Seventeen 6 страница'Oh God, ' I manage at last. 'I know you shouldn't laugh at people. But I mean…' 'That dog! ' Luke starts laughing again. 'That bloody dog! ' 'That outfit! ' I give a little shudder as we start to move off again, past the pink woman. She's bending over the ice‑ cream, her huge pink bottom thrust up in the air. 'I'm sorry, but pink velour jogging suits should be banned from this planet. ' 'I couldn't agree more, ' says Luke, nodding seriously. 'Pink velour jogging suits are hereby banned. Along with cravats. ' 'And Y‑ fronts, ' I say without thinking – then blush pink. How could I mention Y‑ fronts in front of Luke Brandon? 'And toffee‑ flavoured popcorn, ' I quickly add. 'Right, ' says Luke. 'So we're banning pink velour jogging suits, cravats, Y‑ fronts, toffee‑ flavoured popcorn…' 'And punters with no change, ' comes the taxi driver's voice from the front. 'Fair enough, ' says Luke, giving a little shrug. 'Punters with no change. ' 'And punters who vomit. They're the worst. ' 'OK…' 'And punters who don't know where the fuck they're going. ' Luke and I exchange glances and I begin to giggle again. 'And punters who don't speak the bloody language. Drive you crazy. ' 'Right, ' says Luke. 'So… most punters, in fact. ' 'Don't get me wrong, ' says the taxi driver. 'I've got nothing against foreigners…' He pulls up outside Harrods. 'Here we are. Going shopping, are you? ' 'That's right, ' says Luke, getting out his wallet. 'So – what're you after? ' I look at Luke expectantly. He hasn't told me what we're here to buy. Clothes? A new aftershave? Will I have to keep smelling his cheek? (I wouldn't mind that, actually. ) Furniture? Something dull like a new desk? 'Luggage, ' he says, and hands a tenner to the driver. 'Keep the change. ' Luggage! Suitcases and holdalls and stuff like that. As I wander round the department, looking at Louis Vuitton suitcases and calfskin bags, I'm quite thrown. Quite shocked by myself. Luggage. Why on earth have I never considered luggage before? I should explain. For years now, I've kind of operated under an informal shopping cycle. A bit like a farmer's crop rotation system. Except, instead of wheat‑ maize‑ barley‑ fallow, mine pretty much goes clothes‑ makeup‑ shoes‑ clothes. (I don't usually bother with fallow. ) Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can't keep buying the same thing – you have to have a bit of variety. Otherwise you get bored and stop enjoying yourself. And I thought I had as much variety in my shopping life as anybody. I thought I had all the areas covered. To be honest, I was quite blas about it. But look what I've been missing out on, all this time. Look what I've been denying myself. I feel quite shaky as I realize the opportunities I've just been throwing away over the years. Suitcases, weekend bags, monogrammed hat boxes… With weak legs, I wander into a corner and sit down on a carpeted pedestal, next to a red leather vanity case. How can I have overlooked luggage for so long? How can I have just blithely led my life, ignoring an entire retail sector? 'So – what do you think? ' says Luke, coming up to me. 'Anything worth buying? ' And now, of course, I feel like a fraud. Why couldn't he have wanted to buy a really good white shirt, or a cashmere scarf? Or even handcream? I would have been able to advise him authoritatively and even quote prices. But luggage. I'm a beginner at luggage. 'Well, ' I say, playing for time. 'It depends. They all look great. ' 'They do, don't they? ' He follows my gaze around the department. 'But which one would you choose? If you had to buy one of these suitcases, which one would it be? ' It's no good. I can't bluff. 'To be honest, ' I say, 'this isn't really my field. ' 'What isn't? ' he says, sounding incredulous. 'Shopping? ' 'Luggage, ' I explain. 'It's not an area I've put a lot of time into. I should have done, I know, but…' 'Well… never mind, ' says Luke, his mouth twisting into a smile. 'As a non‑ expert. Which one would you choose? ' Well, that's different. 'Hmm, ' I say, and get to my feet in a businesslike manner. 'Well, let's have a closer look. ' God, we have fun. We line up eight suitcases in a row, and give them marks for looks, heaviness, quality of lining, number of interior pockets and efficiency of. wheels. (I test this by striding the length of the department, pulling the case behind me. By this time, the assistant has just given up and left us to it. ) Then we look to see if they have a matching holdall and give that marks, too. The prices don't seem to matter to Luke. Which is a bloody good thing, because they're absolutely astronomical – and at first sight, so scary they make me want to run away. But it's amazing how quickly? 