Chapter XXXIColonel Melchett and I both stared at her.
" A trap? What kind of a trap? "
Miss Marple was a little diffident, but it was clear that she had a plan fully outlined.
" Supposing Mr. Redding were to be rung up on the telephone and warned. "
Colonel Melchett smiled.
" 'All is discovered. Fly! ' That's an old wheeze, Miss Marple. Not that it isn't often successful! But I think in this case young Redding is too downy a bird to be caught that way. "
" It would have to be something specific. I quite realise that, " said Miss Marple. " I would suggest — this is just a mere suggestion — that the warning should come from somebody who is known to have rather unusual views on these matters. Dr. Haydock's conversation would lead any one to suppose that he might view such a thing as murder from an unusual angle. If he were to hint that somebody — Mrs. Sadler — or one of her children — had actually happened to see the transposing of the cache — well, of course, if Mr. Redding is an innocent man, that statement will mean nothing to him, but if he isn't —"
" If he isn't? "
" Well, he might just possibly do something foolish. "
" And deliver himself into our hands. It's possible. Very ingenious, Miss Marple. But will Haydock stand for it? As you say, his views —"
Miss Marple interrupted him brightly.
" Oh! but that's theory! So very different from practice, isn't it? But anyway, here he is, so we can ask him. "
Haydock was, I think, rather astonished to find Miss Marple with us. He looked tired and haggard.
" It's been a near thing, " he said. " A very near thing. But he's going to pull through. It's a doctor's business to save his patient and I saved him, but I'd have been just as glad if I hadn't pulled it off. "
" You may think differently, " said Melchett, " when you have heard what we have to tell you. "
And briefly and succinctly, he put Miss Marple's theory of the crime before the doctor, ending up with her final suggestion.
We were then privileged to see exactly what Miss Marple meant by the difference between theory and practice.
Haydock's views appeared to have undergone complete transformation. He would, I think, have liked Lawrence Redding's head on a charger. It was not, I imagine, the murder of Colonel Protheroe that so stirred his rancour. It was the assault on the unlucky Hawes.
" The damned scoundrel, " said Haydock. " The damned scoundrel! That poor devil Hawes. He's got a mother and a sister too. The stigma of being the mother and sister of a murderer would have rested on them for life, and think of their mental anguish. Of all the cowardly dastardly tricks! "
For sheer primitive rage, commend me to a thoroughgoing humanitarian when you get him well roused.
" If this thing's true, " he said, " you can count on me. The fellow's not fit to live. A defenceless chap like Hawes. "
A lame dog of any kind can always count on Haydock's sympathy.
He was eagerly arranging details with Melchett when Miss Marple rose and I insisted on seeing her home.
" It is most kind of you, Mr. Clement, " said Miss Marple, as we walked down the deserted street. " Dear me, past twelve o'clock. I hope Raymond has gone to bed and not waited up. "
" He should have accompanied you, " I said.
" I didn't let him know I was going, " said Miss Marple.
I smiled suddenly as I remembered Raymond West's subtle psychological analysis of the crime.
" If your theory turns out to be the truth — which I for one do not doubt for a minute, " I said, " you will have a very good score over your nephew. "
Miss Marple smiled also — an indulgent smile.
" I remember a saying of my Great Aunt Fanny's. I was sixteen at the time and thought it particularly foolish. "
" Yes? " I inquired.
" She used to say: 'The young people think the old people are fools; but the old people know the young people are fools! '"