Nascido puramente por um desejo de criar música escura, pesada e atmosférica;. IntroVertum foi formada no verão de 2013, sombria
Nascido puramente por um desejo de criar mú sica escura, pesada e atmosfé rica;. IntroVertum foi formada no verã o de 2013, sombria A jornada é uma questã o inquietante. INFORMAÇ Õ ES GERAIS Membros da banda: C. Rosenberg, A. RennakerNome do Artista: IntrovertuMHome Page: http: //www. reverbnation. com/introvertumAtivo desde: 13/05Gê neros: Metal INFORMAÇ Õ ES DE CONTATO Localizaç ã o: Circle Pines, MN Born purely out of a longing to create dark, heavy and atmospheric music; IntroVertum was formed in the somber summer of 2013. The journey is an unsettling one. 1. TELL US ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF INTROVERTUM? IntroVertuM came about as a desire to make heavy music. I've always been a fan of slow and atmospheric music so this is what I wanted to do. I was able to contact another person (Aaron) and we got together and realized we share the same passion and work well together. 2. WHY THE NAME INTROVERTUM? The name fits my personality, I am an introvert and through music I am able to express feelings and ideas that might otherwise stay inside. 3. COMMENT ABOUT YOUR LYRICS AND INFLUENCES. A lot of inspiration comes from the supernatural and occult world. The lyrics generally have a dark fantasy twist to them. Musical influences are too numerous to mention single bands but the genres would mainly be traditional metal, death metal and of course doom metal. 4. TELL US MORE ABOUT ORBITOCLASTS OF PENNHURST. Orbitocalsts of Pennhurst is basically a musical journey into one of the most unsettling institutions that existed in America: