Chapter Two
He slipped into her dreams like a wraith, but his body felt warm and substantial against her skin. He curled around her, a firm, living blanket pressed against her back, his large frame making her feel tiny and protected as he wrapped his thick arms around her and snuggled her closer. Danice sighed and stretched a little, arching her back to press her behind against the erection that prodded her. That felt hot and a good bit more than substantial. Her sleep-fogged brain tried to latch onto something about the moment that seemed off, but he distracted her with a soft, rousing kiss, placed just behind her ear where the skin was fragrant and sensitive. “Mmm. ” He matched her murmur with a low rumble that sounded an awful lot like a purr. His tongue flicked over the curve of her jaw, traced its way up to the lobe of her ear and teased for a moment before his teeth closed delicately over the plump flesh. He nibbled, and her murmur became a moan. The arm around her waist tightened in a brief hug before his hand slipped over bare skin to close around a sleep-soft breast. It firmed against his palm, the nipple drawing into a tight bead and taunting his cupped fingers. They closed around the small nub, squeezing gently, tugging in time to the nibbling at her ear. His other arm shifted, and she felt the scrape of a callused hand over her hip and belly before long, lean fingers cupped possessively over her mound. She sighed, the sound shivering through the darkness. Sleep still cradled her, drowsy and secure, but the sensation of her lover’s touch turned the lazy feeling into a sort of spell, holding her in place, making her unwilling to pull away. She’d much rather get closer. Shifting, she tried to turn over in his arms to face him. His hands tightened to hold her in place, and she frowned. He shushed her murmur of protest, nipping lightly at the curve of her shoulder. His large hand kneaded her breast, taking her mind off his refusal to allow her to change position. Then the hand between her legs slid down and took her mind off of everything else. Strong, lean fingers combed through the small patch of curls and dipped, parting her folds and burying themselves in her wet heat. Instinct arched her hips toward his touch. Her clit burned and ached with need, but he avoided it. Two fingers eased her lips apart, finding her opening and rimming it with delicate pressure. A gasp escaped her lips, and she squirmed against him. His cock pressed hard and hot against her buttocks, and she canted them so the shaft rode the crevice between. She reached up behind her to pull him closer, her fingers tangling in a mass of silky soft hair, surprisingly long and wonderfully thick. He resisted her attempts to guide him, making a soft tisking sound against her ear. His hand lifted from her breast, and he laced their fingers together, holding them together as he shifted, rolling to his back and pulling her over on top of him. The blankets slid away, cool air caressing her erect nipples, chilling her fevered pussy when he insinuated his legs between hers and forced her thighs to spread wide around his. She lay atop him, fully open to his touch, feeling the shift and play of his chest cradling her back. He purred again, the sound rumbling in her ear as he nuzzled it and planted kisses in the sensitive hollow beneath. “Sweet, ” he whispered, his breath another caress. The hand between her legs shifted, two fingertips pressing against her opening, sliding easily within. “Soft. ” She gasped and arched, trying to draw him deeper inside her. “Hard. ” His mouth curved against her skin, and his fingers thrust suddenly harder inside her. Danice cried out. Her pussy clenched around the sudden invasion, the ripple of internal muscles making her shudder. She shuddered even more when his fingers twisted, screwing deeper, scraping delicately against inner walls. “Hmm, like that? ” His voice was a dark rumble that made her shiver above him. Or maybe that was his fingers. “Just like that. ” He chuckled, and his fingers pulled away. Her hips followed him, greedy for his touch. He gave it back with three fingers, stretching and filling her until her breath caught in her throat. “How about like this? ” She could only gasp. He withdrew, thrust again, establishing a slow, driving rhythm. As in driving Danice right over the edge. Her fingers tightened in his hair, and she braced her heels against the mattress to get more leverage. She couldn’t decide if she should use it to press closer, or to get away. He untangled his fingers from hers and shifted his free hand to close again around her breast, thumb flicking over the distended nipple, and that pretty much decided things for her. “Please. ” Her voice was a moan, a plea, a subtle threat. He chuckled again, but his fingers drove deep into her wet cunt, and his thumb rubbed tight circles around her clit. “Please, what? ” “Don’t…give me that…shit, ” she growled, yanking hard on his hair. “You know what I want. Just fuck me. ” She felt his hands still. For a moment, she wondered if he intended to leave her. His hand slid from between her