Chapter 17. Chapter 18. Chapter 19. Chapter 20. Chapter 21. Chapter 22. Chapter 23. Chapter 24. Chapter 25Chapter 17 Sunhigh came and went as the cats made their way… Chapter 18 “Are you tel ing Firepaw how I protected Redtail? ” Chapter 19 Graypaw and Ravenpaw were stil patching the hole when Firepaw… Chapter 20 By the time Firepaw returned, the camp was starting to… Chapter 21 “Yel owfang has kil ed Spottedleaf and taken my kits! ” screeched Frostfur. Chapter 22 Firepaw and Graypaw retraced their steps to ThunderClan territory. Both… Chapter 23 Firepaw could tel there were several cats in the patrol, … Chapter 24 Yel owfang turned and pushed her way into the bracken. Whitestorm… Chapter 25 Buoyed up with relief at being home again, Firepaw and… About the Author Other Books by Erin Hunter Copyright About the Publisher ALLEGIANCES THUNDERCLAN BLUESTAR— blue-gray she-cat, tinged LEADER with silver around her muzzle. REDTAIL— smal tortoiseshel tom with a DEPUTY distinctive ginger tail. APPRENTICE, DUSTPAW SPOTTEDLEAF— beautiful dark MEDICINE CAT tortoiseshel she-cat with a distinctive dappled coat. WARRIORS (toms, and she-cats without kits) LIONHEART— magnificent golden tabby
tom with thick fur like a lion’s mane. APPRENTICE, GRAYPAW TIGERCLAW— big dark brown tabby tom
with unusual y long front claws. APPRENTICE, RAVENPAW
WHITESTORM— big white tom. big white tom.
tabby tom. LONGTAIL— pale tabby tom with dark
black stripes.
RUNNINGWIND— swift tabby tom. WILLOWPELT— very pale gray she-cat
with unusual blue eyes.
MOUSEFUR— smal dusky brown she-cat. (more than six moons old, in training to APPRENTICES become warriors)
DUSTPAW— dark brown tabby tom.
GRAYPAW— long-haired solid gray tom. RAVENPAW— smal, skinny black tom with
a tiny white dash on his chest, and white- tipped tail
SANDPAW— pale ginger she-cat.
FIREPAW— handsome ginger tom. QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits) FROSTFUR— beautiful white coat and blue
BRINDLEFACE— pretty tabby.
GOLDENFLOWER— pale ginger coat. SPECKLETAIL— pale tabby, and the
oldest nursery queen. (former warriors and queens, now ELDERS retired) HALFTAIL— big dark brown tabby tom
with part of his tail missing. SMALLEAR— gray tom with very smal
ears. The oldest tom in ThunderClan.
PATCHPELT— smal black-and-white tom. ONE-EYE— pale gray she-cat, the oldest
cat in ThunderClan. Virtual y blind and deaf. DAPPLETAIL— once-pretty tortoiseshel
she-cat with a lovely dappled coat. SHADOWCLAN BROKENSTAR— long-haired dark brown LEADER tabby. BLACKFOOT— large white tom with huge jet- DEPUTY black paws. MEDICINE RUNNINGNOSE— smal gray-and-white tom. CAT STUMPYTAIL— brown tabby tom. APPRENTICE, BROWNPAW BOULDER— silver tabby tom. WARRIORS APPRENTICE, WETPAW CLAWFACE —battle- scarred brown tom. APPRENTICE, LITTLEPAW NIGHTPELT— black tom. DAWNCLOUD— smal tabby. BRIGHTFLOWER— QUEENS black-and-white she-cat. ELDERS ASHFUR— thin gray tom. WINDCLAN TALLSTAR— a black-and-white tom with a very LEADER long tail. RIVERCLAN CROOKEDSTAR— a huge light-colored tabby with LEADER a twisted jaw. DEPUTY OAKHEART— a reddish brown tom. CATS OUTSIDE CLANS YELLOWFANG— old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face. SMUDGE— plump, friendly black-and-white kitten who lives in a house at the edge of the forest. BARLEY— black-and-white tom who lives on a farm close to the forest. MAPS