CHAPTER FOURA few nights later I was once again out having drinks with the girls. My week had gone steadily downhill since Sebastian's call, and when Lou had suggested we hit the town, I'd jumped at the opportunity. " Nothing says 'Friday Night' like a tray of Mojitos, " I said, setting our drinks on the table. " Hear hear, " replied Ruth, raising her glass. She took a long sip and sighed appreciatively. " So now that it's had a few weeks to sink in, how's it feel to be the future Mrs Steven Page, Lou? " I asked. " No complaints. To be honest it's pretty much the same, but it makes Steve more comfortable. We want to start trying for kids soon, and his parents just wouldn't be able to stomach it if we didn't tie the knot first. " " Bah, kids, weddings, I don't like all this growing up, " said Ruth. " Pretty soon I'll be sculling cheap vodka alone in Jackson's on a Friday night, while you two host dinner parties and play charades, or whatever the fuck it is responsible people do in their downtime. It's selfish, is what it is. " " Hey don't lump me in with that crowd, " I said. " There are no nappies or white dresses in my future. " Lou grinned at me. " That's not what I hear. I hear you might have a mystery gentleman of your own, now. " I shot Ruth a look. " Hey, she dragged it out of me! " I glared at her for a few seconds, but eventually broke into a laugh. I'm not sure what else I expected. Once you told Ruth something it was as good as front page news. " It's not like that. It's strictly a casual thing, " I told Lou. " So? These things always start out casual. That's what the first few dates are. Doesn't mean it can't go somewhere eventually. " " With this guy, I think it does. He's not exactly the settling down type. I struggle to picture any woman keeping hold of him for very long. Besides, he's made his intentions perfectly clear, and I'm fine with that. " At that moment, my phone started buzzing in my bag with Sebastian's name flashing across the screen. " Speak of the devil, " I said. " He's back in town? " Ruth asked. I shrugged. " Let's find out. " I answered the call. " Hey. " " Sophia. " The word sounded impossibly sweet off his tongue. He claimed he'd trained girls to come with a simple command, and the longer I knew him, the more I believed that might be true. " Back in sunny Sydney? " I asked. " Yes, I arrived this afternoon. " " Good flight? " He laughed. " Flights are never good. Let's go with the word tolerable. " " Fair enough. " " I'd like to see you, Sophia. Tonight, if possible. " " Aww, did you miss me? " " You don't know the half of it. I couldn't get the image of you playing with yourself out of my mind. I haven't been able to concentrate for days. I intend to make you do that again and this time I'm going to lick your pussy clean myself. " I blushed. There was something so hot about discussing such intimate things with my friends just a few feet away. " I think I can arrange that, " I said coyly. " Excellent. There's a little company gathering I need to go to now. Nothing like the other week, a small group, but there are some people there I have to talk to. Why don't you come with me? We can have a drink, and after we can see about that show. " " I'm out with the girls at the moment, " I said, although both of them were waving me on. " Also, I'm not dressed for a fancy party. " " How many times do I have to tell you that I don't care what you're wearing? You look gorgeous no matter what. Besides, if I have my way, you won't be wearing much of anything for very long. Will your friends mind if I steal you away? " I glanced at their eager faces. " I think they'll cope, " I said. " Wonderful. Where are you? " " Zeta bar, in the Hilton Hotel. " " I know it. I'll be there in half an hour. " " See you then. " Ruth snorted as I stashed my phone back in my purse. " Yeah, casual indeed. " " What? " I replied. " Look at you, you can't wipe the dopey smile off your face. " " I can too! " I said, making a conscious effort to twist my mouth into a scowl. It was surprisingly difficult. " Lou? " Ruth said, turning to the other woman. She grinned at me. " If you'd been any more gooey-eyed, Soph, you'd have been melting onto the table. " I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Sure, I was excited to see Sebastian, but that was purely my raging libido talking. " You can shut up, both of you. It's just fun because it's new, you know? That's all. " " If you say so, " said Lou, although her expression said she didn't buy it. " Anyway, he'll be here soon, so I'd appreciate if you two could do your best not to embarrass me. " I was secretly looking forward to them meeting Sebastian. I'm not ashamed to admit that I wanted to show him off a little. I'd been with attractive guys in the past, but none had nearly the same visceral impact that he did. His sheer presence and overt sexuality were a sight to behold. I couldn't wait to see the effect he'd have on the girls. He didn't disappoint. A little while later, I spotted him sauntering through the crowd. " So somehow she thinks it's my responsibility because... " Lou was saying to Ruth, however she trailed off as Sebastian appeared behind me. " Sophia, " he said, laying a hand gently on my shoulder. " Right on time, " I replied. " Sebastian, these are my friends, Ruth and Louisa. " " A pleasure to meet you, " he said, shaking each of their hands. They returned the gesture dumbly, their mouths hanging slightly open like they'd forgotten how to speak. It was incredibly satisfying seeing them stilled like that, although I couldn't say that I blamed them. He looked good enough to eat. Somehow he'd managed to maintain that perfect level of rough stubble he'd worn the first night we met. That, combined with his wild black curls and roguish smile, gave him an exotic, devil may care look that practically screamed, " mind blowing orgasms! " I didn't think there was a woman in the room who would be immune to that. " You too, " said Ruth eventually. " Would you like to sit down? We could get another round. " " As much as I hate to turn down the company of three beautiful women, we should go. The party has already started. You two don't mind if I take her away do you? I'd be in your debt. " They both shook their heads slowly. " Wonderful. I'm just going to get a glass of water and then we'll go, okay? " " Sure, " I replied. I could only grin as their eyes followed him across the room. " Jesus, Soph, " said Lou, when he was out of earshot, " I take back what I said before. I think you'd be hard pressed not to go a little gooey with him on the other end of the line. " Ruth exhaled slowly. " Yeah, I've gotta hand it to you hon', that is one fine specimen of a man. I don't suppose he has any eligible friends? " I laughed. " I'll let you know after I meet some of them tonight. " She turned to Lou. " Think you could find your way back to that bar? Maybe there's another function we can slip our way into. Something with firemen, hopefully. " " Give me another few drinks and I might just be on board, " Lou replied. She grinned at Ruth's surprised expression. " What? I'm engaged, not dead. I can look! " At that moment Sebastian returned. " Ready? " I nodded. " Yep. " " You have a good night, girls, " he said. " You too, " replied Lou. Joe was waiting by the curb outside. " Hi Joe. " " Good evening, Sophia. " " What did you get up to while Sebastian was gone? Did you go out and paint the town red? " " Oh, nothing as exciting as that I'm afraid. It was a lot of staring at the phone and waiting for him to call, looking back wistfully on old pictures of me driving him around, that sort of thing. " Sebastian grinned. " That's what I like about you, Joe, that unwavering respect. " " I try, sir. " Joe opened the door and Sebastian ushered me through, easing in behind me. In a few moments the engine growled and we pulled out into the Sydney traffic. It was peak hour and the streets were thronging with cars. I never tire of that busyness. The first chance I got I moved from the suburbs to the city and never looked back. There's a living vibration to it, a sense of constant fluctuation that's a thrill to be a part of. The back seats of the limo were spacious, with room for five or six to sit comfortably, but nonetheless Sebastian had guided me to one corner and then slid in next to me until our thighs were touching. I couldn't have moved even if I'd wanted to. Not that I did. I'd fantasised all week about being close to him, and now that I was, my body was kicking into overdrive. His raw presence radiated over me. There was an amazing sense of banked power to him. Even in the simple act of sitting in a car, he somehow looked primed, like a lion at rest between meals. He looked over at me, something carnal flaring in his eyes. " Sophia, " he said, and then taking my head in one hand and my shoulder in the other, he pulled me in, capturing my lips in his. Instantly, the heat simmering in my stomach began to boil over. This was what I'd been waiting for. His kiss was hungry and fierce, an act of raw desire. He ran his hands through my hair, desperately pulling me closer, as though trying to fold the two of us into one. I loved that I stoked such passion in him. In that one simple gesture I could feel the weight