Coming Soon Follow the continuing story of Gabriel and Julia in the highly anticipated sequel to Gabriel’s Inferno, coming soon from Omnific Publishing. Prologue 16 страница
Chapter 22
Two almost lovers were tangled around each other, their naked legs entwined in a large bed under an ice-blue silk duvet and white Frette sheets. The woman mumbled in her sleep, moving fitfully, while the man remained still, enjoying the pleasure of her company. He could have lost her. Lying next to her, he was conscious of the fact that their evening could have ended very differently. She didn’t have to forgive him. She didn’t have to accept him. But she did. Perhaps he could dare to hope… “Gabriel? ” He didn’t answer, for he thought she was still asleep. It was three o’clock in the morning, and the bedroom was shrouded in darkness, a darkness made visible by the lights of the city’s skyline diffused through the blinds. She rolled over so that she could see his face. “Gabriel? ” she whispered. “Are you awake? ” “Yes. It’s all right, darling, go back to sleep. ” He kissed her lightly and stroked her hair. She propped herself up on one elbow. “I’m wide awake now. ” “So am I. ” “Can I—talk to you? ” He quickly mimicked her position. “Of course. Is something wrong? ” “Are you happier now than you were before? ” Gabriel looked at her for a moment and gently tapped her nose with his finger. “Why the deep question in the middle of the night? ” “You said you weren’t happy last year. I was wondering if you are happy now. ” “Happiness is something I know precious little about. You? ” Julia twisted the edge of the bed sheet in her hand. “I try to be happy. I try to focus on the little things and find pleasure in them. Your pie made me happy. ” “If I’d known the pie would make you happy, I would have given it to you sooner. ” “Why aren’t you happy now? ” “I bartered my birthright for a bowl of pottage. ” “You’re quoting scripture? ” Julia was incredulous. Gabriel bristled. “I’m not a pagan, Julianne. I was brought up Episcopalian. Richard and Grace were very devout. Didn’t you know that? ” She nodded. She’d forgotten. His face took on a remarkably serious expression. “I still believe, even though I don’t live like it. I know that makes me a hypocrite. ” “All believers are hypocrites because none of us live up to our beliefs. I believe too, but I’m not very good. I only go to Mass when I’m sad, or at Christmas and Easter. ” She reached her hand out to find his and clasped him tightly. “If you still believe, you must have hope. You must believe that happiness is possible for you too. ” He released her hand and rolled onto his back, gazing up at the ceiling. “I lost my soul, Julianne. ” “What do you mean? ” “You’re looking at one of those precious few who have committed the sin unto death. ” “How? ” Gabriel sighed. “My name is the bitterest irony. I’m closer to a devil than an angel, and I’m beyond redemption because I’ve done unforgivable things. ” “You mean—with Professor Singer? ” He laughed bitterly. “Would that those were my only sins. But no, Julianne, I’ve done worse. Please just accept what I say. ” She inched closer. Her delicate features creased with worry, and her eyebrows knitted together. She took her time considering the words he had not said, while he trailed repentant fingers up and down her arm. “I know that keeping secrets from you is hurtful. I know that I won’t be able to keep them from you forever. Please, just give me a little time. ” He exhaled slowly and lowered his voice. “I promise I won’t make love to you without telling you who I am first. ” “It’s a bit soon to discuss that, don’t you think? ” He frowned and searched her eyes. “Is it? ” “Gabriel, we’re just getting to know one another. And there have already been a few surprises. ” He winced. “You need to know my intentions. I don’t intend to seduce you, then leave. I don’t intend to save some of my secrets until after I make you wholly mine. I’m trying to be good. ” Gabriel’s vow was made in good faith. He wanted her, he wanted all of her, but he realized while he lay awake that night that he couldn’t take her virginity before he’d revealed his true self. Although her ultimate reaction to Ann had taught him to hope, he was still afraid that his revelations would drive her away. She could do better. Nevertheless, the thought of Julianne with someone else made his heart stutter. “Do you have a conscience? ” “What kind of question is that? ” he growled. “Do you believe that there’s a difference between right and wrong? ” “Of course! ” “Do you know the difference? ” Gabriel scrubbed at his face with both hands and kept them there. “Julianne, I am not a sociopath. Knowing isn’t the problem—doing is the problem. ” “Then you haven’t lost your soul. Only a creature with a soul can tell the difference between right and wrong. Yes, you’ve made