Happiness Day. Who is Celebrating. How to Celebrate. POSSIBLE ACTIVITIESHappiness Day
Help plan next year’s events in this exciting nationwide celebration with your students and community. Contact happy@happycounts. org. Happiness is as American as Apple Pie. The event will be a national festival/teach-in on American campuses and in American communities. Who is Celebrating US campuses offer a great setting for a nationwide Happiness Day. New technologies make possible televised linkages between campuses. The universities were the launching pad for the enormously successful Earth Day in 1970, the much more limited Take Back Your Time Day in 2003, and Bill McKibben’s hugely popular 350 events around climate change in 2009. Media interest in this event is guaranteed to be huge. The positive goals of this event also assure widespread student participation. Already, some 60 campuses have expressed interest in participating. How to Celebrate Happiness, or well-being, is subject that allows nearly all disciplines on campus to participate and contribute their knowledge to a teach-in and celebration. Inter-disciplinary teams can work together to share insights as the teach-in develops. Your students will be excited by the opportunity to participate in this event. POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES • Campus events should include substantive information and serious consideration of the subject, but can be enhanced by festive activities, planned by student teams.
YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED There is no limit to ideas for this project. In the next few weeks we will be collecting input and feedback on this idea, and lining up commitments to participate. Development of the project idea will continue through spring and summer. Please email us to be put on our email list and kept informed as this idea develops at happy@happycounts. org.