Equilibrium.. AE: C+I+G+XnEquilibrium. The intersection of the AD and AS curves determines the economy's equilibrium price level and equilibrium real domestic output.
· Beyond full-employment (Y3) inflation, low unemployment · Below full-employment (Y1) negative growth, negative inflation · At full employment (Y2) stable prices, low inflation, low unemployment steady, economic growth
Ratchet effect. · is commonly observed phenomenom that some processes cannot go backwards once certain things have happened. · the producers observe that shifting-down AD leads to changes in equilibrium, but not in the price level. Prices are stable.
Рост совокупного спроса вызывает рост цен на товары, но сокращение совокупного спроса не приводит к снижению совокупного уровня цен.
The Keynes' equilibrium model. The condition of equilibrium is the equal quantity of aggregate expendditures (AE) and aggregate output (AV). AE: C+I+G+Xn AV: GDP Simplifications. 1. A " closed economy" - there are no internaonal transactions. 2. A " private" economy- we ignore government 3. All saving are personal 4. GDP, NI, DI are equal-to each other
The Keynes' equilibrium model. · Assume, the private economy is closed.
· the equilibrium GDP will change in response to change in response to changes in the investment or consumption scedules. · suppose, the expected rate of return on I rises, shifting the investment demand curve to the right.
Consumption Savings. · DI is the basic determinant of consumption and personal savings · Household, can consume more than their incomes by liquidating (selling for cash) accumalated wealth or by borrowing-C0.
· the 45 degree line represents DI=C, if households were to consumer 100% of their DI at every level of DI.
Average propensities. · the fraction, or percentage, of any total income which is consumed is called the average propensity to consume.