mistakes, but you feel guilt. You feel remorse. And if you still have your soul, you haven’t lost your chance at redemption. ” Gabriel smiled sadly and kissed her. “You sound like Grace. ” “Grace was very wise. ” “And so are you, Miss Mitchell. Apparently, ” he gently mocked her. “Actually, I am. With a little bit of help from Aquinas, Professor. ” He reached over and pulled up her T-shirt slightly so that he could softly tickle her naked flesh. “Ah! Gabriel! Stop it! ” She giggled and writhed, trying to get away from him. He continued for a moment, just to give himself the pleasure of hearing her laughter ring out in the darkened space. Then he let her go. “Thank you, Julianne. ” He caressed her cheek. “You almost make me believe it. ” She placed her arm around his waist, snuggling into his side and inhaling his scent gleefully. “You always smell good. ” “You can thank Rachel and Grace. They started buying me Aramis a long time ago. I kept on buying it out of habit. ” He grinned. “Do you think I should try something else? ” “Not if Grace bought it for you. ” Gabriel’s smile faded, but he pressed a kiss to her forehead nonetheless. “I suppose it’s a good thing she didn’t buy Brut. ” Julia laughed. They lay very still for a few minutes, before she whispered close to his ear. “There is something I’d like to tell you. ” Gabriel pursed his lips slightly and nodded. In spite of the dark, she looked away shyly. “You could have had me in the orchard. I would have let you. ” He traced her cheek with a single fingertip. “I know. ” “You know? ” “I am practiced at reading a woman’s body, Julianne. That night you were very receptive. ” She was surprised. “So you knew then that I—? ” “Yes. ” “But you didn’t…” “No. ” “Will you tell me why? ” He paused thoughtfully. “I didn’t think it was right. And I was so happy to have found you and to have you in my arms…it was enough. It was everything. ” Julia leaned over and pressed her lips to his neck. “It was perfect. ” “When we go home for Thanksgiving, I’d like to take you back to the orchard. Will you come with me? ” “Of course. ” She pressed a kiss just shy of his tattoo, for she knew he flinched whenever she touched him there. “Kiss me, ” he whispered. She complied, pressing parted lips and open mouth to his, tasting him for as long as he would have her. Until he sighed and moved away. She was saddened by the sudden loss of contact, and an old worry reared its head. Gabriel felt her tense. “Don’t confuse my restraint with a lack of desire, Julianne. I burn for you. ” He moved her gently so that she was on her side and spooned behind her, burying his face in her hair. “I’m glad you’re here, ” he whispered. Julia wanted to tell him that she slept better with him than without him. She wanted to tell him that she would like to sleep with him every night and that she earnestly desired him. But she didn’t. *** When she awoke the next morning, she was alone. She glanced at the old fashioned clock Gabriel kept on his nightstand and was stunned to discover that it was already noon. She’d slept far too long. He’d left her a continental breakfast and a note that was propped up against a wine glass filled with orange juice. Julia began eating the pain au chocolat as she read his note: From the Desk of Professor Gabriel O. Emerson Darling, You were sound asleep, so I didn’t want to wake you. I’ve gone to run some errands. Call me when you wake up. I was very grateful to have you in my arms all night and for your words… If I have a soul, it’s yours, Gabriel Julia smiled widely and took her time eating her breakfast. Gabriel sounded happy, and that made her happy too. She freshened herself up in the washroom and was about to exit the bedroom when she tripped over something. Righting herself with a curse, she saw that the offending speed bump was in reality three white shopping bags with the words Holt Renfrew emblazoned on them. She pushed them aside almost wrathfully, and walked to the kitchen. She was surprised to find Gabriel sitting at the breakfast bar, drinking coffee and reading a newspaper. He was wearing a pale blue button-down shirt that highlighted the blueness of his eyes, and black casual pants. He wore his glasses, and he looked handsome, as always. Julia felt underdressed in her T-shirt and shorts. “Why, hello there. ” Gabriel folded his paper and put his cup down. He opened his arms wide, beckoning her. She stepped in between his parted knees, and he embraced her warmly. “How did you sleep? ” he whispered in her hair. “Really well. ” He kissed her softly. “You must have been tired. How do you feel? ” He looked at her with concern. “I’m fine. ” “I can make you lunch, if you wish. ” “Have you eaten? ” “Something small with my first coffee. I was waiting to have lunch with you. ” He kissed her again, more deeply this time. Julia shyly slid her arms up his back and into his hair. Gabriel reacted by nibbling on her lower lip and pulling away with a smirk. “Part of me was worried you wouldn’t be here when I woke up. ” “I’m not going anywhere, Gabriel. My feet are still aching from walking everywhere in those heels yesterday. I don’t think I could make it home even if I wanted to. ” “I can fix that. With a little help from a hot bath. ” He moved his eyebrows suggestively. Julia flushed and changed the subject. “How long did you want me to stay? ” “Forever. ” “Gabriel, be serious. ” She shook her head, smiling. “Till Monday morning. ” “I only have clothes for today. I’ll have to go home and pick up a few things. ” He smiled at her indulgently. “I’ll take you home, if you insist. Or I’ll lend you the Range Rover. But before you go, there are a couple of things waiting for you in the bedroom. Perhaps a trip home will be unnecessary. ” “What things? ” He waved his hands. “Things someone might need if they were staying at a friend’s house. ” “And where did they come from? ” “The store where Rachel bought your messenger bag. ” “So they were expensive. ” Julia frowned and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “You are my guest. The rules of hospitality require that I satisfy all your needs. ” He sounded husky, his tongue peeking out to swipe across his lower lip. Through a great force of effort, Julia ignored his mouth. “It feels…illicit if you are buying me clothes. ” “What are you talking about? ” Now he sounded cross. “Like I’m some—” “Stop it. ” He released her immediately, and his eyes darkened. She stared back at him, bracing for the deluge to come. “Julianne, why do you have this aversion to generosity? ” “I don’t. ” “Yes, you do. Do you think I’m trying to bribe you into having sex with me? ” Her face reddened. “Of course not. ” “Do you think I’m buying you things because I expect you to pay for them in sexual trade? ” “No. ” “Then what’s the problem? ” “I don’t want to owe you. ” “Owe me? So now I’m a medieval moneylender who charges interest, and if you don’t pay on time, I’ll take a pound of your flesh. ” “I don’t think that, ” she whispered. “Then what do you think? ” “I think that I want to stand on my own two feet. You’re a professor, and I’m a student and—” “We discussed that last night. A present from a friend does nothing to inhibit your free will or your personal autonomy, ” he fumed. “I didn’t want you to have to go home. Our time together is short enough as it is. I walked across the street to the store and had my personal shopper assist me in picking out a few things. I was trying to be nice. But since you don’t want them, I’ll see that they are returned. ” He stood up and deposited his coffee cup in the kitchen. Then he walked right past her without saying a word and disappeared into his study. That could have gone better, thought Julia. She nibbled at her nails with her teeth, not knowing what to do. On the one hand, she wanted to be independent and not play the part of the poor helpless bird with the broken wing. On the other hand, she had a kind heart and did not like to cause other creatures pain. She had seen Gabriel’s eyes. Behind his sudden show of temper, he was hurt. Deeply. I didn’t mean to hurt him… Gabriel was so forceful, so strong, she hadn’t realized that he could be so sensitive. And over something that seemed as inconsequential as a few gifts. Perhaps she was the only one who ever saw his sensitivity. That made the fact that she’d hurt him all the more painful. She poured herself a glass of water and drank it slowly, trying to give him some space and herself a few minutes to think. As she approached his study, the telephone rang. She stuck her head through the doorway and peered over at him. Gabriel was sitting behind his desk, shuffling papers while he spoke on the phone. He glanced over at her, pointed at the telephone, and mouthed the name Richard. She nodded and walked over to his desk, picked up a pen that did not look expensive, and wrote on a piece of paper: Forgive me. She showed him the paper and his eyes met hers. He nodded stiffly. I’m going to take a shower. Can we talk afterward? He read her note and nodded again. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I’m sorry. Now Gabriel reached out his hand to grasp Julia’s wrist. He pressed his lips to the center of her palm before releasing her with a squeeze. She returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Immediately, she placed the shopping bags on the bed and reluctantly began to unpack them. In the first bag, she found women’s clothes, all in her size. Gabriel had purchased a classic black pencil skirt, black flat front Theory pants, a white cotton dress shirt with a shirttail and French cuffs, and a Santorini blue silk blouse. A pair of argyle patterned stockings, trouser socks, and black pointed-toe ankle boots completed the ensemble. It was like a small, essential collection from a single designer. Not to be ungrateful, but she would have been happy with a pair of jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt, and sneakers. In the second bag she was shocked to find lingerie. Gabriel had purchased an elegant and obviously expensive purple silk bathrobe and matching nightgown, which was ankle length and had a ruffled V-neckline. Julia was simultaneously surprised and pleased at the modesty and sophistication of the gown, for truly it was an item that she would feel comfortable wearing to bed with him even at this stage in their relationship. At the bottom of the bag she found a pair of purple satin mules with kitten heels. Julia surmised that they were a health hazard masquerading as sexy bedroom slippers. Clearly, Gabriel has a thing for heels…in all kinds of women’s footwear. The third and final bag contained underwear. Julia’s cheeks flushed red as she unwrapped three lace demi-bras, each with matching panties, all by a French designer. One set was champagne-colored, one was ice blue, and the other was pale pink. The panties were all boy shorts made of lace. Julia blushed even more deeply when she imagined Gabriel combing through racks of racy and expensive underwear, settling on items that were attractive and elegant, purchasing exactly the right sizes. Oh gods of all really generous (boyfriends? friends? ), thank you for steering him away from the really provocative items…for now. She was overwhelmed. She was slightly embarrassed. But everything was so beautiful, so delicate, so perfect. He might not love me, but he cares about making me happy, she thought. Clutching the champagne-colored underwear, white shirt, and black pants, she entered Gabriel’s washroom and took a shower. Not only was her lavender poof waiting for her, but miraculously her own brand of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash were also present. Gabriel, in his own obsessive way, had thought of everything. She was proudly wearing her new robe and towel drying her hair when she heard a knock at the door. “Come in. ” Gabriel peeked his head around the door. “Are you sure? ” He eyed her wet hair, and then his eyes wandered down her flowing purple robe to her bare feet and returned to rest on the naked flesh at her neck. “I’m decent. It’s all right. ” Gabriel strode toward her, his eyes dark and hungry. “You may be decent, but I’m not. ” Julia smiled at him appreciatively, and he smiled in return, his hunger checked somewhat. He leaned against the countertop of the vanity and placed his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry. ” “Me too. ” “I overreacted. ” “So did I. ” “Let’s make up. ” “Please, ” she said. “That was easy. ” Gabriel chuckled and took the towel out of her hands, tossing it aside. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. “Do you like your robe? ” He fingered the silk hesitantly. “It’s beautiful. ” “I’ll send the rest back. ” “No. I like everything. And I like them even more because you picked them. Thank you. ” Gabriel’s kisses could be light and sweet, like the kisses given by a boy to his first love. But not at this moment. Now he pressed his lips to hers until her lips parted and gave her a long, heated kiss before retreating. He ran the back of his hand up and down the curve of her cheek. “I would have chosen jeans, but Hilary, my personal shopper, persuaded me that it’s very difficult to buy jeans for another person. If you’d rather wear something more casual, I’ll take you to buy something else. ” “I don’t need another pair of jeans. ” “You should know that I chose everything except the underwear. Hilary picked them. ” He saw surprise on her face and hastened to explain. “I didn’t want to embarrass you. ” “Too late, ” she mumbled, somewhat disappointed at his revelation. “Julianne, I need to explain something. ” His eyes grew serious, and she felt a chill of some kind travel across the surface of his skin. He shifted his weight once or twice as he seemed to search for the right words. “My father was a married man with a family when he became involved with my mother. He seduced her, used her like a whore, and abandoned her. It grieves me that you could think I’m treating you the same way. Of course, given my track record, your reaction is not surprising but—” “Gabriel, I don’t think that. It’s just that I don’t like feeling as if I need to be looked after. ” He stared at her closely. “I want to look after you but not because you need it. Of course you can look after yourself. You’ve been doing a damn good job of it since you were a little girl. But you don’t have to be alone anymore. You have me now. “I want to spoil you and make extravagant gestures because I care for you. ” He moved uncomfortably. “I can’t say everything I feel. All