1, 000 can start to seem like a very reasonable sum for a suitcase – especially since the Louis Vuitton monogrammed trunk costs about ten times as much. In fact, after a while I find myself thinking quite seriously that I too should really invest in a quality suitcase, instead of my battered old canvas bag. But today is Luke's shopping trip, not mine. And strangely enough, it's almost more fun choosing for someone else than for yourself. In the end, we narrow it down to a dark green leather case, which has wonderful trundly wheels, or the palest beige calfskin case, which is a bit heavier, but has a stunning silk lining and is basically so beautiful I can't stop staring at it. It has a matching holdall and vanity case – and they're just as beautiful. God, if it were me, I'd… But then, it's not up to me, is it? It's Luke who's buying the case. He's the one who's got to choose. We sit down on the floor, side by side, and look at them. 'The green one would be more practical, ' says Luke eventually. 'Mmm, ' I say noncommittally. 'I suppose it would. ' 'It's lighter – and the wheels are better. ' 'Mmm. ' 'And that pale calfskin would probably scuff in a matter of minutes. Green's a more sensible colour. ' 'Mmm, ' I say, trying to sound as though I agree with him. He gives me a quizzical look and says, 'Right. Well, I think we've made our choice, don't you? ' And, still sitting on the floor, he calls over the assistant. 'Yes sir? ' says the assistant, and Luke nods at him. 'I'd like to buy one of these pale beige suitcases, please. ' 'Oh! ' I say, and I can't stop a smile of delight spreading over my face. 'You're getting the one I liked best! ' 'Rule of life, ' says Luke, getting to his feet and brushing down his trousers. 'If you bother to ask someone's advice, then bother to listen to it. ' 'But I didn't say which one…' 'You didn't have to, ' says Luke, reaching out a hand to pull me to my feet. 'Your " Mmms" gave it all away. ' His hand is surprisingly strong round mine, and as he pulls me up, I feel a slight swooping in my stomach. He smells nice, too. Some expensive aftershave which I don't recognize. For a moment, neither of us says anything. 'Right, ' says Luke at last. 'Well, I'd better pay for it, I suppose. ' 'Yes, ' I say, feeling ridiculously nervous. 'Yes, I suppose you had. ' He walks off to the checkout and starts talking to the assistant, and I perch next to a display of leather suit carriers, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. I mean, the shopping's over now. What happens next? Well, we'll just say goodbye politely, won't we? Luke'll probably have to get back to the office. He can't hang around shopping all day. And if he asks me what I'm doing next, I tell myself, I really will say I'm busy. I'll pretend I've got some important meeting arranged or something. 'All sorted out, ' he says, coming back. 'Rebecca, I'm incredibly grateful to you for your help. ' 'Great! ' I say brightly. 'Well, I must be on…' 'So I was wondering, ' says Luke, before I can continue. 'Would you like some lunch? ' This is just turning into my perfect day. Shopping at Harrods – and lunch at Harvey Nichols. I mean, what could be better than that? We go straight up to the fifth floor restaurant, and Luke orders a bottle of chilled white wine, and raises his glass in a toast. 'To luggage, ' he says, and smiles. 'Luggage, ' I reply happily, and take a sip. It's just about the most delicious wine I've ever tasted. Luke picks up his menu and starts to read it, and I pick mine up too – but to be honest, I'm not reading a word. I'm just sitting in a happy glow, like the Ready Brek kid. I'm looking around with relish at all the smart women coming in to have lunch here, and making notes of their outfits and wondering where that girl over there got her pink boots from. And now, for some reason, I'm thinking about that nice card Luke sent me. And I'm wondering whether it was just being friendly – or… or whether it was something else. At this thought, my stomach flips so hard I almost feel sick, and very quickly I take another sip of wine. Well, a gulp, really. Then I put down my glass, count to five arid say casually, 'Thanks for your card, by the way. ' 'What? ' he says, looking up. 'Oh, you're welcome. ' He reaches for his glass and takes a sip of wine. 'It was nice to bump into you, that night. ' 'It's a great place, ' I say. 'Great for table hopping. ' As soon as I've said this, I feel myself blush. But Luke just smiles, and says, 'Indeed. ' Then he puts down his glass and says, 'Do you know what you want? ' 'Ahm…' I say, glancing hurriedly at the menu. 