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She was right. On the following Saturday and on every Saturday after that when the weather was fine Herbert turned up on the common. No intercourse passed. He just stood there for a while looking on and then strolled away. But after things had been going on like this for several weeks, the Sunburys had a surprise for him. {здесь начинается следующая сцена, мы видим как родители Герберта пускают новый воздушный змей} They weren’t flying the big kite which he was used to, but a new one, a box–kite, a small one, on the model for which he had made the designs himself. He saw it was creating a lot of interest among the other kite–flyers; they were standing round it and Mrs Sunbury was talking volubly.


Mrs. Sunbury (подходя к Герберту): Like to have a try, Her

Herbert (затаив дыхание): Yes, Mum, I should.

Mrs. Sunbury: It’s just a small one because they say you have to get the knack of it. It’s not like the old–fashioned sort. But we’ve got specifications for a big one, and they say when you get to know about it and the wind’s right you can go up to two miles with it.

Mrs. Sunbury: Samuel, Herbert wants to try the kite.

(Мр Санбери с улыбкой дает воздушный Змей сыну. " Когда он сбежал с холма, змей прекрасно поднялся в воздух, и когда он увидел, как змей взлетает, сердце его наполнилось ликованием". )

Mrs. Sunbury: Why don’t you come back and have a cup of tea, Herbert? And we’ll show you the designs for the new one they want to build for us. Perhaps you could make some suggestions.

Herbert: I don’t mind if I do.


                                               Scene 12.

(Дома у Санбери. Герберт пьет чай. Миссис Санбери показывает ему нового большого змея... )

Herbert: You’ll never be able to fly it by yourselves.

Mr. Sunbury: We can try.

Herbert: I suppose you wouldn’t like me to help you just at first?

Mrs. Sunbury: Mightn’t be a bad idea.

(Музыка. Они обсуждают новый змей. Вдруг Герберт смотрит на часы)

Herbert: Oh, it's late. I think I have to go. Betty is waiting for me at home.

(Прощаются. Герберт уходит)


                                                    Scene 13.

Author: On the following Saturday he went again to the common and again his mother let him fly the kite. They had ordered the new one and expected to get it in three weeks.


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