PS5 Parties and Party Systems. P. = agency for forging the links between citizens and policy-makers. P.= entities that contest elections and which are able to win elections over timePS5 Parties and Party Systems [Roskin] P. = Any group working under a particular label, even loosely organized, that aims at selecting people for governmental offices [Danziger] P. = " a type of interest group that attempts to capture political power directly, by placing its members in governmental office". [Burke] P. = body of men united for promoting by their joint endeavors the national interest [Lawson] P. = agency for forging the links between citizens and policy-makers [Schlessinger] P. = entities that contest elections and which are able to win elections over time
[Duverger] P. = (a) organizations having their primary goal in the conquest of power or a share in its exercise, and (b) drawing their support from a broad base, in contrast to pressure groups, which represent a limited number with a particular or private interest.
Functions of parties 1 Brokers of ideas / Aggregation of interests -> P. have to simplify the complex world of interest and value conflicts; they create " policy packages" or/and appeal to ideologies that are comprehendible for average citizens (" programmatic" vs " ideological" parties) 2 Political socialization -> activity aimed at familiarizing citizens with the core elements of their political culture (norms, values, and procedures). Citizens develop " party identification", due to which he or she trusts a given party to be best representing their interests. This generalized trust reduces the cost of acquiring the necessary political knowledge. 3 Linking individual and system -> P. integrate people into political system; this enables politicians both to identify the expectations and demands of the citizenry as well as to inform them about policies implemented; 4 Mobilizing citizens -> during political (electoral) campaigns in particular citizens are activated for " abnormative" levels of public and political involvement, leading to the choice of political alternatives that suits them best; political campaigns are deliberately organized by parties. 5 Recruiting political activists -> p. activities have to be sustained by " foot-soldiers" and " gladiators", both – in sequence – are recruited among the more active party supporters interested in influencing policy decisions concerning both interests of particular social groups or/and all-national interests 6 Coordinating governmental operations -> p. have to select people for governmental positions and clarify their responsibilities as well as (in many multi-party systems in particular) create a system of effectively functioning coalitional inter-party mechanisms; p. have to coordinate the routine " everyday" working of the government 7 Serving as opposition -> in multi-party systems, part of them remain during a term in opposition and has clear role as an opposition; [p. have to be well prepared for this role (opposition vs obstruction) [Pomper] Trzy analityczne wymiary: (i) zasię g => a. elita => b. masy (ii) cele => a. zbiorowe – realizacja interesó w grup, nie jednostek => b. koalicyjne – " nagrody" dzielone wś ró d czł onkó w koalicji dla ich indywidualnego zadowolenia (iii) styl dział ania => a. instrumentalny – racjonalna kalkulacja => b. ekspresyjny – bazują cy na elementach afektywnych: lojalnoś ci, ideał ach, solidarnoś ci itp.