Coming Soon Follow the continuing story of Gabriel and Julia in the highly anticipated sequel to Gabriel’s Inferno, coming soon from Omnific Publishing. Prologue 6 страницаChapter 10 While Julia was at Lobby, there were moments when she was convinced that Gabriel remembered her. But those moments were fleeting and ethereal, and they’d disappeared like cobwebs blown away by the wind. So Julia, because she was an honest young woman, began to doubt herself. Perhaps her first encounter with Gabriel had been a dream. Perhaps she’d fallen in love with his photograph and imagined the events that occurred after Rachel and Aaron fled. Perhaps she had fallen asleep in the orchard alone, the sad recipient of the desperate and lonely illusion of a young girl from a broken home who had never felt loved before. It was possible. When everyone in the whole world believes one thing and you are the only one who believes differently, it’s very tempting to assimilate. All Julia would have to do would be to forget, to deny, to suppress. Then she would be just like everyone else. But Julia was stronger than that. No, she had not been prepared to call Gabriel out publicly about exposing her virginity, for that would be to draw too much attention to a fact that she was partially ashamed of. And no, she was unwilling to force him to acknowledge her or the night they shared together, for Julia had a fairly pure heart, and she did not like to force anyone to do anything. When she saw the confusion on Gabriel’s face while they were dancing and realized that his mind wouldn’t allow him to remember, she withdrew. She was worried what a sudden strong realization might do to him, and fearful that his mind might shatter like Grace’s glass coffee table, she chose to do nothing. Julia was a good person. And sometimes goodness doesn’t tell everything it knows. Sometimes goodness waits for the appropriate time and does the best it can with what it has. Professor Emerson was not the man that she’d fallen in love with in the orchard. In fact, Julia concluded that there was something seriously wrong with The Professor. He was not just dark or depressed, but disturbed. And she worried that he had alcoholic tendencies, familiar as she was with the alcoholism of her mother. But because she was good, she would not break him the way she had been broken, by forcing him to look at something he did not want to see. She would have done anything for Gabriel, the man she spent the night with in the woods, if he’d given her even a single indication that he wanted her. She would have descended to Hell and searched for him, looking until she found him. She would have stormed the gates and dragged him back. She would have been Sam to his Frodo and followed him into the bowels of Mount Doom. But he was not her Gabriel. Her Gabriel was dead. Gone. Leaving behind only vestiges of him in the body of a harsh and tortured clone. Gabriel had almost broken Julia’s heart once. She was determined she would not let him break her heart for the second time. Before Rachel left Toronto to return to Aaron and the dystopia that was her family, she insisted on seeing Julia’s studio apartment. Julia had been putting her off for days, and Gabriel himself had discouraged his sister from simply showing up unannounced. He knew that as soon as she saw where her friend was living she’d pack Julia up personally and force her to move into a nicer place, preferably Gabriel’s guest room. (One can only imagine Gabriel’s reaction to that suggestion, but it ran along the lines of no fucking way. ) So on Sunday afternoon, Rachel arrived on Julia’s doorstep in order to have tea and say her good-byes before Gabriel took her to the airport. Julia was nervous. She had the cardinal virtue of fortitude, like a stubborn medieval saint, and so she was unlikely to mind various discomforts or slights. Consequently, she hadn’t thought her little hobbit hole was really that bad when she signed the lease. It was safe, and it was clean, and she could afford it. But believing that and showing her apartment to Rachel were two different things. “I need to warn you that it’s small. But remember, I’m living on a grad student’s income and it’s fixed. I can’t get a job up here because I don’t have a work permit. And I can’t afford to live in Gabriel’s building or anywhere even half as nice, ” Julia explained as she ushered her friend into her apartment. Rachel nodded and placed a large square box on the bed. Gabriel had warned her how tiny the apartment was. He’d told her not to make a scene, for Gabriel still nursed a secret regret over his appalling behavior during his one and only visit to Julia’s apartment. But still, nothing her brother or her friend told her quite prepared Rachel for what she saw behind Julia’s closed door. The space was small, old, and everything in it was second-hand or cheap, apart from the simple curtains, bedding, and anything Julia had brought with her from home. To her credit, Rachel walked through the studio first, which only took about five steps, and looked at the closet, inspected the bathroom, and stood in the kitchen “area” looking at a pathetic little hot plate and an old decrepit microwave. Then she put her hands over her face and burst into tears. Julia stood rooted to the spot, not quite knowing what to do. Rachel was disturbed by ugliness, she knew, but Julia had tried to make her studio pretty and had used her favorite shades of purple to do so. Surely Rachel could appreciate that. Rachel came to herself a few moments later, wiping her tears and giggling. “I’m sorry. It’s hormones and lack of sleep, and I’ve been emotional because of Mom. Then there’s everything with my dad, and Aaron, and the wedding. Oh, Julia, I just wish I could take you home with me and you could live with us in Philadelphia. We have so much space. And our kitchen is bigger than your entire apartment! ” Julia hugged her friend tightly until she cracked a smile. “Gabriel said you’re very particular about your tea. He was impressed with how you made it. And you know nothing ever impresses him. So I’m going to curl up on your lovely lilac bed and learn how you do it. ” Rachel plopped herself down on top of Julia’s comforter, holding the large square box on her lap and trying to be cheerful for the sake of her friend. Julia was surprised that Gabriel even remembered the tea since he’d been so busy criticizing her eating habits during his visit. But she pushed such thoughts aside and focused her attention on making Rachel feel at home and helping her forget her troubles. Soon they were both perched on her bed, holding their china teacups and nibbling on chocolate truffles that Julia had purchased as a celebratory treat with part of her emergency fund. Rachel traced the rim of her cup with a single finger. “There’s something I need to tell you about Gabriel. ” “I don’t want to hear it. ” Rachel looked over at Julia and frowned. “Why not? ” “Because he’s my professor. It’s—safer if we pretend not to know each other. Trust me. ” Rachel shook her head. “He said something similar to me, you know. But I’m going to tell you what I told him, I don’t care. He’s my brother, and I love him. And there are a few things you should know. ” Julia sighed in acquiescence. “He’d kill me if he knew that I was telling you this, but I think it will make his attitude easier to understand. Did Mom ever tell you how she came to adopt him? ” “She only talked about happy things: how proud she was of him, how well he did at Princeton and Oxford. She never talked about his childhood. ” “Mom found him when he was nine years old, wandering around the hospital in Sunbury. He’d been traveling with his mother, who was a crazy alcoholic, and she got sick. They ended up in Sunbury, and his mother died, of pneumonia I think. Anyway, Mom found Gabriel, and he didn’t have a dollar to his name. He couldn’t even buy a drink from the vending machine. She was even more upset when she tracked down his mother’s relatives and they told her to keep him. He knew that his family didn’t want him. And despite everything my parents did, I don’t think he ever felt at home with us. He never became a Clark. ” Julia thought of Gabriel as a scared and hungry little boy and fought back tears. She imagined his eyes, large and blue in his pale but angelic face. His shock of brown hair spiked and unruly. Dirty clothes and a crazy mother. Julia knew what it was like to have an alcoholic mother. She knew what it was like to cry herself to sleep at night wishing someone, anyone, would love her. She and Gabriel had more in common than she cared to admit. Much, much more. “I’m sorry, Rachel. I didn’t know. ” “I’m not excusing his rudeness. I’m just telling you who he is. Did you know that after his horrible fight with Scott, Mom lit a candle every night and placed it in one of the windows? She thought that if Gabriel happened to be in Selinsgrove and saw the candle, he would know that she was waiting for him, that she loved him, and he’d walk up the front steps and come in. ” Julia shook her head. She hadn’t known that, but she believed it. That’s just who Grace was—charity unbound. “He pretends to be whole, but he’s been broken. And deep down, he hates himself. I told him to treat you nicely, so I think his behavior will improve. Let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll deal with him. ” Julia snorted. “He ignores me, mostly. I’m a lowly grad student, and he doesn’t let me forget it. ” “I find that difficult to believe. I doubt very much that he would stare so intensely at a ‘lowly’ grad student. ” Julia busied herself with her chocolate. “He stares at me? ” She was trying very hard to sound relaxed, but her voice sounded unnatural, shaky even. “He stares at you all the time. Haven’t you noticed? I caught him looking at you over dinner the other night and when we were at the club. Every time you took a drink, actually. And when I winked at him, he scowled. ” Rachel looked at her friend thoughtfully. “I see the two of you together, and I feel like I’m missing something…He knew that I was going shopping this week, and he not only encouraged me, he gave me money. ” “So? That’s nice. That’s what big brothers are for. What did you buy? ” “The money was for you, not me. ” Julia frowned and turned sideways on the bed, cross-legged, so that she could face her friend. “Why the hell would he do that? ” “You tell me. ” Rachel cocked her head to one side. “I don’t know. He’s been rude to me since I got here. ” “Well, he gave me some money and told me to buy you a gift. He was very specific. So here it is. ” Rachel placed the box in Julia’s lap. “I don’t want it. ” She tried to hand it back, but Rachel refused. “At least open it and see what it is. ” Julia shook her head, but Rachel insisted. So she opened the box. In it she found a very nice chocolate-brown, Italian-made leather messenger bag. She held the bag up by its strap and looked at it. The label said Fendi. Holy crap, thought Julia. “Well? What do you think? ” “I don’t—know, ” she stammered, staring at the beautiful and classic bag in astonishment. Rachel took it from her and began rummaging through it, muttering about its internal stitching, numerous compartments, and overall quality workmanship. “See how perfect it is? It’s functional and feminine, since it’s a messenger bag and not a briefcase, and it’s Italian. And we both know that you and Gabriel have a thing…for Italy, ” she added, after a pause that was designed to elicit some kind of reaction. Julia’s telltale flush and immediate nervousness told Rachel all she needed to know, but she chose not to embarrass her friend any further. “I’m not supposed to tell you it’s from him. He was very explicit. Of course, I ignored him. ” She chuckled. “Your brother wants me to have this because he doesn’t like looking at my ratty old knapsack. Its very existence offends his patrician sensibilities, so he thinks he can use you to persuade me to get rid of it. But I’m not going to. It’s an L. L. Bean, damn it, and they offer a lifetime guarantee. I’ll send it back to Maine, and they’ll replace it. He can take his messenger bag and shove it up his I’m-too-good-for-domestic-items ass. ” Rachel was stunned momentarily. “It’s not as if he’ll miss the money. He has piles of it. ” “Professors don’t make that much money. ” “That’s right. He inherited it. ” “From Grace? ” “No, from his biological father. A number of years ago a lawyer tracked Gabriel down and told him his father had died and left him a lot of money. I’m not sure he even knew his father’s name before that. Gabriel refused the inheritance at first, but later changed his mind. ” “Why? ” “I don’t know. It was after his fight with Scott. I didn’t talk to Gabriel after that for a very long time. But as far as the money is concerned, I think he’s trying to spend it faster than it accumulates interest. So don’t think of this as a gift from Gabriel—think of it as him sticking it to his old man. He wants to give money away. And he wants you to have something nice. He told me so. ” Julia shook her head. “I can’t accept it. I don’t care where it came from or why. ” Rachel gave her friend a pained look. “Please, Julia. Gabriel has been on the outs with all of us for so long. He’s finally letting me back into his life. I don’t think I can lose him now after everything…” Her face crumpled, and she looked very upset. “I’m sorry, but it’s too much. He’s my professor—he’ll get in trouble! ” Rachel clutched Julia’s hand. “Will you tell on him? ” “Of course not. ” “Good, because you’re supposed to think this is a belated birthday gift from me or Mom. ” Rachel’s eyes widened as she realized her mistake. “Oh God, Julia, your birthday. I forgot. I’m so sorry. ” Julia clenched her teeth a little. “I don’t really celebrate it anymore. It’s just too hard…I can’t…” “Do you ever hear from him? ” Julia immediately felt ill. “Only when he’s drunk or pissed off about something. But I changed my cell phone number when I moved here so he couldn’t call me. ” “Bastard, ” said Rachel. “Well, I wasn’t supposed to tell you the messenger bag was from Gabriel, but I just couldn’t lie to you. I know how much it hurts you when people lie, and I wasn’t going to do that. ” The two friends exchanged a meaningful look. Julia contemplated this one gift from Gabriel and all of its implications, spoken and unspoken. She didn’t want to receive a gift from him. He’d rejected her, plain and simple. Could she have this bag in her little hobbit hole? Could she use it, carry it to school, knowing all the while that it was from him? Knowing that he’d be staring at her smugly, thinking that he’d done her some kind of service? Not for Gabriel. Not for all the tea in China. Rachel saw what Julia was about to do even before the words had formed in the back of her mind. “If you don’t accept the bag, he’ll know something went wrong. He’ll blame me, instead. ” Julia silently cursed him. Oh gods of all pretentious pole-in-keister Dante specialists, send him a rash on il pene. Please. Something extra itchy. But for Rachel, Julia would do anything. “Fine. I’ll do this for you. But will you please tell Gabriel not to buy me any more stuff? I’m starting to feel like one of those kids on the UNICEF box at Halloween. ” Rachel gave her friend a nod and a smile and bit into a chocolate. She licked the cocoa from her lips and closed her eyes. It was good. Julia hugged the briefcase to her chest, like a shield, and inhaled the lovely leather scent. Gabriel wanted me to have a present. He must feel something for me, even if it’s only pity. And now I have something of his besides a photograph…something I’ll own forever. She waited a moment before delicately changing the subject. “Will you tell me what happened at the funeral? I sent a card with some flowers, and Gabriel saw them, but he had no idea why I sent them. ” “I heard about that. I saw the gardenias, and Scott said they were from you, but the card disappeared before I had a chance to explain it to Gabriel. I was a wreck. My brothers were fighting, and I was trying to keep them away from each other before someone went through a window. Or a coffee table. ” Julia thought of shattered glass and blood on a white carpet, and she shivered. “Why are they always fighting? ” Rachel sighed. “It never used to be that way. Gabriel changed when he went to Harvard…” Her voice trailed off mysteriously. Julia didn’t feel comfortable pressing her, so she kept silent. “As you know, Gabriel didn’t come home again for years after his fight with Scott, and when he did, he would only stay a few days. He insisted on sleeping at a hotel, and that broke Mom’s heart. Scott won’t let Gabriel forget it—all the stuff he put Mom through. ” Rachel chewed another truffle thoughtfully. “Scott looked up to Gabriel. It really hurt him when things went sour. Now they barely speak to one another, and when they do…” She shuddered. “I don’t know what I would have done without Aaron. I’d probably have run away and never come back. ” “Even a dysfunctional family is better than no family at all, ” Julia said softly. Rachel looked sad. “Well, that’s what we are now. We were the Clarks—now we are a dysfunctional family. A dead mother, a grief-stricken father, a hotheaded black sheep, and a pig-headed brother called Scott. I guess I’m the partridge in the pear tree. ” “Does Scott have a girlfriend? ” “He was dating a woman in his office, but they broke up right before Mom got sick. ” “I’m sorry. ” Rachel sighed. “My family is like a Dickensian novel, Julia. No, it’s worse. We’re a twisted mix of Arthur Miller and John Steinbeck, with a bit of Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy thrown in. ” “Is it really that bad? ” “Yes, because I have the feeling there are elements of Thomas Hardy lurking below the surface. And you know how much I hate him. Mind-fucking bastard. ” Julia thought about this and hoped for her friend’s sake that the Hardy novel approximating the Rachel Clark experience was more Mayor of Casterbridge than Tess of the D’Urbervilles or, God forbid, Jude the Obscure. (Unfortunately, Julia did not pause to consider which Hardy novel best described her own experiences…) “With Mom gone, everything is in upheaval. Dad is talking about retiring and selling the house. He wants to move to Philadelphia to be closer to me and to Scott. When he asked Gabriel if he minded if he sold the house, Gabriel flipped out and wandered off into the woods. We didn’t see him again for hours. ” Julia inhaled sharply and began to fidget with her messenger bag. Rachel was too busy placing her teacup on the card table and walking to the bathroom to notice, but something she said had upset Julia deeply. By the time Rachel returned, Julia had calmed herself through no little effort and was adding hot water to the teapot. Rachel fixed her friend with a concerned look. “What did Gabriel say that bothered you so much when you were dancing with him? And by the way, my Spanish is rusty but Besame Mucho is a pretty hot song! Did you even listen to the lyrics? ” Julia focused her attention on her tea and tried very hard not to hyperventilate. She knew she was going to have to lie to Rachel, and it was not a decision she took lightly. “All we talked about is the fact that he knew I was a virgin. ” “Bastard! Why the hell does he do things like that? ” Rachel shook her head. “You just wait, I’ll get him. He has these photos in his bedroom, and I’m going to…” “Don’t bother. It’s true. Why should I try to hide it? ” She bit her lip. “I just can’t figure out how he knew. It’s not as if I bring it up in polite conversation: Good afternoon, Professor Emerson. My name is Miss Mitchell, and I’m a virgin from Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. Pleased to meet you. ” Rachel waved her hand dismissively. “Think about it. He’s never exactly been in want of female companionship. I’m sure you seem different to him; you were probably the only girl at the club, apart from me, who wasn’t in heat. ” Julia looked disgusted, and rightly so, but didn’t comment. “When you came off the dance floor you looked as if you’d seen a ghost. Like how I imagined you would have looked the night you saw Si—” “Please, Rachel. Don’t. I can’t talk about that night. I can’t even think about it. ” “I could run him over with my car for what he did to you. I still might do that. Is he in Philadelphia? Give me his address. ” “Please, ” Julia begged, hugging her arms protectively across her chest. Rachel pulled her friend into a warm embrace. “Don’t you worry. You’re going to be happy someday. You’re going to fall in love with a beautiful boy, and he’s going to love you back so much it will hurt. And you’re going to get married and have a baby girl and live happily ever after. In New England, I think. At least, that’s the story I’d write for you, if I could. ” “I hope your story comes true. I’d like to believe something like that is possible, even for me. Otherwise, I just don’t know…” Rachel smiled. “You, of all people, deserve a happy ending. Despite everything that happened to you, you aren’t bitter. You aren’t cold. You’ve just retreated a little and been shy, and that’s okay. If I were a fairy godmother, I would give you your heart’s desire in an instant. And I would wipe away your tears and tell you not to cry. I wish Gabriel had taken a page from your