Scene 5.(Воспоминания)Scene 3. (Спальня мистера и миссис Санберри. Они готовятся ко сну, в вечер когда Герберту исполнилось 21 год).
Mrs. Sunburry: Some people don’t know how lucky they are; thank the Lord, I do. No one’s ever had a better son than our Herbert. Hardly a day’s illness in his life and he’s never given me a moment’s worry. It just shows if you bring up somebody right they’ll be a credit to you. Fancy him being twenty–one, I can hardly believe it. Mr. Sunburry: Yes, I suppose before we know where we are he’ll be marrying and leaving us. Mrs. Sunburry (нервно): What should he want to do that for? He’s got a good home here, hasn’t he? Don’t you go putting silly ideas into his head, Samuel, or you and me’ll have words and you know that’s the last thing I want. Marry indeed! He’s got more sense than that. He knows when he’s well off. He’s got sense, Herbert has. (после паузы): I don’t hold with a man marrying till he knows his own mind. And a man doesn’t know his own mind till he’s thirty or thirty–five. Mr. Sunburry (пытаясь перевести тему разговора): He was pleased with his presents. Mrs. Sunburry(upset): And so he ought to be. The silver watch, that you've given is wonderful. And my kite... (задумчиво): I still remember the first time he saw a kite...
Scene 4. (Воспоминания) (сцена плвно перетекает в воспоминания миссис Санберри. Маленькия Герберт (7 лет) с родителями на прогулке. Вокруг люди пускают воздушные змеи) Mrs. Sunburry (to her husband): Samuel, it is good for you to get a breath of fresh air after being cooped up in a stuffy office all the week as much as possible. And... Herbert (резко ее прерывая): Look at them kites, Mum! Mrs. Sunburry: Those, Herbert, not them. Mr. Sunburry: Would you like to go and see where they start, Herbert? Herbert: Oh, yes, Dad! ... (Наблюдают за воздушными змеями некоторое время)... (восторженно) Mum, can I have a kite? Mrs. Sunburry: Whatever for? Herbert: To fly it, Mum. Mrs. Sunburry: If you’re so sharp you’ll cut yourself. (Переглянувшись с улыбкой с мужем): If you’re a good boy and wash your teeth regular every morning without me telling you I shouldn’t be surprised if Santa Claus didn’t bring you a kite on Christmas Day. Scene 5. (Воспоминания) (Эта сцена будет происходить под музыку, почти без слов, только действия. Рождество. Герберт разворачивает подарки и находит Змея, он счастлив и с возгласами " Mum, Dad, look what Santa Claus has brought to me! " убегает. Далее мы видим как Герберт пытается управлять змеем. У нас на глазах Герберт взрослеет.. )