of the week we'd been apart. He hadn't been lying. He'd been longing for me as much as I had him. Our tongues darted together, exploring each other's mouths. I don't know why, but he tasted sweet, like strawberries and wood smoke. I quivered and sucked in a sharp breath as his fingers began to work their way up the soft flesh of my thighs, gradually peeling back my skirt. Meanwhile his other hand had slid down my neck and looped inside the shoulder strap of my dress. " My god, you don't know how much I've been thinking about you, " he said, breaking the kiss. " I don't think I can wait until after the party. I need to have you right now. " I cleared my throat. " Here? " I asked, nodding quickly out the window. The glass was shaded, but I was still incredibly aware of the shifting crowd and other cars visible all around us. Not to mention Joe. We were separated by the privacy window, but nonetheless he'd have to be a fool not to realise what was going on. " Here, " said Sebastian, his voice leaving no room for argument. And before I had time to protest, he wrapped both hands around my hips and spun me around on top of him. As my legs slid into place around his, my sex came to rest on the bulge in his pants, and whatever resistance I'd felt instantly melted away. He was firm as stone, and he pressed against me with an urgency that was impossible to ignore. I could feel the heat of him radiating through our clothes, making me acutely aware of how little material separated him from being inside me. At that moment I no longer cared about Joe, or the masses of weary commuters just a few arm's lengths away. I wanted him to take me. I needed it. And he responded. He gripped me roughly, grinding his cock against me while pulling me in for another kiss. The pressure was so intense, the stimulation so overwhelming, that I felt like I might come then and there. I let out a low moan, misting the window next to me with the warmth of my breath. " You know, it was very generous of you to change the rules for me the other day, " I said, " but I've got a secret to tell you. " I ran my hands over him, playfully caressing his chest before pulling him in to whisper in his ear. " I never finished the job. " " You didn't? " I shook my head. " I came close. My vibrator was out and ready to go. But at the last second I realised it just wouldn't be the same. I wanted to save it. I wanted it to be you. " He closed his eyes, a low rumble emanating from his throat. " That is so insanely hot. How is it you can be such a perfect sub with so little training? " " I'm just that talented, I guess, " I said with a grin. He laughed. " Well then, I'd better not make you wait any longer. " Slipping the dress from my shoulders he pulled it down, allowing my breasts to fall out into the open. " My god you're beautiful. " And then he dove on me. Suddenly, his mouth seemed to be everywhere. I let out a gasp as his tongue began playing out an exquisite velvet pattern across my chest. He kissed and licked his way in slow circles, greedily sucking on my nipples and teasing with the barest brush of teeth. His stubble felt coarse against my skin, contrasting deliciously with the softness of his lips. As he ravished me, his hands began to traverse further, weaving behind me to ruck up my skirt. He didn't waste any time. A moan of anticipation fell from my lips as he yanked aside my panties. " Are you nice and wet for me? " he asked, that low silky voice ratcheting my excitement up even higher. I nodded furiously. " I've been wet for you for weeks. " He let out a long breath. " I love it when you talk like that. " With agonising slowness he slipped his hand underneath me and drew a single finger along my slickened opening. I shuddered in pleasure. He brought his finger forward, the tip glistening with my juices. " You weren't kidding. " He gave it a long, slow, tantalising lick. " And you're just as sweet as I remember. Later I'll have a proper taste, but I can't wait anymore. I need to fuck you. " I let out an affirmative grunt, not wanting to delay him one second more. I could feel the weeks of excitement burning wildly inside me. Taking me by the hips once more, he hoisted me up, placing me on my knees next to him with my ass in the air. With panther grace he rose into a crouch and unfastened his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor. Seeing his cock in the flesh sent a bolt of desire rolling through me. I'd never wanted anything inside me so badly before. Seizing me in a powerful grip, he dragged me across to him and plunged his shaft straight into my pussy, burying it all the way to the base in