-100
| 15L
| Pinus uncinata Blanka
| | 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata Bochnik
| 15 -20
| 3L
| Pinus uncinata Fischleinboden
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus uncinata Heideperle
| | 40 -50
| 15L
| Pinus uncinata Jezek
| Шт. 50, 30-35
| 15L
| Pinus uncinata Jež ek
| Сосна горная древовидная Jež ek
| Шт 40, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus uncinata Jež ek
| Сосна горная древовидная Jež ek 
| Шт 20, 10-15
| 3L
| Pinus uncinata Kaktus
| фото
| Шт 40, 15-20
| 3L
| Pinus uncinata Leuco Like
| фото
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata Paradekissen 10*20
| Шт. 40, 30-40
| 5L
| Pinus uncinata Sepp
| 20 -25
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata Taiga
| 15 -20
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata Uschi
| 10 – 15
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata Valchava
| 20 -25
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata Valenta Filigran
| 20 -25
| 5L
| Pinus uncinata Vrchovina (San Seb. )
| фото
| 20-30
| 2L
| Pinus uncinata WB Litomysl 2
| 20 -30
| 5L
| Pinus wallichiana Nana
| 15-20
| 2L
| Pinus x schwerinii Wiethorst
| 15- 20
| 3L
http: //ns4. cpanel. hu/~egzota9/tarolo/conifertreasury/CTsite/7%20World%20Conifer%20Gallery/World%20Conifer%20Gallery/Pinus%20mugo. html
http: //flower. onego. ru/conifer/pinus_m. html
http: //files. conifertreasury. org/ren/Budai%20Kertcentrum%20-%20World%20Conifers/Pinus%20-%20Feny%F5/