book, Miss Julia. He could have learned a thing or two from you about how to deal with heartbreak. ” Rachel released her friend, looking at her closely before she spoke again. “I know that it’s a lot to ask, but will you look out for Gabriel? ” Julia leaned over the teapot on purpose, refilling their cups so that Rachel couldn’t see her face. “Gabriel has nothing but contempt for me. He’s merely tolerating me for your sake. ” “That’s not true. Believe me, that is simply not true. I’ve seen how he looks at you. He can be…cold. But apart from his biological parents, I don’t think he’s ever hated anyone, other than himself. Not even Scott during their worst fight. ” Julia shrugged. “There’s nothing I can do. ” “I’m not asking you to do anything, really. Just keep your eyes open. And if you see him…starting to act strangely, or if he’s in trouble, I want you to call me. Day or night. ” Julia wore an incredulous expression. “I’m serious, Julia. With Mom gone, I’m worried that his darkness is going to return. And I can’t lose him again. Sometimes I feel as if he’s standing on the edge of a very high cliff, and the slightest movement, the slightest breath of wind, will push him over the edge. I can’t let that happen. ” Julia’s eyebrows knitted together, and she nodded. “All I can do, I will do. ” Rachel closed her eyes and exhaled. “I feel so much better knowing that you’re around. You can be his guardian angel. ” She laughed softly. “Maybe some of your good luck will rub off on him. ” “I have nothing but bad luck, and you, of all people, should know it. ” “You’ve met Paul. He sounds nice. ” Julia smiled. Rachel was pleased by her friend’s smile. “Paul doesn’t seem to be the type who’d mind if you were a—you know. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. ” Julia laughed. “You can say it, Rachel—it’s not a curse word. And no, I don’t think Paul would mind that I’m a virgin. But we don’t talk about such things. ” Shortly thereafter, Rachel hugged Julia good-bye and climbed into a cab so that she could return to her brother’s apartment. “When I finally work through the monumental pile of issues that I have to deal with, I’m planning a wedding. And I’m expecting you to be my maid of honor. ” Julia felt tears form at the corners of her eyes. “Of course. Just name the date. And I’ll help you plan it too, if you need some help. ” Rachel blew her a kiss out the open window. “I was dreading this trip, but I’m so happy I came. At least two broken pieces of my life are coming back together. And if Gabriel gives you any shit, any shit at all, you call me, and I’ll hop a plane! ” With Rachel’s departure, Julia and Gabriel were forced to part company with their solid and secure St. Lucy. But in true saint-like fashion, she had accomplished all of her tasks before she returned home, and she had planted seeds that would soon blossom, in unexpected ways. Chapter 11 Late Tuesday afternoon, Julia and Paul sat in the Bloor Street Starbucks enjoying their respective coffee drinks, curled up together on a purple velvet loveseat and talking. They were sitting close but not too close. Close enough that Paul could admire her beauty, far enough away that Julia could watch his large, kind eyes and not feel overly-nervous. Or crowded. “Do you like Nine Inch Nails? ” she asked, cupping her coffee in two hands. Paul was taken aback by her question. “Uh, no. No, I don’t. ” He shrugged. “Trent Reznor twists my head around. Unless he’s singing backup for Tori Amos. Why, do you? ” Julia shivered. “Absolutely not. ” He pulled a CD out of his briefcase and handed it to her. “I like this kind of stuff. Music I can write my dissertation to. ” “I’ve never heard of Hem before, ” she mused, turning the jewel case over in her hand. “They have a song I think you’ll like. It’s called Half Acre. They used to play it on an insurance ad on television, so you might have heard it before. It’s beautiful. And no one yells at you or screams or tells you he wants to fu—” Paul stopped suddenly and reddened. He was trying very hard to watch his language around her but having only marginal success. She tried to hand the CD back to him, but he refused. “I bought it for you. Rabbit Songs for the Rabbit. ” “Thanks, but I can’t. ” He seemed offended. And hurt. “Why not? ” “I just can’t. But thank you anyway. ” Paul looked down at Julia’s new messenger bag, resting at her feet. He squinted. “You accepted a nice briefcase from someone. Early Christmas present from a boyfriend? ” “I don’t have a boyfriend, ” she admitted uncomfortably. “My best friend’s mother wanted me to have the briefcase. She passed away recently. ” “I’m so sorry, Rabbit. I didn’t know. ” Paul reached over and patted Julia’s hand, placing the CD on the loveseat between them. He noticed that she didn’t move away. In fact, she rummaged in her bag to find Professor Emerson’s CD and returned it to Paul with her other hand, while still allowing him to cradle her fingers in his own. “What can I do to persuade you to accept my gift? ” He hid his face from her as he placed Emerson’s Mozart in his book bag. “Nothing. I’ve received too many gifts in the last little while. I’m all stocked up. ” Paul straightened up and smiled. “Let me try to convince you, then. You have such small, small hands. Smaller than the rain’s. ” He moved their hands together, back and