The pickup stopped in front of Robbins’s house, and he jumped to the pavement. “Take it easy, ” Shaw said, trying to make up for his earlier behavior. “You too, ” Robbins said. Timmy sat quietly beside his father. “Say good night to Mr. Robbins, ” Shaw told him. “Night, ” Timmy muttered. “Yeah. ” The truck pulled away. Robbins unlatched his front gate. He crossed the lawn toward his dark house, and sat on the porch stairs. Folding his arms over his knees, he stared at the ground. Damn it, there was just something about that one woman–the smaller one. He’d been making delivery runs for years, ever since he turned sixteen, and he’d never felt like this before. He’d never felt this way about any woman. Sure, there were a few he liked well enough, and some who claimed to love him. He could take his pick, whenever he got an urge to hit the sheets. But none like this. This woman was different. Just to sit close to her, to hold her hand, to talk with her quietly through the night… By morning, she would be dead. He could feel the loss, already, like a hollow in his chest. Never to see her again. If it were just himself, he’d go back there, maybe, and if it weren’t already too late… He could get away, all right. They’d come for Peggy, though. And Hank. And their kids. Everybody’d have to leave. The whole family. So why not? If they could get past the boundary, they’d be all right. He could take the woman to Los Angeles, maybe… You’re dreaming her life away! Leaping to his feet, he rushed across the porch and threw open the front door. His hand hit the switch. Blinking in the sudden brightness, he crossed the room to his gun case. He took down his 30‑ 30 Winchester, picked up a box of cartridges, and ran outside. His old Buick was parked on the street. He sped two blocks to his sister’s house, and ran to the screen door. He knocked hard, then entered. “Peggy! ” She came out of the kitchen, worry on her round face. “For Petesakes, Johnny…” “I need to talk to you. Outside. ” Hank appeared in the kitchen doorway. He eyed Robbins with suspicion. “What’s up? ” he asked. “Nothing. Just want a word with Peg. ” Hank’s eyes narrowed. “Big secret, huh? ” “She’ll tell you all about it. ” Robbins grabbed his sister’s fleshy arm and pulled her out the door. He hurried across the lawn, dragging her along. “We’re getting out of here tonight, ” he said. “What? ” “Tonight’s run. There was a girl. I’m going back for her. ” “Johnny, no! ” “I have to. ” “Dear God! Oh dear God! ” “Listen, we’re getting out of here. All of us. ” “No! ” “I’ll get back here as soon as I can. Have Hank and the kids ready to go. ” “Hank won’t leave. You know that. He wouldn’t leave here for the world. ” “That’s his worry, then. ” “Johnny, you can’t do this to us! ” “Do you want to spend the rest of your life here? Do you, Peg? Do you want Jenny and Bill to grow up the way we did? Do you want them turned into murderers like the rest of us? ” She was crying, the tears glistening in her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. “We can’t leave! ” “You will “But Hank. ” “If he won’t come along, the hell with him. You’d be better off without him. ” “I know, but…” “He can’t stop you. ” Johnny hugged his sister tightly. “Don’t worry, okay? We’ll make it. ” She shook her head. “Don’t do this to us. Oh please, Johnny, don’t. ” “Half an hour, ” he said, and climbed into his car.