'I think I'll just have… erm… fishcakes. And rocket salad. ' Damn, I've just spotted squid. I should have had that. Oh well, too late now. 'Good choice, ' says Luke, smiling at me. 'And thanks again for coming along today. It's always good to have a second opinion. ' 'No problem, ' I say lightly, and take a sip of wine. 'Hope you enjoy the case. ' 'Oh, it's not for me, ' he says after a pause. 'It's for Sacha. ' 'Oh right, ' I say pleasantly. 'Who's Sacha? Your sister? ' 'My girlfriend, ' says Luke, and turns away to beckon to a waiter. And I stare at him, unable to move. His girlfriend. I've been helping him choose a suitcase for his girlfriend. Suddenly I don't feel hungry any more. I don't want fishcakes and rocket salad. I don't even want to be here. My happy Ready Brek glow is fading away, and underneath I feel chilly and rather stupid. Luke Brandon's got a girlfriend. Of course he has. Some beautiful smart girl, called Sacha, who has manicured nails and travels everywhere, with expensive cases. I'm a fool, aren't I? I should have known there'd be a Sacha somewhere on the scene. I mean, it's obvious. Except… Except it's not that obvious. In fact, it's not obvious at all. Luke hasn't mentioned his girlfriend all morning. Why hasn't he? Why didn't he just say the suitcase was for her in the first place? Why did he let me sit on the floor beside him in Harrods and laugh as I marched up and down, testing the wheels? I wouldn't have behaved anything like that if I'd known we were buying a case for his girlfriend. And he must have known that. He must have known. A cold feeling begins to creep over me. This is all wrong. 'All right? ' says Luke, turning back to me. 'No, ' I hear myself saying. 'No, it's not. You didn't tell me that case was for your girlfriend. You didn't even tell me you had a girlfriend. ' Oh God. I've done it now. I've been completely uncool. But somehow I don't care. 'I see, ' says Luke after a pause. He picks up a piece of bread and begins to break it up with his fingers, then looks up. 'Sacha and I have been together a while now, ' he says kindly. 'I'm sorry if I gave… any other impression. ' He's patronizing me. I can't bear it. 'That's not the point, ' I say, feeling my cheeks flushing beetroot red. 'It's just… it's all wrong. ' 'Wrong? ' he says, looking amused. 'You should have told me we were choosing a case for your girlfriend, ' I say doggedly, staring down at the table. 'It would have made things… different. ' There's silence and I raise my eyes, to see Luke looking at me as though I'm mad. 'Rebecca, ' he says, 'you're getting this all out of proportion. I wanted your opinion on suitcases. End of story. ' 'And are you going to tell your girlfriend you asked my advice? ' 'Of course I am! ' says Luke, and gives a little laugh. 'I expect she'll be rather amused. ' I stare at him in silence, feeling mortification creep over me. My throat's tight, and there's a pain growing in my chest. Amused. Sacha will be amused when she hears about me. Well, of course she will. Who wouldn't be amused by hearing about the girl who spent her entire morning marching up and down Harrods, testing out suitcases for another woman? The girl who got completely the wrong end of the stick. The girl who was so stupid, she thought Luke Brandon might actually like her. I swallow hard, feeling sick with humiliation. For the first time, I'm realizing how Luke Brandon sees me. How they all see me. I'm just the comedy turn, aren't I? I'm the scatty girl who gets things wrong and makes people laugh. The girl who didn't know SBG and Rutland Bank had merged. The girl no‑ one would ever think of taking seriously. Luke didn't bother telling me we were choosing a suitcase for his girlfriend because I don't matter. He's only buying me lunch because he hasn't got anything else to do – and probably because he thinks I might do something entertaining like drop my fork, which he can laugh about when he gets back to the office. 'I'm sorry, ' I say in a wobbly voice, and stand up. 'I haven't got time for lunch after all. ' 'Rebecca, don't be silly! ' says Luke. 'Look, I'm sorry you didn't know about my girlfriend. ' He raises his eyebrows quizzically, and I want to hit him. 'But we can still be friends, can't we? ' 'No, ' I say stiffly, aware that my voice is thick and my eyes smarting. 'No, we can't. Friends treat each other with respect. But you don't respect me, do you, Luke? You just think I'm a joke. A nothing. Well…' I swallow hard. 'Well, I'm not. ' And before he can say anything else I turn, and quickly make my way out of the restaurant, half blinded by disappointed tears.
