Philip Kerr 21 страница‘What does the future hold for you, Scott? ’ ‘I’m not sure you were listening, friend. Which of us can honestly say what the future holds? Isn’t that what Bekim’s death tells us? That nothing is certain? After all he was only twenty‑ nine, for Pete’s sake. And that’s rather the point of what I was saying just now. So I don’t intend to go back into football management right away. Frankly, I’m not so sure that anyone would have me, anyway. I think maybe my half‑ time team talks are a bit more Gordon Ramsey than Henry the Fifth. My father has a sports apparel company and I’ll be spending a little more time helping him with that for the moment. But this is not to say I’ve fallen out of love with the game. Not at all. Football means everything to me. ’ ‘May I ask what your next move is going to be, Scott? Spain? Malaga? There’s a strong rumour that you’re going to take up a job in Spain. You do speak excellent Spanish. ’ I sighed, grinned, and shook my head. ‘I also speak German, Italian and French. But it seems my English isn’t so good. Didn’t I already say I wasn’t immediately going back into management? However, since you asked so nicely, I will tell you what my next move is. ’ I looked at Louise, smiled warmly, took her hand in mine and kissed it fondly. ‘It’s simply this. Me and my girlfriend, we’re going to walk down the King’s Road tomorrow afternoon and, if we can get tickets, we’re going to go to Stamford Bridge and watch Chelsea play Tottenham Hotspur. It has all the indications of being a cracker of a game. But for once I’m happy to say that I really don’t give a damn who wins. ’