Prologue 8 страница“Oh, yeah. ” I pulled back bashfully and crossed my arms over my chest. “I forgot. ” “It’s ok. ” He laughed. “You do look cute. But, something’s not right. What happened this morning? That wasn’t a normal withdrawal. You were terrified. ” “I had a dream. It was so real. ” I rubbed my arm absently, remembering Marcus and his hateful grasp. Caleb turned his head slightly. He looked concerned and then wary. He pushed my short sleeve up. I gasp as I saw a burned black handprint on my arm. But it was a dream right? He growled beside me. “I’m gonna kill him. ” “But it was dreaming. How is this possible? ” “We need to go see my father. I wish you could show me what happened, ” he muttered. “But I can can’t I? Just like you did me? ” He shook his head. “You can try but everything is harder for humans. ” I turned to him, laying my knee on his leg. I pulled his face close and I saw a flash glimpse of a kiss. I realized it was him imagining me kissing him. I held my gasp in check and pushed that aside. It was good to know he at least wanted to since he hadn’t done it yet, I was curious as to why. But now I could see that in his mind, I wanted to smile but it wasn’t the time. I pressed my forehead to his, just like he had done to me in the restaurant, immediately feeling his heartbeat unsteady and slightly faster, and remembered the dream. It was just as real. Unlike any memory I’ve ever had and I guessed that it was just as real for Caleb as me when we memory transplant. I heard his fast intake of breath and knew he was seeing it too, now, so I let it all flow between us. His breaths sped up as he saw me in pain, getting out of bed. Then when I yanked the door open to find Kyle instead he grunted in annoyance. And when Kyle told me he was my significant and Caleb didn’t exist I had to grip Caleb’s head harder to hold him in place. Then we got to the Marcus part, he growled and huffed all the way through it. When I landed forcefully in my bed at the end of the dream, I pulled back and looked at him expectantly. But he surprised me by not talking about the dream right away. “Maggie, I’m so proud of you for being able to do that. Everyone told me to warn you, to make sure that you understood how hard it was gonna be and what a struggle it was for humans but you have blown all those theories out of the water. You are so amazing. ” I blossomed under his praise. I tried to hide my smile but failed. He smiled too and cupped my cheek, bringing his face to mine, our noses touching-our lips so, so close. But no kiss. We sat like that, sharing air and listening to each other’s thoughts as we allowed them to be open and tangible for the other about the dream, about each other, about everything. I could feel what he felt in his thoughts, like they were my own. It was amazing and breathtaking. Too soon, he pulled back and sighed forcefully. “Can’t put it off any longer. Let’s go see my father. ” “Ok, ” I said anxiously and practically jumped from the bed. I wanted to know what had happened as much if not more than he did. I almost forgot Caleb was still here as I began to pull my shirt over my head. When the hem got to the edge of my bra I stopped, realizing what I was doing. I peeked at him and he was staring at me with a sort of gaze I’d never seen directed my way before. Which is sad since I had a boyfriend for three years. You see, I’m a virgin. Yes, Chad and I dated for three years and yes I loved him, in some way, but now all that has been questioned. I never longed to see him without a shirt, I never sat in bed at night thinking about kissing him, I never got butterflies or goose bumps, ever in my recollection of being with Chad. Our being together was like an arrangement or agreement from day one of high school and it was just implied from then on. We kissed some, we wrestled, we played just like any other couple, went on dates, snuggled watching movies. But it was more for comfort I think. He felt more like a really good friend and someone who I was comfortable being with more than someone I was in love with. He was someone who’d known me forever. I didn’t have to let him see anything in me he didn’t already know. He was safe. Just like my father had said, he was right. There was no way I would have ever gone too far with Chad because he was always one foot out the door and I was too complacent with being stuck on first