*** 7 Camel Square Liverpool L1 5NP
Ms Rebecca Bloomwood Flat 2 4 Burney Rd London SW6 8FD 20 March 2000
Dear Ms Bloomwood PGNI First Bank VISA Card No. 1475839204847586 Thank you for your payment of? 10. 00, received today. As I think I have pointed out several times, the minimum payment required was in fact? 105. 40. The balance currently overdue is therefore? 95. 40. I look forward to receiving your payment as soon as possible. If satisfactory payment is not received within seven days, further action will have to be taken.
Yours sincerely Peter Johnson Customer Accounts Executive
*** BANK OF LONDON London House Mill Street EC3R 4DW
Ms Rebecca Boomwood Flat 2 4 Burney Rd London SW6 8FD 20 March 2000
Dear Ms Boomwood Just think… What kind of difference would a personal loan make to your life? A new car, perhaps. Improvements to the home. A boat for those weekend breaks. Or maybe just peace of mind, knowing that all those bills can easily be taken care of. Bank of London will offer loans for almost any purpose – so don't wait any longer! Turn your life into the lifestyle you deserve. With a Bank of London Easifone Loan, you don't even have to fill in any forms. Simply call one of our friendly 24‑ hour operators on 0100 45 46 47 48 and let us do the rest. Just think… We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely Sue Skepper Marketing Executive
PS Why delay? Pick up the phone now – and dial 0100 45 46 47 48. It couldn't be easier.
As I arrive home that afternoon, I feel weary and miserable. Suddenly, triple‑ A rated jobs in banking and Harrods with Luke Brandon seem miles away. Real life isn't swarming round Knightsbridge in a taxi, choosing? 1, 000 suitcases, is it? This is real life. Home to a tiny flat which still smells of curry, and a pile of nasty letters from the bank, and no idea what to do about them. I put my key in the lock, and as I open the door, I hear Suze cry, 'Bex? Is that you? ' 'Yes! ' I say, trying to sound cheerful. 'Where are you? ' 'Here, ' she says, appearing at the door of my bedroom. Her face is all pink, and there's a shine in her eyes. 'Guess what! I've got a surprise for you! ' 'What is it? ' I say, putting down my briefcase. To be honest, I m not in the mood for one of Suze's surprises. She'll just have moved my bed to a different place, or something. And all I want is to sit down and have a cup of tea and something to eat. I never did get any lunch. 'Come and see. No… no, shut your eyes, first. I'll lead yon. ' 'OK, ' I say reluctantly. I close my eyes and allow her to take my hand. We start to walk along the corridor and of course, as we near my bedroom door, I start feeling a little tingle of anticipation in spite of myself. I always fall for things like this. 'Dadaaa! You can look now! ' I open my eyes and look dazedly around my room, wondering what mad thing Suze has done now. At least she hasn't painted the walls or touched the curtains, and my computer's safely switched off. So what on earth can she have… And then I see them. On my bed. Piles and piles of upholstered frames. All made up perfectly, with no wonky corners, and the braid glued neatly in place. I can't quite believe my eyes. There must be at least… 'I've done a hundred, ' says Suze behind me. 'And I'm going to do the rest tomorrow! Aren't they fab? ' I turn and stare incredulously at her. 'You… you did all these? ' 'Yes! ' she says proudly. 'It was easy, once I got into a rhythm. I did it in front of Morning Coffee. Oh, I wish you'd seen it. They had such a good phone‑ in, about men who dress up in women's clothes! There was this one guy‑ ' 'Wait, ' I say, trying to get my head round this. 'Wait. Suze, I don't understand. This must have taken you ages. ' My eye runs disbelievingly over the pile of flames again. 'Why… why on earth did you‑ ' 'Well, you weren't getting very far with them, were you? ' says Suze kindly. 'I just thought I'd give you a helping hand. ' 'A helping hand? ' I echo weakly. 'I'll do the rest tomorrow, and then I'll ring up the delivery people, ' says Suze. 'You know, it's a very good system. You don't have to post them, or anything. They just come and pick them up! And then they'll send you a cheque. It should come to about? 284. Pretty good, huh?! 'Hang on. ' I turn round. 'What do you mean, they'll send me a cheque? ' Suze looks at me as though I'm stupid. 'Well, Bex, they are your frames. ' 'But you made them! Suze, you should get the money! ' 'But I did them for you! ' says Suze, and stares at me. 'I did them so you could make your three hundred quid! ' I stare at her silently, feeling a sudden thickness in my throat. Suze made all these frames for me. Slowly I sit down on the bed, pick up one of the frames and run my finger along the fabric. It's absolutely perfect. You could sell it in Liberty's. 