I can do is show you. So when you won’t let me…” He shrugged, a pained look on his face. “I never thought of it like that, ” she said quietly. “Every time I do something for you, I’m trying to demonstrate the words I cannot say. ” He traced his thumbs across the curve of her cheekbones. “Don’t deprive me of this. Please. ” Julia answered him by raising herself up on tiptoe and pressing herself tightly against his chest, wrapping her arms around his neck and plundering his mouth with her own. It was all hunger and promise and giving and need. Gabriel gave to her, the tension of his jaw fully palpable as he concentrated his entire being on this one, perfect mouth. When they broke apart, they were both panting. He rested his chin on her shoulder. “Thank you, ” he whispered. “It’s hard for me to depend on someone else. ” “I know. ” “It would be easier if you included me in your plans, rather than making decisions for me. I’d feel more like your—partner. Not that that’s what we are. ” Her cheeks pinked up. He kissed her again. “I want us to be partners, Julianne. What you ask for is fair. I just get carried away sometimes, especially with you. ” She nodded against his chest, and when he cleared his throat, she pulled back so that she could see his eyes. “About a year before he died, my father had an attack of conscience and added me to his will. He must have thought that by giving me the same share in his estate as his legitimate children, he could expiate his sins. You’re looking at a living, breathing indulgence. ” “I’m so sorry, Gabriel. ” “I didn’t want the money. But because of the investments he left me, I have more money now than I had when he died. No matter how fast I spend it, I will never be rid of it. I will never be rid of him. So you mustn’t think about how much things cost. The cost is inconsequential. ” “Why did you accept the inheritance? ” He released her so that he could rub his eyes behind his glasses. “Richard and Grace mortgaged their house to pay for my mistakes. I owed money for drugs, which meant that I was in danger, and there were other things…” “I didn’t know. ” “Your father knew. ” “Dad? How? ” “Richard was determined to save me. When I confessed how much trouble I was in, he decided to go to all of the people I owed money to and pay them off. Fortunately, he called your father first. ” “Why would he do that? ” “Because your father knew a private investigator who had connections in Boston. ” Julia’s eyes widened in recognition. “My uncle Jack. ” Gabriel frowned. “I didn’t know he was your uncle. Richard was so naï ve. He didn’t realize that I owed money to some very shady characters who could have taken the money and killed him. Tom arranged for your uncle and some of his friends to pay my debts, safely, with Richard’s money. When I got out of rehab, I called my father’s lawyer in New York and said I’d take my inheritance. I paid off the mortgage, but I never lost the shame. Richard could have been killed because of me. ” Julia pressed her cheek to his chest. “You are his son. Of course he wanted to save you. He loves you. ” “The prodigal son, ” Gabriel muttered. He slid his hands to her hips and changed the subject. “I want you to feel comfortable here. I emptied one of my dresser drawers and made room in the closet for your clothes. I’d like you to leave some things with me so you can come and go as you please. And I’ll give you my spare key. ” “You want me to leave my clothes here? ” “Well, I’d rather you left yourself here, but I’ll settle for your clothes, ” he grumbled, half-smiling. Julia reached up to plant a penitent kiss on his pouting lips. “I’ll leave some of your gifts here and the next time I’m over, they’ll be waiting for me. ” He smiled, and his smile morphed into a smirk. “Since we’re talking about leaving things here, perhaps you’ll leave some pictures. ” “You want to take my picture…like this? ” “Why not? You’re beautiful, Julianne. ” Her skin flamed. ”I don’t think I’m ready to have you take erotic pictures of me. ” His eyebrows furrowed. “I was thinking more along the lines of some black-and-white photos of your profile, your neck, your face…” He began tracing curved patterns on her back, a gentle gesture designed to reassure her of his affection. “Why? ” “Because I would like to be able to look at you when you aren’t here. My apartment is very empty without you. ” She pursed her lips thoughtfully. “Does that trouble you? ” He caressed her jaw line slowly. “No. You can take my picture. But I’d prefer to be fully dressed. ” “I don’t think my heart could take the sight of you undressed. ” She smiled at him, and he laughed. “Can I ask you something, Gabriel? ” “Of course. ” “When you go home for Thanksgiving, will you stay at Richard’s or at a hotel? ” “I’ll stay at the house with everyone else. Why? ” “Rachel said that you used to stay in a hotel whenever you visited. ” “That’s right. ” “Why? ” He shrugged. “Because I was the black sheep of the family and Scott never let me forget it. It was a relief to have the option of leaving if things became uncomfortable. ” “Did you ever bring a girl home? ” “Never. ” “Did you ever want to bring someone home? ” “Not before you. ” He leaned forward to kiss her again. “And if I had my way, you’d be the first girl to share my bed in my parents’ house. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to happen unless I sneak you in after dark. ” Julia giggled slightly but was secretly very, very pleased. “Richard reminded me that I need to book our airline tickets. Why don’t you let me make the arrangements and we can work out the money later? ” “I could book my own ticket. ” “Of course you could. But I want us to be seated together. We’ll have to leave for the airport after my seminar, which means we’ll have to take the last flight out of Toronto, around nine o’clock. ” “That’s late. ” “I was going to reserve a hotel room in Philadelphia for Wednesday night, since we’ll be arriving close to eleven. Unless you want to drive to Selinsgrove right away. ” Julia shook her head. “Why don’t we just fly to Harrisburg? ” “The last flight to Harrisburg leaves in the middle of my seminar. Of course, we could leave the day after, if you’d prefer. Then we wouldn’t have to stay at a hotel. ” Gabriel’s eyes fixated on hers, measuring her. “I don’t want to lose another day. And it would be nice to stay at a hotel with you. ” She smiled. “Good. I’ll make the reservations and rent a car. ” “What about Rachel and Aaron? Shouldn’t we drive with them? ” “They’re driving up Wednesday after work. Rachel instructed me that it was my responsibility to see that you arrived home safely. She expects me to be your chauffeur and your bell boy. ” He winked at her and grinned. “She knows, doesn’t she? ” “Rachel thinks she knows everything. ” His grin tightened. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle her. ” “It isn’t Rachel I’m worried about. ” “You don’t need to worry about anything. We’re just two family friends who met in a city far from home. It will be harder on me than it will be on you. ” “Why is that? ” “Because I will be in the same room with you without being able to touch you. ” She looked down at her bare feet and smiled shyly. Gabriel took her hand in his and began to stroke it. “When is your birthday? ” “I don’t celebrate it. ” “Why not? ” “I just don’t. ” Now her voice was defensive. “Well, I’d like to celebrate it with you. Don’t deprive me, Julianne. ” Gabriel’s blue eyes communicated more frustration than annoyance. Julia thought back to their argument about the clothes and decided that she didn’t want to have another fight with him so soon. “It was September first. You missed it. ” “No, I haven’t. ” He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his cheek against hers. “Are you free next Saturday? We can celebrate it then. ” “What will we be doing? ” “I’ll need to make some arrangements, but we’ll be going out. ” “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to go out together—in public. ” He frowned. “Let me worry about that. Now, are you accepting my invitation or not? ” He slid his hand down to one of the ticklish spots on her side. “I am accepting with gratitude. Please don’t tickle me. ” She began giggling in anticipation. Gabriel ignored her plea and began tickling her lightly until she shrieked with laughter. He loved to hear her laugh. And she loved the rare moments when he was playful. When she finally caught her breath, she began apologizing. “I’m sorry for hurting your feelings earlier. It’s no excuse, but yesterday was a rough day, and on top of that, I’m hormonal. ” Hormonal? thought Gabriel. Ohhh…He looked at her with concern. “Are you ill? ” “I’m fine. I get this way a few days before. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it. ” “If it makes you sick or upset, of course I want to hear about it. I care for you. ” “You might want to mark it on your calendar so you know when to avoid me. That is, if things…” she trailed off. “I’ll do no such thing, ” said Gabriel, stiffly. “I want you, all of you—not just the bits and pieces. And of course things are going to continue. ” I hope. Julia’s revelation presented Gabriel with an interesting situation. It wasn’t that he’d forgotten his human biology. It was more like given his lifestyle, it had never been an issue. Hormonal women, or women on their cycles, did not frequent The Vestibule looking for sex. Rarely had he entertained the same woman in his bed more than once. Even then they had not discussed such intimate subjects. He wouldn’t mind discussing such intimate subjects with Julianne. He wanted to be able to read her moods, even if they were weepy or short-tempered. The thought both