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       Time passed. I slept and ate and did my best to occupy myself, but it was all done with the kind of blank obligation that leaves next to no real impression. I felt so utterly disconnected, like I was watching a video of something that was happening to someone else.

       I hated myself for being so weak. I'd never been one to wallow in self-pity before. Problems weren't things to dwell on, they were obstacles to be overcome on the way to better things. But in this situation, I didn't even know where to start.

       I must have read Sebastian's note a hundred times over the next few days. It consumed me. I had no idea how one single piece of paper could make my heart soar so high yet still shatter into a million pieces. I wanted to hate him for not choosing me, but the way the letter was phrased made me question if he even had a choice at all. That scared me a little. The things he alluded to were every bit as unbelievable as those my imagination had conjured. Perhaps he really had been doing me a favour.

       Eventually, after several days of ignoring my phone, I woke up one afternoon to find Ruth banging on my door.

       " Holy shit, " she said, when I finally answered. " You look like you've just returned from a week long bender. "

       " That good, huh? " I replied, managing a small smile. I'd thought I couldn't stomach company, but now that she was there in front of me, I realised how much I appreciated seeing a familiar face.

       She stared at me, her brow furrowed in concern.

       " So, word got around then I take it? " I asked.

       She nodded. " Elle called me saying you weren't answering your phone. Explained what had happened. I came as soon as I could. " She stepped towards me and pulled me into a hug. " I'm sorry, Soph. "

       I didn't know what to say, so I just hugged her back.

       " Can I come in? " she asked. I nodded and lead her into the lounge.

       " Now, tell me about it, " she said.

       And so I did, being careful to avoid mentioning Sebastian. She obviously had no idea about that, and it was still too raw for me to talk about.

       When I was done, she let out a long breath and shook her head slowly. " I'll never understand how the people in that place are so blind. It's like it's all just a popularity contest. And if I ever meet that bitch Jennifer, she's going to need more than some weaselly little partner to hide behind. "

       I found myself grinning. Now that was what best friends were for. Making you feel like you weren't totally alone.

       " So, there's no chance this will all just blow over? " she asked.

       I shook my head slowly. " This is 'firing people 101'. Get them out of the building quietly, and then finish the job. And even if it wasn't, you can't work in a place like that when someone so senior has it out for you. Not unless you want to eat shit for the rest of your natural life. "

       Ruth nodded slowly, her mouth pulled tight. " Okay, so then we start out trying to find you something new. It sounds like Ernest wasn't on board with all this, right? So he'll write you an awesome reference. That plus a resume like yours and I bet you can stroll into any of the other big law firms in town. " She looked thoughtful for a moment. " Maybe your mystery man could help out as well? If he knows one of the equity partners at Little Bell, he probably has other connections too. "

       I gazed at her, desperately willing my face to stay composed, but I couldn't hold it all back.

       " Oh shit, not him too? " she asked.

       I nodded.

       She reached out and squeezed my shoulder. " Damn, the universe really knows how to kick a girl when she's down. I'm sorry, hon'. So he turned out to be an asshole after all? "

       I blinked a few times. " I don't know. I don't think so. I'm still not really sure what happened. " I sniffed sharply, realising that a few hot tears had begun to trace their way down my face. " Could we not talk about him? It won't make any difference. It's over. Maybe in a few months I'll be ready to laugh and dissect it with you and Lou over mojitos or something, but for now I think I just need to deal with it in my own way, okay? "

       She hesitated. " Okay, sure. But just remember; I'm here if you change your mind. "

       " I know. Thanks. "

       She studied me for a few more seconds before clapping her hands. " You have, however, given me an idea. If there was ever a better excuse for midday mojitos, I haven't heard it. "

       I groaned. " I don't think going out and getting tanked at three o'clock on a Wednesday is the best way to start rebuilding my life. "

       " Who said anything about getting tanked? I'm just trying to get you out of the house. Have you even been outside since it happened? "

       I sighed, then shook my head.

       " Exactly. So come out for one drink and some food that doesn't come out of a plastic packet. You'll never make any progress if you just hide out in here forever. "

       " I don't know, Ruth, I—"

       " I'm not taking no for an answer, " she interrupted. I knew there was no point in arguing. She was as stubborn as me when she wanted to be.

       " Fine. One drink. "

       " Attagirl. "

       After taking a few minutes to shower and change into something half respectable, we headed for King Street. It felt surprisingly good to be out of the house. We found a little Tapas joint and settled in for lunch.

       The longer we talked, the better I found myself feeling. It was inane conversation, mostly about Lou turning into a frumpy housewife, but that's exactly what the doctor ordered. I even laughed a few times, which I hadn't thought I'd be capable of anymore. It wasn't much more than a distraction, but it was a start.







       Determined to begin regaining some semblance of control over my life, I made myself get up at nine the next morning. It was a tiny gesture, but at that moment every deliberate action felt like an achievement. Some bacon and eggs, a shower, and a lengthy grooming session later, I actually felt vaguely human.

       I'd promised Ruth I wouldn't stay cooped up all day, so with nothing else on my schedule for the morning, I decided to take a walk. It was a lovely spring day outside, and I figured the sun might do me some good.

       I wandered around Newtown for an hour or so, nabbing a coffee and a Danish in the process. It was nice just being outside among the hustle and bustle. It served as a reminder that despite how awful I felt, the world hadn't stopped turning. Things changed, and new opportunities were out there. I just had to find them.

       Eventually, I headed home. The sooner I began hunting, the sooner I'd be able to start rebuilding my life. Snagging my mail from the letterbox, I strolled in through the front door, dumped it down on the sideboard, and headed for my laptop. It wasn't until I fired it up and sat down that I noticed anything was amiss. There was a breeze blowing into the room from the back door. The back door that now lay in a splintered mess on the kitchen floor.

       It was one of those slow realisations that happens a fraction too late. An unexpected sight, a dumbfounded stare, and in the blink of an eye it's over. I sensed movement to my left, but before I could spin, something dark was slipped over my head and I felt a sharp jab on one side of my neck. I tried to yell for help, but whatever drug they'd injected me with worked fast. All I managed was a strangled squeal that cut off sharply as everything began to fade out.



       To be continued. Sophia and Sebastian's story will conclude in:



       Unlocked (The Alpha Group Book Three) - Due July 2013



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