base. And neither of us had any intentions of changing that, before he decided to end it. How had I not seen this? I loved Chad but I wasn’t in love with him. I missed him because I could talk to him about anything because he’d hug me and tell me it’d all be alright whether it really was or not. I had wanted him because he was my home base, my safe zone, my constant. And now, I could never go back to something like that. Not after having passion for someone, after seeing what’s it like to want and feel something in your bones, after blushing at the way someone looks at you, like I was blushing under Caleb’s hot gaze, right now. I pulled my shirt down swiftly but his eyes stayed fixed on my stomach, then jerked to mine. “Sorry, ” he said and shook himself. I wanted to giggle at him but I was still too shaken myself. I’d never had someone so fixed on me before. It was fascinating and exhilarating and terrifying, in that order. “It’s ok. Sorry. I almost forgot you were here. ” “I’ll wait downstairs while you get dressed. And try to avoid your dad and his wrath, ” he joked before rubbing his chin as he left, shutting the door. I sat on my bed in a daze. Caleb had been in my room. I wonder what he thought of it. I felt like I was crammed so tight. So much had happened in the past couple days, more then than ever, to change my life. I took a breath and went to my closet to pick something out, preferably something with sleeves to help cover the handprint. I’m glad dad hadn’t seen it. He would never have believed me that Caleb hadn’t put it there. I dragged on a pair of jeans and a coral tank with a white cropped cardigan. Then I slipped on my flops and went to the bathroom to do the rest. When I creaked down the stairs a few minutes later, I heard Caleb and dad talking in the kitchen. So I stopped on the stairs and listened. “Yes, sir. I understand all that but I’m not some frat guy trying to take advantage of your daughter. Yes, I’m in college and I live in another city but we’ll make it work. ” “How long have you even known my daughter? ” A hesitation. “A few days. ” “So how can you possibly feel-” “She saved my life. ” “What? ” “She didn’t tell you? I would have been hit by a truck but she pulled me out of the way. ” I heard dad grunt and pause. “So, that’s what this is? You feel indebted to her? ” “No, sir. I feel very grateful to her for what she did but that’s how we met, that’s not why I want to be with her. ” “Then why, son? ” “Forgive me if I’m being too bold, sir, but don’t you know your own daughter? Don’t you know how amazing she is? It can’t be that hard to see why I’d be interested. ” “I know she’s cute-” “I’m not talking about her looks. ” “Look, she’s only ever been involved with one guy and it was for... what, three years at least. But it wasn’t serious. She’s inexperienced about everything. She’s too young to be so intense about you, and I see it. She’s gonna get all crazy about you and then you’ll be gone and who knows what silly notion she’ll get then. Follow you to college or whatever but I won’t have it. I don’t care that she graduated, that doesn’t mean-” I’d had enough of this conversation so I bounded down and interrupted them. “Hey. Ready? ” “Yeah. Good talking to you sir but I promise you have nothing to worry about with me. ” “I hope so, Caleb. ” “Bye, dad, ” I shouted as I pulled Caleb from the kitchen. “Helmet! ” he yelled back as we shut the door. “I’m sorry about him. He’s a psycho or something. ” Caleb laughed as he buckled our helmets and I noticed he was wearing a Hawksley Workman t-shirt. I loved them. “He’s just worried about you. It’s better than him not worrying about you, right? ” “Debatable. Where are we going? ” “To my house. My dad had to work today so we’ll catch him at the home office. ” I was thrilled to be going to Caleb’s house. He put the jacket on me again and I climbed on behind him as he cranked the bike. I grabbed on tight and held on as he pulled away from my house. I saw dad peeking out the kitchen curtain and wondered why Caleb was going so slow. Then, when we hit the end of the street, I realized why. My dad had been watching. “Alright, all clear, ” he said. “Hang on. ” He revved it up and sped away as soon as the light turned green. I squealed but this time it was excitement, not fright. He laughed as I squeezed him around the middle. “I’m glad you like it. I was worried