'Suze, it's your money. Not mine, ' I say eventually. 'It's your project, now. ' 'Well, that's where you're wrong, ' says Suze, and a triumphant look spreads over her face. 'I've got my own project. ' She comes over to the bed, reaches behind the pile of made‑ up frames, and pulls something out. It's a photo frame – but it's nothing like a Fine Frame. It's upholstered in silver furry fabric, and the word ANGEL is appliqued in pink across the top, and there are little silver pom‑ poms at the corners. It's the coolest, kitschiest frame I've ever seen. 'Do you like it? ' she says, a bit nervously. 'I love it! ' I say, grabbing it from her hands and looking more closely at it. 'Where did you get it? ' 'I didn't get it anywhere, ' she says. 'I made it. ' 'What? ' I stare at her. 'You… made this? ' 'Yes. During Neighbours. It was awful, actually. Beth found out about Joey and Skye. ' I'm completely gobsmacked. How come Suze suddenly turns out to be so talented? 'So what do you reckon? ' she says, taking the frame back and turning it over in her fingers. 'Could I sell these? ' Could she sell these? 'Suze, ' I say quite seriously. 'You're going to be a millionaire. ' And we spend the rest of the evening getting very pissed and mapping out Suze's career as an Anita Roddick‑ style businesswoman. We get quite hysterical trying to decide if she should wear Chanel or Prada when she goes to meet the Queen – and by the time I get into bed, I've forgotten all about Luke Brandon and Bank of Helsinki and the rest of my disastrous day. But the next morning, it all comes rushing back to me like a horror movie. I wake up feeling pale and shaky, and desperately wishing I could take a sickie. I don't want to go to work. I want to stay at home under the duvet, watching daytime telly and being a millionairess entrepreneur with Suze. But it's the busiest week of the month, and Philip'll never believe I'm ill. So, somehow, I haul myself out of bed and into some clothes and onto the tube. At Lucio's I buy myself an extra large cappuccino, and a muffin, and a chocolate brownie. I don't care if I get fat. I just need sugar and caffeine and chocolate, and as much as possible. Luckily it's so busy, no‑ one's talking very much, so I don't have to bother telling everyone at the office what I did yesterday on my day off. Clare's tapping away at something and there's a pile of page proofs on my desk, ready for me to check. So after checking my e‑ mails – none – I scrunch miserably up in my chair, pick up the first one and start to read it. 'Balancing the risks and rewards of stock‑ market investment can be a dangerous business, especially for the novice investor. ' Oh God this is boring. 'While returns may be high in certain sectors of the market, nothing is ever guaranteed – and for the smalltime investor…' 'Rebecca? ' I look up, to see Philip approaching my desk, holding a piece of paper. He doesn't look very happy, and for one terrible moment I think he's spoken to Jill Foxton at William Green, has discovered everything, and is giving me my P45. But as he gets nearer, I see it's only some dull‑ looking press release. 'I want you to go to this instead of me, ' he says. 'It's on Friday. I'd go myself, but I'm going to be tied up here with Marketing. ' 'Oh, ' I say, without enthusiasm, and take the piece of paper. 'OK. What is it? ' 'Personal Finance Fair at Olympia, ' he says. 'We always cover it. ' Yawn. Yawn yawn yawn… 'Barclays are giving a champagne lunchtime reception, ' he adds. 'Oh right! ' I say, with more interest. 'Well, OK. It sounds quite good. What exactly is it…' I glance down at the paper, and my heart stops as I see the Brandon Communications logo at the top of the page. 'It's basically just a big fair, ' says Philip. 'All sectors of personal finance. Talks, stands, events. Just cover whatever sounds interesting. I leave it up to you. ' 'OK, ' I say after a pause. 'Fine. ' I mean, what do I care if Luke Brandon might be there? I'll just ignore him. I'll show him about as much respect as he showed me. And if he tries to talk to me, I'll just lift my chin firmly in the air, and turn on my heel, and… 'How are the pages going? ' says Philip. 'Oh, great, ' I say, and pick the top one up again. 'Should be finished soon. ' He gives a little nod and walks away, and I begin to read again. '… for the small‑ time investor, the risks attached to such stocks may outweigh the potential of reward. ' Oh God this is boring. I can't even bring myself to focus on what the words mean. 