3 Making calls. Voice mail. Returning a call. Call one. Call two3 Making calls page 11 1 misunderstood 2 sounded 3 had 4 kept 5 shouted 6 lost 7 wished 8 tried 9 wanted
The person who answers is abrupt and unhelpful.
Hello, accounts department. Marius Pot speaking.
He hesitates a lot and has not prepared what to say.
This is Ramon Berenguer from Genex Pharmaceuticals. Can I speak to Catherine Mellor, please? It’s about an invoice.
page 12 a Can I help you? b Can I have your name please? / Can I ask who’s calling? c Can you spell that, please? d Can I give her a message? e Can you tell him I called? f Can you read it back to me? g Can you speak up, please? h Can you tell me when he/she’ll be back? i Can you get back to me within the hour? j Can you ask him/her to call me back? k Can I get back to you on that? l Can I leave a message with you?
page 13 Voice mail a 4 b 1 c 2 d 6 e 3 f 5
Message 1 about five Message 2 it was finished on time Message 3 the quarterly accounts Message 4 this morning Message 5 a week Message 6 (students’ own ideas)
page 14 Returning a call Call one a Sylvia Wright’s b to know hot the meeting with Tesco went
1 9 6 2 3 4 8 7 5 10
Call two 1 b Stephanie Hughes 2 a Bill Andrews 3 b the factory 4 Sorry about that. I just had to sign something. Where were we? 5 UK customers accepting kangaroo meat
get got meet met take took do did speak spoke say said go went think thought have had send sent come came tell told be was/were give gave
‘a’ is incorrect because the word order is wrong.