ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThanks to my lovely critique partners Carrie Sullivan and Elizabeth Reyes. I appreciate your support, encouragement, and willingness to be tough on what I write, even if I whine. As one of my writing professors (Patrick Murphy) said: “You can’t explain to your reader what you meant by that line. ” You guys help me stick to that bit of wisdom as closely as I’m able. To my beta-readers—Ami Keller, Robin Deeslie and Hannah Webber—thank you for quick turnarounds on manuscript bits and the tons of suggestions, beneficial comments, and WTF-is-this observations. As always, thanks to Kim Nguyen-Hart for reading and trying to be objective (I love that you sorta can’t), and for being the best BFF ever. To my new copy editor, Stephanie Lott (aka Bibliophile), it was wonderful to put this manuscript in your capable hands and have you find the errors missed by my brain as I was reading through it for the hundredth time. Thanks Mom and Dad for the supportive phone calls, asking how the book is doing and how the writing is going. Your cheerful encouragement means so much. Still sorry about the cursing. I love you! Zach, your dream was the inspiration for this entire series. Thank you for taking time to share info on the technical aspects of your craft, as well as the gossipy bits. I’m so proud of you. Keith, thank you for liking and understanding Reid. You’ve helped me flesh him out better than I ever could have without your input. Thank you Paul, for taking care of me—making sure I’m fully stocked on coffee, doing laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, and being the inspiration for every guy I will ever write—yes, even the really naughty ones. I love you even more than I did at seventeen, though I couldn’t have imagined this life, or this love, at the time. Finally, thank you to every reader who took a chance on Between the Lines, and enjoyed it enough to come back for more. Without your support, doing what I love would be a lot less fun.