you’d hate it and I’d be forced to drive something else when I’m with you, ” he said through the headset in the helmet. “No. I love it. What do you do when it rains? ” “Well, I have a truck, too. I just prefer to drive this. ” “Oh. ” I wondered how he could afford two automobiles when he was only nineteen. “So, I heard you and my dad talking in the kitchen. ” “Mmhmm. About Chad? ” he said. “Yeah, Kyle actually told me some about him too, ” he said in a flat tone. “He did? ” “Yeah. I asked him about you, he said you and this guy had gone out for a long time and that it was pretty intense. ” “It wasn’t really. I mean, I thought it was at the time but... he was just the only guy I’d ever known, ever been out with. Ya know. ” “So, what happened? ” “Kyle didn’t tell you? ” “Well. Chad has wanted to go to Florida to play football since... forever. ” “The Gators, ” he said incredulously. “I know, right? Anyway his dad went there and it’s what he’s always wanted. So I always knew he was leaving as soon as he graduated. He decided the beginning of senior year to end it then and it would be easier that way on both of us. ” “Ok, ” he said dragging out the letters. “So he dumped you senior year after three years of dating because he didn’t want to hurt you? ” “Yep. And he did it just days after my mom left so... but he didn’t know that she left, it just really sucked for me. ” “Hmm. That’s some logic he’s got there. ” “Yeah. ” “So, if he hadn’t done that you’d still be with him. ” It wasn’t lost on me that he didn’t phrase it as a question. So, I answered truthfully. “Yeah, more than likely. He was the only thing I knew. We’ve known each other since we were babies. He was my friend. ” He nodded. “I’d hate to think what would have happened if we’d imprinted while you were still dating him. ” “We wouldn’t have imprinted, ” I mused. “I would have been with him instead of waiting for Kyle. Which means, you wouldn’t be here. I wouldn’t have pulled you back. ” He nodded again and then spoke slowly. “Well, don’t take this the wrong way and I know it sucked for you this year but... I’m glad you aren’t still with him. And I’m glad you were at that red light. ” I squeezed his chest. “Me too. It was worth it. ” I felt a rush of hazy warmth from his mind at my words. He drove silently the rest of the way and safely but fast, I enjoyed it all the way. We reached a long street and he began to slow. I saw the houses we were passing and wondered if he was turning down another street. Those houses were insane. They all had gates our front, like the people who lived there were important. I started getting a bit anxious. I mean Kyle’s house was really nice but it was nothing compared to these. “Don’t freak out. ” He chuckled reading my thoughts. “We share our house with family a lot of the time, plus Jen and Maria still live here. So we have to have a big place to have room for everyone but we’re not snobs. Promise. ” “I know. It’s just a little overwhelming compared to what I’ve seen before. ” He pulled up to a big black double gate with a J in silver on each one and a half circle centered in the filigree work along the top of the gate and fence. Just like his tattoo on the inside of his wrist. He pressed a red button on the voice box. “Yes? State your business here, ” a pompous British voice answered. “It’s me, Randolph. Cut the British crap. ” “Oh. It’s you, Caleb, ” a now normal American voice said. “I was trying it out. No good? ” “Nah, ” Caleb laughed. “I’d stick with the Aussie if I were you. ” “Oh, well. Come on in, your father’s in his study. ” “Thanks. ” “What was that? ” I asked. “Our butler\security\maintenance man, Randolph. He’s a guy we keep around to handle all the house stuff since we’re always in and out. Plus, he’s a hoot. ” “You have a butler? ” I asked incredulously. “A butler as in one. And he’s a jack of all trades. We don’t have maids or chefs or groundskeepers, we do all that ourselves. We just need someone here all the time for safety reasons. Plus, he really needed a job at the time so my dad helped him, ” he explained. “And you’re already on the list to come and go when you want, just in case you’re ever in the neighborhood. ” “I’ll keep that in mind, ” I said with a smile.