legs, and she cried out, but he just shifted his grip to her sides. He lifted her enough to position himself, then brought her hips down, easing her closer as he pressed slowly and relentlessly inside. She froze. Breath halting on a ragged sigh, she stilled every muscle she could to savor the moment of his first penetration. She felt the burning stretch as he eased past her tight entrance, the endless, breathless parting as he tunneled deeper. Time stopped while he made a place for himself inside her, and it didn’t move forward until he hilted, every last inch of his cock gripped snug in her moist heat. And, oh, but there were a lot of inches. Her head tipped back against his shoulder, and her eyes flew open in the darkness. The lack of light blinded her, but she didn’t need to see when she could feel so damned well. “This then, ” he said, voice growling against her ear. “This is what you wanted. Me, inside you. ” “Yesssss. ” “Then you should give me something I want in return. ” Her teeth clenched against the rush of sensation as he guided her hips up off his shaft, then back down to receive his return thrust. “What do you want? ” His fingers tightened, hard enough to leave bruises against her caramel skin. “I want you to scream for me. ” He punctuated the demand with a jerk that forced her harder against him and butted the head of his cock against her womb. She didn’t scream, but she moaned, and he seemed to take it as a challenge. Over and over, he lifted her as easily as a rag doll, forcing her to ride his cock as he pounded his hips up against her ass. Helplessly, she let him, their position preventing her from taking any sort of control over their primitive mating. All she could do was clench her fingers in his hair and moan, tightening her inner muscles around him on every thrust, milking his cock with her cunt. But those contractions affected more than her lover. They shuddered through her womb, making her hotter and wetter so that he glided inside her as if he’d been born to be there. She quivered and arched, her free hand closing around her own breast, kneading the flesh and pinching hard around her aching nipple. The rough sensation barely fazed her. It felt like a tickle compared to the driving, digging rhythm between her thighs. “Not good enough. ” His voice sounded rougher this time. Control was abandoning him, as well. His breath panted, and he, too, sounded as if he spoke through clenched teeth. The thought made her smile smugly. “I said…” His hands shifted, one sliding lower to get a firmer grip on her hip, the other reclaiming its place between her legs. “…I want you…” She moaned, the sound high and sharp, almost like a squeal as he spread her folds and found the plump flesh of her clit. She was swollen with arousal and sensitive to the slightest brush of air, let alone the brush of his fingers. “…to scream. ” His fingers closed around her clit, pinching firmly, and scream she did. She came like lightning striking, all heat and energy and pyrotechnic glory. Her whole body clenched in a spasm of ecstasy. Her pussy closed hard around his cock, squeezing until she thought she heard him cry out himself, but then she felt the hot pulse of his release, and she lost what little awareness she’d managed to hold onto. For hours it seemed she balanced on the head of a pin, buffeted by wave after wave of pleasure. Her breath came in gasping pants, roughening a throat already raw from her hoarse cry of completion, and every inch of her trembled as if electricity really did course beneath her skin. She finally collapsed on top of him, limp and breathless. Her hand had clenched so tightly in his hair that it took a minute to convince the fingers to stop spasming and let go. She heard him grunt and felt the whisper of his breath against her ear as he wrapped his brawny arms around her to cradle her against him. She folded her arms over his, savoring his warmth and the thick ropes of muscle that had enabled him to move her so effortlessly for his pleasure. Fighting back a shiver of remembrance, she turned her head to rest her cheek against his chest and rub kitten-like against his warm skin. Sleep came back to claim her, and she struggled briefly to fight it off. As comfortable and sated as she felt, she had that nagging feeling in the back of her mind that told her something was out of place. Something she needed to pay attention to… Grunting, her lover stretched his hand over the side of the bed and returned with the forgotten blankets, pulling them up over their still-joined bodies. Danice felt her muscles relax even further and sighed. Maybe whatever she had forgotten wasn’t all that important after all. He turned his head, brushing soft kisses over her forehead and her closed eyelids before he pressed his lips softly to hers in a tender, almost innocent, kiss. “Go to sleep, ” he murmured, shifting slightly beneath her. “We’ll both still be here in the morning. ” Well, since he put it that way… Danice gave one last sigh, snuggled back into his embrace, and let sleep claim her. Whatever she needed to do, she could always do it in the morning.