a single explosive thrust. He let out an animal cry. The strength of that motion stung as my body madly adjusted to accommodate his girth, but I didn't care. The longing in his movements dwarfed everything else. That I inspired such lust in him set me soaring. " God Sophia, you're so tight. You feel amazing. " " I'm tight because you're big, " I said, my voice broken and quavering. His cock stretched me out like nothing I'd ever felt before. I moaned with the fullness of it, every muscle cinching tight around him, savouring that exquisite pressure. He responded in kind, wrapping both powerful hands around my shoulders and yanking me closer, giving him more leverage to grind himself against me. He fucked me with the desperation and ferocity of a man with one day to live. With other men I'd been with, sex had always been an act of giving; give your partner pleasure and receive it in return. With Sebastian, there was no give, only take. He wasn't giving me an orgasm, he was taking it from me, claiming it for himself, and he did it with a fervour that bordered on frightening. That intensity ignited something inside me, a kind of deep-seated passion I'd never known I was capable of. I wasn't going to last long. The glow of my orgasm was already rising up inside me. My muscles clenched tighter still as my body began to stretch and tremble in anticipation. " No, not yet, " he said, his voice hoarse. Even as aroused as he was, he knew I was close. His awareness of my body was almost inhuman. " You were saving it for me, so I want to watch you as it happens. " With a grunt, he pulled free of me, leaving an aching emptiness between my legs. Seizing me by the thighs, he flipped me easily onto my back. I gazed up at him, breathless and quivering. He'd shed his jacket, and sometime in the commotion several of his shirt buttons had come undone. Crouching there, half dressed and coated in sweat, he looked wild and impossibly beautiful. His cock jutted out from his body, slick and shining with my juices. It pulsed and twitched in the sex-heavy air. He slid in close, pressing the swollen head gently against my cleft. " Please, " I moaned. " Please. " Leaning in close, he gazed at me with those spectacular eyes. " You've earned this. " He pushed himself back into me and began rocking back and forward, reaching out with one hand to stroke my clit. " This is what you've been waiting for. " " Sebastian! " I cried, my body heaving as my climax took hold. I thought the phrase 'seeing stars' was just an expression, but as a week's worth of pent up desire exploded inside me, that's exactly what happened. The whole world seemed to shatter before my eyes. The strength of it was so overwhelming I was sure I was going to black out. As my pleasure began to subside, his movements grew faster. What little control had been evident on his face fell away as he finally gave in to his own desires. The noises from his throat became more guttural, his thrusts longer and harder. I was still sensitive from the intensity of what had just happened, but the promise of having him burst inside me was so enticing it barely registered. My body wanted more of him, as much as he could give. After a few more seconds he shuddered and went rigid. Watching him come in such an intimate position was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. The ferocious ecstasy on his face, the way his body flexed and corded, it was almost enough to send me over the top again. " God, Sophia, " he said, when it was over. " I don't know how you keep doing that to me. " " Doing what? " " Making me lose control. I was planning on waiting, drawing it out, but the second I saw you, I got hard. " " You're still hard now, " I said with a giggle. " And you're still wet. Believe me, it's taking most of my control not to take you again right now. " I reached out and ran my hand softly up the length of his erection. " Why don't you? " He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. " I want you to save some energy for later. I have plans for you, plans that won't be much good if I've already tired you out. " " I'm not sure I could ever get tired of having this inside me. " " If you don't stop being such a tease I'm going to be forced to turn you over my knee, " he said, stroking my ass delicately. I trembled, remembering the last time he'd spanked me. " Is that a promise? " I asked. He stared at me for a second, then shook his head and chuckled. We stayed in a dishevelled, half naked embrace for several minutes while the streets blurred past around us. I loved the feeling of his arms around me. It was protective, comfortable, safe.