We parked in a huge garage and along side six other vehicles. Six. I saw his truck that he referred to earlier. It was a black Dodge Ram extended cab. The rest of the cars were expensive and had model names that were letters and numbers and I had no idea what they were. But they looked nice. He got off first this time and lifted me from the bike. He set me down in front of him and took off my helmet. “I’ll have to keep a steady supply of rubber bands here if we keep this up, ” I mused as I tried to tame my hair. He laughed softly. “Well, you can keep anything here you want. I told you, you’re welcome anytime. In fact, I’m not trying to scare you, but we have a spare bedroom with your name on it. ” “What? ” “We have a couple extra rooms with beds. Nothing special but anytime you want to crash here your welcome too. My parents insisted I tell you that. ” “Oh. Ok. Thanks. ” “I mean it. I mean, we still have a lot of things to talk about but, one of them needs to be what you’re going to do when I go back to school, when I come home and to my apartment. I can’t live at Kyle’s forever. ” I nodded and unzipped the jacket, putting it under the seat. “Yeah I know. ” And I did, I just had no idea what to do about it. “Ok. Let’s go see dad. ” He took my hand and we walked towards the door. “You really are taking everything well, you know. I knew you would but I was still a little worried. ” “Do you want me to run for the door screaming? Because I can do that if you want? ” He laughed loudly, his dimple winking, and grabbed me around my stomach. “No. I don’t want that. ” “Just checking. ” “You really are kinda perfect, ” he mused quietly. Oh, I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted him badly. I didn’t know why he hadn’t yet but I knew he wanted to from that little flash from his mind. So why was he stalling? His expression told me he read my mind but as he opened his mouth to say something we heard a voice over the intercom. “Caleb? Is that Maggie? What are you doing here? Is something wrong? ” Peter said frantically in his deep timber voice. “Of course it’s Maggie, dad. Who else would I be about to kiss in the garage? ” he called out. I bit my lip to keep the smile from breaking but kept my composure at his admission. About to kiss! “Well, bring her in! ” “Ok. I am! ” He looked at me and smiled. “I think he likes you. ” “I like him too. All your family is great, especially Gran. ” “She’s everyone’s favorite. ” “So, what do you think your dad will know about... this. ” I rubbed my arm where the handprint sat under the fabric. “Have you heard of this before? ” “Not me. Maybe he has. I’ll warn you though, ” he stopped me and looked at me pointedly. “I’m not thinking this is a good thing. But whatever it is, we’ll get through it, ok? ” “Ok. ” “I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, ” he assured. “I know. ” “Good. ” He started towing me again, through the garage doors, and into the house. I was jumped by a big furry blonde creature and slammed into Caleb’s side. “Bella! Down! ” He righted me and looked apologetic. “Sorry. She’s still only a puppy. Still learning aren’t you, girl. Bad girl, ” he said but crooned it sweetly like it was an endearment. “A puppy? She’s huge? What is she? ” “She’s a Sheepdog. Only seven months old. ” She was an English Sheepdog, I could see it now. She was big, up past my knee with long blonde and white shaggy hair that hung over her eyes and legs. “Well, ” I said and bent down to pet her. “She’s pretty. ” Bella nuzzled my hand and then my neck, making me giggle while Caleb tried to pull her back. “And sweet. She’s ok, ” I assured him. I scratched behind her ears and she groaned a happy noise and flopped herself right on top of my lap almost. We laughed at her as she wagged her feet in the air and rubbed her head against my hand. “She likes you. She usually doesn’t like strangers. ” Then he groaned and squinted. “That really sounded like some lame pick-up line didn’t it? ” “Kind of, ” I laughed. “How did you come up with Bella? ” “Don’t laugh, ” he said sternly, took a deep breath and muttered something under his breath I didn’t catch. “What? ” I asked and leaned closer. “Twilight! Ok! Twilight! ” He laughed. “Maria, it’s her fault. I told her she could name her and she’s on this Twilight kick. ” He shook his head. “Jen drew the line at putting a picture of Edward on her door. ” I laughed and continued to pet Bella. “But she’s only eight, right? ” “Yes, but she’s really smart. She’s read all the books. ” “Well so have I