'More and more investors are therefore demanding the combination of stock market performance with a high level of security. One option is to invest in a Tracker fund, which automatically " tracks" the top 100 companies at any time…' Hmm. Actually, that gives me a thought: I reach for my Filofax, flip it open and dial Elly's new direct number at Wetherby's. 'Eleanor Granger, ' comes her voice, sounding a bit far‑ off and echoey. Must be a dodgy line. 'Hi, Elly, it's Becky, ' I say. 'Listen, whatever happened to Tracker bars? They're really yummy, aren't they? And I haven't eaten one for…' There's a scuffy sort of sound on the line, and I gape at the receiver in surprise. In the distance, I can hear Elly saying, 'I'm sorry. I'll just be a…' 'Becky! ' she hisses down the phone. 'I was on speaker phone! Our head of department was in my office. ' 'Oh God! ' I say, aghast. 'Sorry! Is he still there? ' 'No, ' says Elly, and sighs. 'God knows what he thinks of me now. ' 'Oh well, ' I say reassuringly. 'He's got a sense of burnout, hasn't he? ' Elly doesn't reply. 'Oh well, ' I say again, less certainly. 'Anyway, are you free for a drink at lunchtime? ' 'Not really, ' she says. 'Sorry, Becky, I've really got to go. ' And she puts the phone down. No‑ one likes me any more. Suddenly I feel a bit cold and shivery, and I scrunch up even more in my chair. Oh God, I hate today. I hate everything. I want to go hooome. But by the time Friday arrives, I have to say I feel a lot more cheerful. This is primarily because: 1. It's Friday. 2. I'm spending all day out of the office. 3. Elly phoned yesterday and said sorry she was so abrupt, but someone else came into the office just as we were talking. And she's going to be at the Personal Finance Fair. Plus 4. I have completely put the Luke Brandon incident from my mind. Who cares about him, anyway? So as I get ready to go, I feel quite bouncy and positive. I put on my new grey cardigan over a short black shirt, and my new Hobbs boots – dark grey suede – and I have to say, I look bloody good in them. God, I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes every day, I reckon depression wouldn't exist any more. As I'm about to leave, a pile of letters comes through the letterbox for me. Several of them look like bills, and one is yet another letter from Endwich Bank. But I have a clever new solution to all these nasty letters: I just put them in my dressing‑ table drawer and close it. It's the only way to stop getting stressed out about it. And it really does work. As I thrust the drawer shut and head out of the front door, I've already forgotten all about them. The conference is already buzzing by the time I get there. As I give my name to the press officer at reception, I'm given a big, shiny courtesy carrier bag with the logo of HSBC on the side. Inside this, I find an enormous press pack complete with a photo of all the conference organizers lifting glasses of champagne to each other (yeah right, like we're really going to use that in the magazine), a voucher for two drinks at the Sun Alliance Pimm's Stand, a raffle ticket to win? 1, 000 (invested in the unit trust of my choice) a big lollipop advertising Eastgate Insurance, and my name badge with PSS stamped across the top. There's also a white envelope with the ticket to the Barclays champagne reception inside, and I put that carefully in my bag. Then I fasten my name badge prominently on my lapel and start to walk around the arena. Normally, of course, the rule is to throw away your name badge as soon as you're given it. But the great thing about being PSS at one of these events is that people fall over themselves to ply you with free stuff. A lot of it's just boring old leaflets about savings plans, but some of them are giving out free gifts and snacks, too. So after an hour, I've accumulated two pens, a paperknife, a mini box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, a helium balloon with Save and Prosper on the side, and a T‑ shirt with a cartoon on the front, sponsored by some mobile phone company. And I've had two free cappuccinos, a pain au chocolat, some scrumpy (from Somerset Savings), a mini pack of Smarties and my Pimm's from Sun Alliance. (I haven't written a single note in my notebook, or asked a single question – but never mind. I can always just copy some stuff out of the press pack. ) I've seen that some people are carrying quite neat little silver desk clocks, and I wouldn't mind one of those, so I'm just wandering along, trying to work out what direction they're coming from, when a voice says, 'Becky! ' I look up – and it's Elly! She's standing at the Wetherby's display with a couple of guys in suits, waving at me to come over.