forth, holding her hand up toward the halogen light. It looked diminutive encased in his. Julia looked at him curiously. “That’s pretty. Did you just make it up? ” Paul leaned his head back against the loveseat and held her hand more closely, his thumb fingering her lifeline, almost as if he were trying to read her palm with the tips of his fingers. “No. I’m paraphrasing from somewhere i have never travelled, by E. E. Cummings. You haven’t heard it before? ” “No, but I’d like to. ” Julia sounded very shy all of a sudden. “Then I’ll have to read it to you some time. ” Paul gazed into her dark eyes with a hopeful smile. “I’d like that. ” “It isn’t Dante, but it’s beautiful. ” His thumb found the center of her lifeline and pressed it ever so gently. “The poem reminds me of you. You are where I’ve never traveled: your fragility and your small, small hands. ” Julia leaned forward to hide her sudden flush of color and sipped her coffee. But she allowed him to continue caressing her palm, sweetly. The movement of her coffee to her lips caused her ancient purple sweater to slip off her shoulder somewhat provocatively, revealing about two inches of a white-cotton bra strap and a rounded curve of alabaster skin. Paul immediately released her hand and gently pulled the sweater to cover the innocent-looking strap, averting his eyes as he did so and pressing his hand to her shoulder in order to make the sweater stay. “There, ” he said softly. “All better now. ” Then he retreated ever so quickly so as not to overstay his welcome, tentatively curling his fingers over hers again, still worried she might withdraw at any moment. Julia watched what he was doing breathlessly, as if it occurred in slow motion. Something about his movement touched her deeply. It was an intimate act but very chaste; he covered her. He covered the smallest most innocent part of her, away from prying and possibly lecherous eyes, and in so doing telegraphed his regard and his respect. Virgil was honoring her. In that one act, that one gallant and chivalrous act, Paul had made his way into her heart. Not all the way, but to the Vestibule, so to speak. If his movement represented the contents of his soul, then Julia believed that he would not mind that she was a virgin, and that upon knowing, his acceptance would cover her gently. He would not ridicule or expose her. He would keep whatever secrets she held between the two of them alone. He would not treat her like an animal to be fucked and violated. He would not wish to share her. So she did something impetuous—she leaned over and kissed him, but shyly and chastely. There was no rush of blood, no humming, no explosion of fire across her skin. His lips were soft, and he responded hesitantly. Julia felt his surprise in the quick clenching of his jaw. He tensed beneath her lips, no doubt in shock at her boldness. She was sorry for that. She was sorry his lips were not Gabriel’s. And this kiss was not like those. In almost half a heartbeat, a great wave of sadness washed over her as she cursed herself for having tasted of something long ago that she could never have after or again. For in partaking of that first taste, she was absolutely ruined. The tasting of the apple was knowledge itself, and now she knew. Julia pulled back before Paul had a chance to reject her, wondering how she’d managed to be so forward. Wondering what he would think of her now. I’ve just kissed my only Toronto friend good-bye, she thought. Damn it. “Little Rabbit. ” Paul gave her a tender look and immediately brought his fingertips up to caress her cheek. His touch wasn’t electric, but it was light and soothing. Even his skin was kind. He put his arms around her and drew her against his chest so he could stroke her hair and whisper something sweet in her ear…something to reassure her…something to remove the mixture of confusion and pain he read on her face. His soft whisperings were interrupted by the arrival of a great-winged harpy, wearing four-inch heels and crimson lipstick and carrying two paper cups. “Well, isn’t this cozy. ” A voice, cold and steely, interrupted the couple’s soft moment, and Julia looked up into the harsh brown eyes of Christa Peterson. Julia sat up quickly and tried to move away from Paul, but he held her fast. “Christa, ” he greeted her flatly. “Slumming with MA students, Paul? How very democratic of you, ” she said, ignoring Julia pointedly. “Be careful, Christa. ” His tone held a warning. “Two fisted, today? That’s a bit much. Pulling an all-nighter? ” He pointed to the cups she was holding, one in each hand. “You have no idea, ” she purred. “One is for me and one for Gabriel, of course. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there, Julianne. I guess he’s still Professor Emerson to you. ” Christa cackled like an old chicken. Julia raised an eyebrow but resisted the urge to set Christa straight or to smack that smug smile off her face. For Julia was a lady. And she liked how Paul’s arm felt about her shoulders and was unwilling to move. At least, not yet. “You’ve never called him Gabriel to his face, Christa. I dare you to do it the next time you see him. ” Christa’s eyes hardened, and she glared at Paul. Then she smiled. “You dare me? That’s funny. Is that a Vermont thing? Something farmers say to one another when they’re shoveling manure? After my meeting with Gabriel, we’ll probably head over to Lobby for drinks. He likes to go there after work. I’m sure we’ll be exchanging more than, ah…names this evening. ” Her tongue peeked out from between her lips, and she began licking the curve of one of them languorously. Julia heaved. “And he’ll take you there? ” Paul appeared skeptical. “He will. Oh, he will. ” Julia gagged and silently swallowed back her stomach contents. For the thought of Gabriel with this…Emerson whore was nauseating in the extreme. Even the waitress at Lobby would be better for him than Christa. “You’re not his type, ” Julia muttered. “Pardon? ” She looked up into narrowed and suspicious eyes, and she weighed her options for the slimmest of seconds. And decided caution was the better part of valor. “I said—don’t believe the hype. ” “About what? ” “About Lobby. It’s not that great. ” Christa shot Julia a frosty smile. “As if the doorman would let you in. Lobby is an exclusive club. ” She looked Julia up and down as if she were a less-than-prized animal. As if she were an old, half-blind, forgotten pony at a petting zoo. Julia suddenly felt very self-conscious and ugly. Tears pricked at her eyes, but she fought them back bravely. Paul noticed exactly what Miss Peterson was doing in measuring Julia and finding her wanting. He felt her shiver in reaction to Christa’s feline claw sharpening. So although it pained him to do so, he released Julia’s shoulders and sat forward on the loveseat, flexing his arms. Don’t make me stand up, bitch, he thought. “Why wouldn’t they let Julia in, Christa? They only admit working girls now? ” Christa turned very red. “What would you know about it, Paul? You’re practically a monk! Or perhaps that’s what monks do—they pay for it. ” She shot a meaningful glance at Julia’s precious new messenger bag. “Christa, you’re going to shut your mouth right now, or I’m going to stand up. And then all chivalry goes out the window. ” Paul glared at her and silently reminded himself that he could not strike a woman. And that Christa was, in fact, a woman, and not an anorexic sow in heat. Paul would never have compared Christa to a cow, for he thought cows were noble creatures. (Especially Holsteins. ) “Don’t get your panties in a twist, ” she snapped. “I’m sure there are multiple explanations. Maybe Lobby wouldn’t let her in because of her iq. Gabriel says you’re not that bright, Julianne. ” Christa smiled triumphantly as Julia ducked her head, feeling very small indeed. Paul shifted his weight to the soles of his feet. He wasn’t going to hit Christa; he was simply going to shut her up. And maybe drag her to the exit or something. He needn’t have bothered. “Oh, really? And what else does Gabriel say? ” The three graduate students turned slowly en masse to look up at the blue-eyed Dante specialist who had sidled up to them silently. None of them were exactly sure how much he’d heard or how long he’d been standing there. But his eyes sparked, and Julia could feel his anger radiating toward Christa. It billowed like a cloud. But thankfully, it did not billow in her direction. This time. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes, thought Paul. “Paul. ” Gabriel nodded coolly, his eyes flickering to the now noticeable space in between Julianne and his research assistant. The Angelfucker. That’s right—hands off the angel, asshole. “Miss Mitchell, how nice to see you again. ” Gabriel smiled somewhat stiffly. “You’re looking smart, as always. ” Yes, brown-eyed angel, I heard what she said to you. Don’t worry, I’ll fix her. “Miss Peterson. ” Now Gabriel’s voice was cold, and he gestured to her to follow him as if she were a dog. You looked at Julianne as if she were trash. You won’t be doing that again. I’ll make sure of it. Julia watched as he refused the coffee Christa bought for him and walked to the counter to order something else. She saw Christa’s shoulders trembling with rage. Paul turned to Julia and sighed. “Now, where were we? ” She inhaled deeply and took a minute to focus before she did what she knew she needed to do. “I shouldn’t have kissed you. I’m sorry. ” She looked down at her leather messenger bag, feeling very uncomfortable. “I’m not sorry. I’m only sorry that you’re sorry. ” Paul brought his face close to hers and smiled. “But it’s all right. I’m not upset or anything. ” “I don’t know what happened. I’m not usually like that—to just kiss someone. ” “I’m not just someone, am I? ” He looked at her inquisitively. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for the longest time. Ever since that first seminar, I think. But that would have been too soon. ” He tried to persuade her to look at him, but she looked away. She looked toward another table and its two quarreling occupants. She sighed. “Julia, the kiss doesn’t have to change anything. Think of it as a moment between friends. It doesn’t have to happen again, unless you want it to. ” He searched her face, worriedly. “Would that make it better? If we left it like that? ” She nodded and squirmed. “I’m sorry, Paul. You’ve been nothing but nice to me. ” “You don’t owe me anything. I’m not looking for payment, here. I’m nice to you because I want to be. That’s why I bought you the CD. That’s why the poem reminds me of you. You inspire me. ” He leaned closer so that he could whisper in her ear, acutely aware of the fact