Prologue. Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10. Chapter 11. Chapter 12. Chapter 13. Chapter 14. Chapter 15. Chapter 16
WARRIORS INTO THE WILD ERIN HUNTER For Billy—who left our Twoleg home to become a Warrior. We still miss him very much. And for Benjamin—his brother who is with him now in StarClan Special thanks to Kate Cary Contents Al egiances Maps Prologue A half-moon glowed on smooth granite boulders, turning them silver. Chapter 1 It was very dark. Rusty could sense something was near. Chapter 2 “Wel? ” hissed Bluestar, her face only a mouse-length from his… Chapter 3 That morning, as Rusty slept off his night’s wanderings, the… Chapter 4 Shocked yowls rose from the Clan cats and echoed through… Chapter 5 “Hey, Firepaw, wake up! ” Graypaw’s meow broke into Firepaw’s dream. Chapter 6 Early-morning sunlight streamed down onto the forest floor as Firepaw… Chapter 7 Firepaw retraced his steps and headed back toward the stream. Chapter 8 Yel owfang growled in defiance at the approaching pawsteps, but Firepaw… Chapter 9 “I’d go and see to Yel owfang, if I were you, ”… Chapter 10 By the fol owing morning, a thin drizzle soaked the treetops… Chapter 11 Firepaw returned with a chaffinch gripped firmly between his teeth. Chapter 12 Firepaw peered over the brow of a bush-covered slope. Graypaw… Chapter 13 Firepaw reached the edge of the ravine and looked down… Chapter 14 The cold air chil ed Firepaw’s bones as blackness wrapped itself… Chapter 15 Bluestar stood and began to pad toward Mothermouth. Tigerclaw walked… Chapter 16 They headed back the way they had come. The moon…