but I would never have read them when I was eight. ” “It’s not just that though. She reads everything. Murder mystery, fantasy, sci-fi. She’s a freak but, I love her. ” “Wow. ” “Ok, Bella. That’s enough belly rubbing, ” he crooned and patted her stomach. “I’m taking Maggie to see dad. ” We got up and she whined and tried to follow but Caleb turned, put his hand up. “No, girl. Stay. ” She did but she didn’t look happy about it as her tail hung and she panted. He took my hand and pulled me down a bunch of winding halls and up some big white stairs. “I can’t stay here, Caleb. I’ll get lost every time I go to the bathroom. It’s like the Labyrinth in here. ” He cracked up. “That’s a good name for it. My dad designed the house to confuse anyone who doesn’t live here. Burglars, ya know. There’s a trick to it. I’ll show you later. ” “Ok. ” The next hall we turned had black walls and floors. There were pictures lined with white backdrops of all kinds of funky buildings all down the walls, floor to ceiling. “These are my dad’s designs, ” Caleb said proudly, pulling me to one that was particularly bizarre but in a good way. “Wow, these are great. I had no idea you could do things like this with a building. ” “Yeah. He’s the best. And he loves it which makes it even better. ” “Caleb? ” Peter shouted down the hall. “Are you purposely keeping Maggie from me? ” Caleb rolled his eyes and pushed me forward with a hand on the small of my back. Peter was sitting at an insanely large cherry desk in a huge office with black walls as well. He smiled hugely when we entered. “Here you go, dad, ” Caleb said sarcastically and presented me like a gift. “I’ll just wait over here. ” Peter guffawed and came around to greet me. He was wearing black slacks and a blue Oxford button up with the sleeves rolled up. “Oh, come on now, Caleb. ” He hugged me tightly. “This is the only time I’ll get this chance. Let me have my fun, ” he said just like Gran had yesterday. “Ok, dad, ” Caleb said smiling. “But can we remember that I saw her first? ” “Absolutely. ” He pulled back to look at me with amusement. “And how are you, my dear? ” “Great. And I love your house. ” “I love it too. ” He winked. “Did Caleb extend our invitation to you? ” “He did. Thank you, I really appreciate it. ” “And? ” “And? ” I said confused. Caleb came over and stood beside me as Peter released me and leaned back on his desk. “Dad. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you yet. You see, Maggie’s dad is gonna be more of a... problem that we originally thought, ” he said and looked apologetically to me. Peter sat up straight and crossed his arms, looking pensive. “That right? ” “Yes. We’ve already had a couple close calls. So, I told Maggie she can stay here when she wants to but she won’t be able to do anything more than that right now, dad. ” “Hmm. ” Peter rubbed his chin just like Caleb does. “Well, we’ll have to figure something out. ” “Yeah, ” I chimed in. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him but he’s all of a sudden decided to start parenting again. ” “Tell me, ” he waved to the couch in front of him for us to sit. “Tell me what happened with him. Why he’s been so absent from your life until now. ” I sat down with Caleb and thought how to process and word it all. With dad having confessed and apologized and now was being so awkward and upset with Caleb, it was like a fresh wound. Caleb’s hand came up to massage my neck, calming, soothing. I smiled at him gratefully. “Well, he hasn’t been absent. We’ve always been happy and together until last summer, before school started. My mom left. After that my dad has been like a zombie. ” I told him the whole sad story up until present day. I watched his face as I told him and saw that he was concerned but didn’t pity me. “Hmm. ” He rubbed his chin again and then ran one hand through his hair. I saw the same tattoo Caleb had on the inside of his wrist except his father’s half circle had Rachel’s name around the curved side. “Well, he must see that what is between you two isn’t going to just go away. That’s why he’s so frightened by this. I understand, I have a daughter myself. It’s hard to watch them grow up. I think this is just what he needed to wake up. ” “Yeah, but it couldn’t have come at a worse time. He said Caleb can’t come over in the mornings anymore. ” Peter jolted up. “Now that is a problem. Hmm. I’d