(Лужайка. Миссис Санбери запускает Змея, вокруг смотрят люди, в стороне стоит Герберт..)Scene 8. (Мать и отец дома, возвращается Герберт) Herbert: Look here, Mum, what d’you mean by treating the poor girl like that? I was simply ashamed of you. Mrs. Sunbury: Don’t talk to your mother like that, Herbert. You didn’t ought to have brought a woman like that into my house. Common, she is, common as dirt. Herbert: She said she’d never been so insulted in her life. I had a rare job pacifying her. Mrs. Sunbury: Well, she’s never coming here again, I tell you that straight. Herbert: That’s what you think. I’m engaged to her, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Mrs Sunbury (шокuрована): You’re not? Herbert: Yes, I am. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and then she was so upset tonight I felt sorry for her, so I popped the question and I had a rare job persuading her, I can tell you. Mrs. Sunbury (кричит): You fool. You fool. (продолжают ругаться) Scene 9. (прошло немного времени. Все те же))
Herbert: Mum, Betty and me are getting married and we’re going to Southend for the honeymoon. ---dead silence in the room. ---- Mrs. Sunbury: Bit sudden–like, isn’t it, Herbert& Herbert: Well, they’re cutting down at Betty’s office and she’s out of a job, so we thought we’d better get married at once. We’ve taken two rooms in Dabney Street and we’re furnishing out of my Savings Bank money. (Миссис Санбери очень расстроена, кажется она вот вот заплачет) Oh, come on, Mum, don’t take it so hard. A fellow has to marry sometime. If Dad hadn’t married you, I shouldn’t be here now, should I? Mrs Sunbury (вытирая слезы рукой): Your dad didn’t marry me; I married ’im. I knew he was steady and respectable. I knew he’d make a good ’usband and father. I’ve never ’ad cause to regret it and no more ’as your dad. That’s right, Samuel, isn’t it? Mr. Sunbury: Right as rain, Beatrice. Herbert: You know, you’ll like Betty when you get to know her. She’s a nice girl, she is really. I believe you’d find you had a lot in common. You must give her a chance, Mum. Mrs. Sunbury: She’s never going to set foot in this house only over my dead body. Herbert: That’s absurd, Mum. Why, everything’ll be just the same if you’ll only be reasonable. I mean, we can go flying on Saturday afternoons same as we always did. Just this time I’ve been engaged it’s been difficult. You see, she can’t see what there is in kite–flying, but she’ll come round to it, and after I’m married it’ll be different, I mean I can come and fly with you and Dad; that stands to reason. ’ Mrs. Sunbury: That’s what you think. Well, let me tell you that if you marry that woman you’re not going to fly my kite. I never gave it you, I bought it out of the housekeeping money, and it’s mine, see. Herbert: All right then, have it your own way. Betty says it’s a kid’s game anyway and I ought to be ashamed of myself, flying a kite at my age. (Герберт angrily уходит из дома... )
promezhutok #2. He got up and once more stalked angrily out of the house. A fortnight later he was married. Mrs Sunbury refused to go to the wedding and wouldn’t let Samuel go either. They went for their holiday and came back. They resumed their usual round. On Saturday afternoons they went to the common by themselves and flew their enormous kite. Mrs Sunbury never mentioned her son. She was determined not to forgive him. But Mr Sunbury used to meet him on the morning train they both took and they chatted a little when they managed to get into the same carriage.
Scene 10. (Железнодорожная станция. Мр. Санбери и Герберт. Герберт уже несколько недель не живет с родителями)
Herbert: Good flying weather today. D’you and Mum still fly? Mr. Sunbury: What do you think? She’s getting as clever as I am. You should see her with her skirts pinned up running down the hill. I give you my word, I never knew she had it in her. Run? Why, she can run better than what I can. Herbert (laughing): Don’t make me laugh, Dad! Mr. Sunbury: I wonder you don’t buy a kite of your own, Herbert. You’ve been always so keen on it. Herbert: I know I was. I did suggest it once, but you know what women are, Betty said: “Be your age, ” and oh, I don’t know what all. I don’t want a kid’s kite, of course, and them big kites cost money. When we started to furnish Betty said it was cheaper in the long run to buy the best and so we went to one of them hire purchase places and what with paying them every month and the rent, well, I haven’t got any more money than just what we can manage on. They say it doesn’t cost any more to keep two than one, well, that’s not my experience so far. Mr. Sunbury: Isn’t she working? Herbert: Well, no, she says after working for donkeys’ years as you might say, now she’s married she’s going to take it easy, and of course someone’s got to keep the place clean and do the cooking.
Scene 11. (Лужайка. Миссис Санбери запускает Змея, вокруг смотрят люди, в стороне стоит Герберт.. )
Mrs. Sunbury: Did you see what I saw, Samuel? Mr. Sunbury: I saw Herbert, if that’s what you mean. I didn’t mention it because I thought it would only upset you. I wonder if he’ll come next Saturday. Mrs. Sunbury: If I didn’t think betting was wrong I’d bet you sixpence he will, Samuel. I’ve been waiting for this all along. Mr. Sunbury: You have? Mrs. Sunbury: I knew from the beginning he wouldn’t be able to keep away from it.