that a pair of angry sapphire eyes was suddenly focused on him. “Please don’t feel obligated to do anything that you don’t want to do. I’ll be your friend no matter what. ” He paused. “It was a friendly little kiss, instead of a hug. But from now on, we can stick to hugs, if you want. And one day, if you want more…” “I’m not ready, ” she breathed, somewhat surprised that she found honest words to say and found them so quickly. “I know that. That’s why I didn’t kiss you back much, even though I wanted to. But it was very nice. Thank you. I know you’re careful about who you let yourself get close to. I feel honored that you kissed me. ” He patted her hand and smiled at her again. She opened her mouth to say something, but he beat her to it. “I could break Christa’s neck for what she said to you. I won’t bother talking to her next time. ” His eyes darted to The Professor’s table where he noticed with some relief that the angry sapphire eyes were now fixated on Christa, who was bowing her head and close to tears. Julia shrugged. “I don’t care. ” “I care. I saw how she was looking at you. And I felt your reaction: you cringed. You fucking cringed, Julia. Why didn’t you tell her to go to hell? ” “I don’t do things like that if I can help it. I try not to lower myself to her level. Sometimes, I just feel so…so surprised that someone is being nasty to me, I can’t think. I’m speechless. ” “People are…nasty to you? ” Paul began to get angry. “Sometimes. ” “Emerson? ” he whispered. “He’s coming around. You saw him just then—he was nice. ” Paul nodded reluctantly. Professor Dick-erson. Julia fidgeted with her hands. “I don’t mean to be all…St. Francis of Assisi or something, but anyone can shout obscenities. Why should I become like her? Why not think that sometimes—just sometimes—you can overcome evil with silence? And let people hear their hatefulness in their own ears, without distraction. Maybe goodness is enough to expose evil for what it really is, sometimes. Rather than trying to stop evil with more evil. Not that I’m good. I don’t think that I’m good. ” She paused and looked over at Paul. “I’m not making any sense. ” He simply smiled. “Of course you’re making sense. We talked about this in my Aquinas seminar—evil is its own punishment. Look at Christa. Do you think she’s happy? How could she be, behaving like that? Some people are so self-absorbed and deluded that all the shouting in the world wouldn’t be enough to convince them of their own shortcomings. ” “Or jog their memory, ” Julia mumbled, gazing over at the other table and shaking her head. The next day, she found herself in the Department of Italian Studies checking her mailbox before the Dante seminar. She was listening to the CD that Paul had given to her, which she’d finally agreed to accept and upload to her iPod. He was right; she’d fallen in love with the album immediately. And she found that she could write her thesis proposal while listening to his music much better than while listening to Mozart. Lacrimosa was far too depressing. After days of finding nothing in her pigeonhole, she finally received some mail. Three pieces of mail, actually. The first was an announcement of the rescheduling of Professor Emerson’s lecture, Lust in Dante’s Inferno: The Deadly Sin against the Self. Julia made note of the new date and planned on asking Paul if he would accompany her to the lecture. The second piece of mail was a small cream-colored envelope. Julia opened it and was surprised to find that it contained a Starbucks gift card. It had been personalized, she saw, and the image on the card was a large light bulb. The text emblazoned across it read: You are very bright, Julianne. Julia looked at the back of the card and saw that the value was one hundred dollars. Holy shit, she thought. That’s a lot of coffee. It was obvious who had sent it to her and why. Nevertheless, she was very, very surprised. Until she withdrew the third piece of mail. The third piece was a long, sleek envelope, which she quickly opened. It was from the chair of the Department of Italian Studies congratulating her on winning a bursary. She read no further than the amount, which was five thousand dollars per semester, payable on top of her regular graduate student stipend. O gods of all really poor graduate students with very small hobbit-hole-not-fit-for-a-dog apartments, thank you, thank you, thank you! “Julianne, are you all right? ” The voice of Mrs. Jenkins, comforting and gentle, wafted over her shocked body. She stumbled uncertainly to Mrs. Jenkins’ desk and wordlessly handed her the award letter. “Oh yes, I heard about this. ” She grinned amiably. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? These bursaries are few and far between, and suddenly on Monday morning we received a call saying that some foundation had donated thousands of dollars for this award. ” Julia nodded, still in shock. Mrs. Jenkins glanced down at the letter. “I wonder who he is. ” “Who he is? ” “The person the bursary is named after. ” “I didn’t read that far. ” Mrs. Jenkins held the letter up and pointed to a block of bold print. “It says that you are the recipient of the M. P. Emerson Bursary. I was just wondering who M. P. Emerson is. I wonder if he’s a relative of Professor Emerson. Although Emerson is a common enough name. It’s probably just a coincidence. ”