perplexed and pleased him. “I should let you get dressed. But there’s one more thing we have to talk about. ” Gabriel gave her a serious look, and Julia immediately steeled herself. “I spoke with my lawyer again. ” “And? ” “He advised me to stay away from you. He said that the university has a zero-tolerance policy with respect to fraternization that covers both students and faculty. ” “What does that mean? ” “It means that both of us would be at risk if we were to be involved while you’re in my class. You could be expelled, under certain conditions. ” Julia closed her eyes as a groan escaped her lips. Why is the universe always conspiring against us? “We knew that the policy was in force, and we knew that it was serious. We just need to maintain the status quo and continue being discreet for a couple more weeks. As soon as Katherine turns in your grade for my seminar, we will be free to see one another. ” “I’m afraid. ” Gabriel reached up to touch her cheek. “What are you afraid of? ” “If anyone sees us together or suspects something, they can file a complaint. Christa wants you, and she hates me. Paul doesn’t like how you’ve treated me, so I’m sure he’d be eager to claim that you’ve harassed me. And Professor Singer…” Julia shivered. She didn’t want to consider what Professor Singer thought. “I’m not going to let them expel you. No matter what. It’s never going to come to that. ” Julia tried to protest, but he silenced her with his lips, murmuring reassurances into her mouth as he tried to demonstrate how deeply he cared for her without using words. *** They enjoyed a beautiful day together. They laughed and kissed and spent hours talking. Gabriel took several pictures of Julia in various casual poses until her embarrassment got the best of her and he was forced to put the camera away. He resolved to take a picture or two while she was asleep that evening, for Julianne had the face of an angel when she was at peace. And he knew that a sleeping Julianne would make a captivating subject. After dinner, they found themselves dancing in front of the fireplace. Gabriel had prepared a compilation of several sultry songs by Sting, but Julia couldn’t concentrate on the music. Her head was in a haze as it always was when he kissed her. She was so caught up in the physical feelings and emotions it almost made her dizzy. His hands were in her hair, tangling and caressing at the nape of her neck. They moved to her shoulders, where they slowly traced the slope of her skin. Then they slid down to her waist, and gently, teasingly, moved slowly upward to the sides of her breasts. Two strong hands gently cupped her breasts, moving and massaging them softly. Julia pulled back. Gabriel kept his hands where they were and opened his eyes. He looked puzzled at first. She’d retreated, and he could feel her heart racing against his fingertips. “Julianne? ” he whispered. She shook her head, her skin flushed and her mouth open. She didn’t break eye contact as she moved closer. Gabriel moved his hands a little, just to gauge her reaction. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them he saw something completely new in their brownish depths—heat. The sight of Julia’s sudden and intense arousal hit him sharply, not just in his own heightened state of excitement, but emotionally as well. She’d never looked at him this way before, all anxious and animated, as if no one had ever touched her before. Gabriel rumbled slightly in his chest at the thought. He motioned to her with his eyes to come in for a kiss, and he melded his lips to hers, caressing her breasts more forcefully and trailing a thumb against the nubs that began to poke through her shirt. Julia gasped in pleasure into his mouth, and that spurred him on further. Soon he was groaning against her lips and pressing their bodies more tightly together. More! his body ordered him. Closer. Faster. Tighter. More. More. More. “Ugghhhh, ” he groaned, breaking free from her lips and moving his hands to the safe space of her shoulder blades. Julia pressed her cheek to the planes of his pectorals, her emotions swirling. Eyes closed, she grew unsteady on her feet, but Gabriel reached down and caught her by the waist. “How are you? ” “Happy. ” “Passion will do that to you. ” He gave her a half-smile. “So will your fingers, ” she whispered. He placed her in his red chair by the fire. “I need to take a shower. ” Julia tried to regain her composure. Gabriel’s seductive skills left her heady and wanting, wanting things for which she was not ready. Yet. Professor Emerson is a breast man, she thought to herself with no little warmth. After he’d been gone for quite some time, she wondered what had happened to him. She wondered why, all of a sudden, he felt the need to take a second shower. When the answer to her silent question dawned on her, she smiled to herself.