hate for you two to have outs with each other when you’ve just gotten him back in your life. ” “Me too, ” I said truthfully. “But you can’t deny the need for Caleb-” “I know, believe me. Dad almost kicked Caleb out this morning and I... completely freaked, ” I admitted quietly. “I don’t know what we’re gonna do but... we gotta figure it out somehow. If I just leave him like that, I don’t know what he’ll do. I’m all he’s got. ” Peter nodded and looked sincerely understanding. “We’ll work it out, somehow, Maggie. We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. ” “Ok, dad. So one more thing, ” Caleb inched into the topic at hand. “Ok, ” he said warily. Caleb pulled my sweater open and pulled the shoulder down to expose my upper arm. Peter growled his words out, just like Caleb had. “Again? How? ” “No, dad, not again. This was a dream. ” His dad paled and leaned against the desk further to keep from falling. I jumped up to him. “Are you ok? ” I asked. “Dad, what is it? ” “They have an echoling, ” Peter answered breathless and then banged his fist on the desk. “What’s that? ” Caleb asked. Peter looked at my arm and grasped it gently. “This is an echo. A dream that is so real that it becomes real; tangible. They dream it and fashion it how they see fit and then send it, or echo it, to who the intended recipient is. They can imagine whatever they want and make it real. Make it happen to someone as if it were actually happening to them. They don’t have to even be aware that you’re asleep, you just receive the echo when you are sleeping. That’s why you have the offense mark. Because for all intents and purposes, it did happen. ” I stared at him and waited for him to finish and to tell me that there was some way to stop it or make it go away. But he just sat there thinking. “So, they can just climb into my dreams whenever they want and hurt me? ” Caleb came closer and laced our fingers. “Yes, ” Peter said bluntly. “They can hurt you and drain you of your energy and essence. When you wake up you feel like you haven’t slept at all when they are in your dreams. Unless... ” He sighed. “The solution is a little ironic I guess in this case. ” “What? Whatever it is, we’ll do it, ” Caleb answered forcefully. “Well, the only way to stop it is for Caleb to be with you. His touch calms you, it heals you and also keeps you from harm, from attack of another’s ability. He anchors you, grounds you, so to speak. He’s your shield. ” I guess Caleb and I continued to stare at him because he sighed and said more bluntly, “You have to sleep with Caleb. Just sleep, ” he insisted quickly, “but he has to be touching you while you sleep in order to keep Marcus or anyone else away. He’s your barrier. ” I blinked. “I don’t understand. ” “Your imprint works so that you are always together, Maggie. You live best, work best, play best, love best and fight best when you’re together. You’ll even sleep best when you are. I know I do all those things best with Rachel. ” “I have no idea how we’ll pull that off with my dad the way he is lately. ” “Me either. Let me think on it. In the meantime, just stay together as long as possible. Ok? ” I nodded and then had another thought. “I thought no one in their clan had ascended either? How can Marcus have abilities? ” “He doesn’t. Someone’s helping him. That’s what worries me most. ” I let Caleb pull me from the room. He called out over his shoulder. “Bye, dad. Thanks. ” “Caleb. ” He came to the hall to speak. “I know this is hard for you both. You’re both young and you’re trying not to hurt Maggie’s father but, this is inevitable. You two can’t be apart. ” He looked at me. “Maggie, I know this is strange for you but I feel the need to stress the severity of the situation. It won’t just make you ill if you’re apart, Caleb will be ill too. I’ll work on trying to figure something out about your father but if it doesn’t pan out and he forbids you to see Caleb-” “I understand. We have to be together, even at the cost of angering my father. I understand, I do. ” He smiled sadly at me. “I’m so sorry, Maggie. Usually, for us, these first few years after imprinting are very special and joyous times. I’m sorry that it doesn’t seem to be that way for you now but, it’ll get better. ” “It’s ok. Thank you. ” “Will you stay? For a while? Rachel would love to have you both for dinner, I’m sure. ” I looked at Caleb and shrugged.