6 Correspondence: Grammar and Lexis link6 Correspondence: Grammar and Lexis link pages 102-103 Practice 1 a 5 b 3 c 2 d 7 e 4 f 6 g 1
Practice 2 a I’ll have a coffee, please. b I’ll have salad. c I’ll pay for the drinks. d I’ll help you, if you like. e I’ll take a taxi. f I’ll give you a lift, if you like.
Prepositions a 8 b 2 c 5 d 4 e 1 f 7 g 4 h 3
Crossword Across 1 delivery 6 prompt 8 informal 9 handwriting 10 fax 13 business 15 correspondence 19 check 21 decision 22 message 24 annoyed 28 welcome 29 down 30 confirm
Down 2 immediately 3 expensive 4 signature 5 details 7 courier 11 apologise 12 reply 14 Internet 16 worried 17 phoning 18 mistake 20 that 23 skills 25 order 26 send 27 cost
Writing e-mails a D ear M r G onzalez, T hank you for contacting L exington T echnical S upport. U nfortunately I do not understand the nature of the problem you are having or, in fact, even the product you are using. C an you please write back with as much information as you can about what product you are using? W hat are you trying to do? W hat is the problem you are having? etc. B est regards, K amal B ouaissi T echnical S upport E ngineer
b D ear R ichard T ennant, Thank you for registering your Lexington product. Your new customer number is 55563500. When calling technical support (925-253-3050) or Lexington Customer Service (800-225-4880), please have your customer number ready. We recommend writing your customer number in your Lexington manual, keeping it with our phone numbers and filing this e-mail for future reference. Thank you for your interest in Lexington. If there is anything we can do for you, please let us know. We will be happy to help you. R egards, L exington C ustomer S ervice 7 Making comparisons: Grammar and Lexis link pages 104-105