Contents 10 страницаIt was pure instinct that told me when I’d succeeded. David lay motionless on the floor, barely breathing. I shook out the sharp bolts of pain that shot from my hand and up my arm, not giving two shits about it, because it was worth it. Then, like a gravitational pull, I turned toward Lanie. Every trace of anger suddenly dissipated when I saw her face. She needed me, and nothing would stop me from going to her. “Are you okay, kitten? ” I knelt beside her and looked her over for further injuries. Her face had been blank and then suddenly, tears streamed unabated as the gravity of the situation came crashing down on her. She reached out and clutched my shirt in her hands, burying her face in my chest and sobbing uncontrollably. “Shh, shh, shh. ” I did my damnedest to soothe her as I cradled her in my arms. “I know, kitten. It’s okay. I’m here now, and I won’t let anyone hurt you. ” I meant it. With my dying breath, I fucking meant it. We sat there like that for a little longer, Lanie crying and holding on to me like she was scared I might leave her at any moment, and me doing my best to console her. I had failed her. I’d promised to protect her and I’d failed. I should’ve been there, should’ve somehow sensed David’s intentions. I knew he hated me, and I knew he would try to seduce her, but to try to rape her? It became evident that I’d never really known the man I used to call my best friend, and that made me even more disgusted. I heard shuffling from behind me just before David made for the door like a bat out of hell. I’d be damned if I was going to let the motherfucker get away with an ounce of life still in him. I pushed Lanie away and tried to get to my feet, but she wouldn’t let me go. “No, you can’t! ” she yelled, desperately holding on to my shirt and preventing me from chasing after him. “He’s getting away. ” I tried to pull her hands loose, but she kept clinging to me. It was her death grip on my face that forced me to look at her. Black mascara streaked down her cheeks and her eyes were puffy, wide—like she was trying to get me to see something she knew, but I wasn’t quite grasping. “He knows, Noah. He knows everything. ” I froze, stiff as a twelve-point buck that had just heard a twig snap in an otherwise still forest. “What …” My voice was caught in my throat and I had to clear it before I could go on. “What does he know? What are you saying, Lanie? ” “Everything. He knows about the auction, the contract, how much you paid for me, everything. ” I clenched my teeth together and breathed deeply through my nose. “I don’t care. He’s not getting away with this shit. ” I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and started to dial. “Who are you calling? ” “The police. ” She shook her head back and forth frantically and put her hand over the phone. “No, Noah, please. You’ll lose everything. ” “Nothing is more important than you! Nothing! ” I snapped, and she flinched at my words. I hadn’t meant to take it out on her, but I was just so fucking irate. I gathered her into my arms and held her to my chest, stroking her hair as I kissed her forehead over and over again. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, ” I said, rocking her back and forth. I pulled back and cupped her face in my hands, trying to get through to her. “Lanie, baby, he put his hands on you …” Lanie pulled my hands from her face and held them in her lap. “I know what he did, but he didn’t get to really hurt me because you stopped him, Noah. You stopped him. ” Dear God, she was trying to comfort me. “He put his fucking hands on you, and I can’t … I just can’t. ” I could feel the vise around my heart squeeze tighter. I dropped my gaze, no longer able to look into the innocent face of the woman I had failed. Lanie pushed her fingers through the hair at my temples and lifted my chin so that I had to look at her again. “You listen to me, Noah Crawford. This was not your fault. There was no way you could’ve known he would do that, so don’t you dare start blaming yourself. ” I started to protest, but she put her finger over my lips to silence me. “I’m fine. But if we call the police, everyone will know—and my parents can’t deal with something like this, Noah. My mom just had a heart transplant. Do you really think she could handle knowing what almost happened to me? And my father would kill him. You’ll lose your company, my father will be in prison, and that, along with knowing what I did, would probably make the heart transplant my mother received be all for nothing. I can’t do that to them. No, we have to be smart about this. ” Delaine Talbot never ceased to amaze me. In the face of the unspeakable evil that had befallen her, she was still thinking about everyone else. Never had a more selfless person existed in this fucked-up thing we called life. I didn’t deserve her. And of course, she was right. As much as it pained me to let David go, I knew we had to regroup and figure out what to do. “Okay, ” I relented with a helpless sigh. “We’ll do it your way. ” I took her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm, content on just having that. But when I tried to pull away, she climbed into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck, her lips melting against mine. It wasn’t a kiss that was meant to go further. It was simply a kiss that conveyed the love that we shared, the love that even that coward David Stone couldn’t tarnish.
Later that evening, we were in the entertainment room, not really watching the outrageously expensive television that was playing Lord of the Rings. I was aware that knowing every line to the movie probably made me a geek, but so the fuck what? It calmed me down, even if it didn’t take my mind off things entirely. That would be an impossible task. I was wearing a pair of pajama bottoms that I happened to keep around the house in case I had visitors, and Lanie was perched in my lap, freshly showered, wearing nothing but another one of my white button-downs and smelling like the allure of sex. The actual deed itself couldn’t have been further from my mind, though. Okay, to be honest, it was playing at the edge of my thoughts because that was what she did to me, but I would never act on it. As much as she was trying to be a real trouper, acting like what had happened with that assfucker hadn’t affected her, I knew that wasn’t the truth. But I wasn’t going to press her on the subject. She would talk about it if she wanted, and I would listen and offer as much support as I could. Until then, any contact we had of the sexual nature would be by her initiation alone. “So he said he had access to the contract? ” I asked. We were still trying to figure out what the fuck to do about the situation Stone had created for us. “Yeah, but I don’t get that, ” she said, lost in thought. “You ripped up your copy of the contract, and my copy is still in with my things. So where did he get it? Do you think he could’ve broken in here and made a copy or something? ” “Not likely, ” I answered, my fingers casually rubbing circles on her bare thigh. The telephone rang beside us, interrupting our little brain-storming session, and I answered it. Dez was on the other end of the line, and she asked me to put her on speakerphone so she could talk to both me and Lanie at the same time. It was odd, but nothing seemed normal in our world anymore. “You’re on. What’s up? ” “Hey, Lanes, ” she said in greeting to Lanie. The dull thump of bass music was in the background. She must have been at work. “So I finally figured out where I’ve seen that piece of man meat that was in your office today. ” “Wait a minute, what? ” I asked, confused. “David, ” Lanie answered for her. “She saw David in your office earlier and thought she recognized him. ” Well, wasn’t that just an interesting tidbit of information? “Where do you know him from? ” Lanie asked. “Right here at the club, ” Dez answered. “Every now and then he comes in after hours. I’ve seen him when I’ve stayed late to clean up or, um, meet that night’s Mr. Perfect. But never mind that. Your boy sneaks right in the back entrance and disappears into Scott’s office downstairs. It’s usually a while before he leaves, but he’s always toting a little white dust with him when he does. ” “White dust, as in cocaine? Stone’s snorting? ” I shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d always played around with recreational drugs when we were younger. I’d assumed that was all it ever had been. Dez snorted. “That dude’s so thick into it, a big, fluffy cloud probably pops out of his ass every time he farts. ” Lanie rolled her eyes even though Dez couldn’t see her. “Dez, I don’t think it quite works that way. ” “Whatever. I’m just saying. And I know you just rolled your eyes, bitch. ” Lanie giggled, the sound like music to my ears. And then it hit me like a fucking lightning bolt. “Scott. ” “What? ” Lanie asked, confused. “Scott would have a copy of the contract as well. After all, he was the broker in the deal. Shit! ” I pulled at my hair and let my head fall back with a frustrated growl. “I should’ve known that rat bastard would pull something like this. It’s all about the bottom line for him. I’m sure that if David waved enough cash in front of his face, he’d turn over his copy of the contract in a heartbeat. I didn’t have the slightest inkling they even knew of each other. ” “I really hate him! ” The words burst out of Lanie’s mouth. “Um, hello? ” Dez said, reminding us she was still on the line. “What the hell are you two going on about? ” I looked at Lanie, searching her face to see if she wanted me to make something up. It hadn’t dawned on me that she and I were still the only ones who knew about what had transpired earlier that day. Without taking her eyes from mine, Lanie set her chin in quiet determination and spoke. “David Stone knows about the contract between Noah and me. He made that fact quite clear when he showed up here today and tried to get me to ride off into the sunset with him after helping him take Noah for everything he has. ” Dez gasped on the other end of the line. “Oh, it gets worse. When I turned down his advances and kneed him in the balls for calling me a whore, he decided getting heavy-handed with me would be a good idea. ” “He did what? ” Dez’s voice was shrill with shock. “That son of a goat-cock-sucking whore! I swear to God, I’m going to rip his nuts off with my bare hands and shove them down his throat. And then I’m going to introduce him to my friend Chavez, a big, burly-ass Mexican who’s done hard time at Oswald State, aka Oz, and has no qualms whatsoever about ass-raping another dude just for the fun of it. I hear Chavez has eaten so many Naga Viper peppers that his semen is literally liquid acid. He just might be the reincarnation of Beelzebub, but he’s always been good to me, and I’m pretty sure I can get him to do me a favor. Of course that means I’ll owe him one, but for you—” “Dez, stop, ” Lanie said. I personally thought Dez was on to something and wanted her to set the wheels in motion, but Lanie apparently disagreed. “First of all, Oz isn’t a real place. It was a television series. Second of all, we’re not going to stoop to his level. We need to figure out what to do, so I need you to get serious and focus. ” “You thought I was joking? ” Dez asked, but Lanie ignored her. “Wait a minute, ” I said, putting the facts together. “Stone said he had access to the contract, right? Not that he actually had it? ” “Right, and …? ” The answer was simple enough. Money talked. “I’ll pay Scott a visit and offer him more money than David was willing to pay for it. Then he wouldn’t have any proof. We can sweep his legs out from under him. ” “Hate to burst your bubble, but that’s not going to work, ” Dez interjected. “Why not? ” I was a bit peeved at the halt order. “Think what you want of Scott, but he’s a shrewd businessman. You had him pegged when you said it’s all about the bottom line for him, but think about it. Selling that contract to you doesn’t make good business sense. He’d be getting rid of the only leverage he has to make sure you don’t run off at the mouth about a business that thrives only because the discretion is so thick. There’s no way he’s going to hand that contract over to you. However, my gut tells me he won’t hand it over to David, either. ” “No offense, but I’m not sure I want to let the future of Scarlet Lotus be determined by a gut feeling, ” I told her. “Noah, put yourself in Scott’s shoes. ” Dez almost sounded condescending. “If word got around that he let a confidential contract like that leak out, not only would he lose his business in a massive raid, but no one would trust him with a deal of any sort again. Not to mention there’s no telling how many hits would be put out on the man just because there would be the potential risk that he would leak identities in an attempt to bargain with the feds. You were there, Crawford. You saw the caliber of people he deals with. They’re some ruthless mofos. Would you risk it? ” She had a point. Lots of points, really. “So how do you think David is planning on getting a copy of the contract for himself, then? ” Lanie asked. “I’m not sure, but if I had to guess, I’d say he’s planning on stealing it. ” “Okay, then we just need to beat him to it, ” I said, squeezing Lanie’s thigh triumphantly as she smiled down at me. “Not you, ” Dez said. Seriously, she was getting on my nerves with the way she kept throwing up the red lights. “You walk in here and Scott is going to know something’s up. I’ll do it, but I can’t do it alone. Lanie, get your shit together and meet me at Foreplay when it closes. I’ll let you in. ” “No way in hell is that going to happen! ” I protested. “I’m not letting her do it, Dez. We’ll have to figure out another way. ” Lanie turned my head toward her and leaned forward. The first three buttons of the shirt she was wearing—my shirt—were open, and her breasts were looming like a carrot dangling in front of a horse’s face. When she tilted my chin up, her lips hovered over mine, enticing me with the sweetness of her breath. “Noah, there’s no other way. We have to do this. I’ll slip in quietly, Dez and I will get the contract as soon as Scott leaves, and I’ll be back in your bed before you even notice I’m gone. ” “What if he tries to—” I started, but was interrupted when Lanie swept her tongue inside my mouth to lightly flick at my own before pulling back. “He won’t even be there. Besides, Dez will keep me safe. ” I was under Lanie’s spell and closed the fraction of the distance between our lips to tug on her bottom one with my teeth. “Safe and sound? ” I asked, my voice sounding less and less like I was the dominant male in the equation. She pressed even closer to me and shifted her ass over my cock. “Safe and sound. I promise. ” Damn, but the woman knew how to weaken my resolve. Lanie put her hand over mine on her thigh and slowly started to move it over her creamy skin until it was under the hem of her shirt. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I should stop her, but all that was shot to hell when she pushed my hand further until my fingertips skimmed the soft folds between her legs. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way, Dez, ” she said, and then leaned over and pushed the disconnect button to end the call. There was no further discussion. She’d won. I nudged her hair back with my nose and nuzzled her neck, sucking and nipping at the skin there. Lanie spread her thighs and replaced her hand on mine, urging me even closer until my fingers slipped between her wet lips. “We shouldn’t do this, ” I said against her skin, but I didn’t stop nuzzling or pull back my hand because I was a man and my genetic makeup wouldn’t allow me to. Lanie was addictive. “You would deny me what I want? ” Her hand left mine and opened another button on the shirt until she could pull it to the side to reveal one of her perfect breasts. Then she nudged my head toward her chest. “Never. ” I took the offering, my tongue flicking over the raised nipple before I sucked it into my mouth. “Make me forget, Noah. Claim me as yours and erase the memory. I only want to remember your touch. ” She needed this, needed me. And I would deny her nothing. Lanie’s hand moved back on top of mine, and she arched her back, simultaneously bringing her breast closer to my mouth while pushing both of our fingers inside her. She moaned, and I felt my cock twitch at the sound. I firmly sucked on her succulent nipple, never able to get enough. The woman did things to me, made me lose every ounce of self-control that I fought to maintain. Her pussy was so wet and tight around our fingers—soft, like liquid silk. She pushed us deeper, maneuvering my finger so that it flicked back and forth inside her while the palm of my hand massaged her clit. Together, we were erasing the blasphemy. This was how it was supposed to be between a man and a woman. “I want you inside me, Noah. ” I released her nipple and softly kissed it once more before I mumbled against her skin, “Stand up for me, kitten. ” She did, allowing both of our fingers to slide out of her, though she gave a disgruntled whimper. I smiled up at her, loving how cheated she felt. Lifting my hips, I pushed my pants down my legs before kicking them to the side. When I sat back, I took my hardened cock in my hand. “Is this what you want? ” Her hair fell into her face as she looked at my lap and bit down on her bottom lip, eyeing my cock hungrily. She merely nodded, then straddled me, taking my cock and putting it at her entrance before sinking down on it. It took some maneuvering and a couple of strokes to get all the way inside her, but I put my hands on her hips and we worked it out together. As she leaned down to kiss me, she moved her hand to the side and flipped a switch, turning on the massage mechanism in the chair. I moaned at the vibrating sensation under my nut sack. That feeling, mixed with the touch of Lanie’s nipples ghosting along my chest, her seductive kiss, and her hot pussy clenched around my dick, was almost too much for one man to bear. But bear it I did. It was a delicious sort of torture. “I love you, Noah, ” she whispered against my lips. “Not half as much as I love you, ” I answered. I had no way of knowing if that was true, but I found it hard to believe any one person could love another as much as I fucking loved her. She rolled her hips against me, seeking the friction against her clit. Her full breasts were right in front of me, teasing, so I pushed them together and took both of her nipples into my mouth at the same time. Pulling at my hair, she rode me hard, which was just the way I liked it. It was when I made a show of scraping my teeth along the hardened buds of her breasts that her head fell forward and her movements slowed. “That looks so sexy. Feels so fucking good, ” she moaned, moving her hips with more purpose as she grabbed the back of the chair. Lanie only ever used the word “fuck” when she was pissed or when something I’d done to her felt particularly pleasant. Naturally, I loved hearing it. Back and forth, she rocked over me, milking me for her own pleasure and giving it back to me tenfold. I was about to lose my damn mind, but managed to stave off my orgasm so that she could reach hers first. I was rewarded for my efforts when I felt the walls of her pussy constrict even more around my cock and she began to move in a deliberate rhythm. Her lips were parted and her eyes were closed as she concentrated on the sensation. She was almost there, about to combust, but she needed more. I knew her body better than I knew my own, so I could read the signs. She needed the man she gave herself to willingly to take control and stake his claim. “Give it to me, woman, ” I encouraged her. “Come on my cock. ” I grabbed hold of each cheek of her perfectly round ass, lifting her and slamming her back down. I forced her hips to roll forward before doing it again and again and again. I could hear her fingers digging into the leather on either side of my head, and then her head fell back and her body seized as she cried out my motherfucking name with her orgasm. I didn’t waste a second. There was something I had wanted to do with her since that first day I found her in my entertainment room amidst the chaos she had provoked with the damn remote. I secured my arm around her waist and lifted us out of the chair before carrying her over to the pool table. She continued to roll her body in my arms unabashedly, still milking her orgasm, and the distraction nearly made it impossible for me to walk, but I managed to get her there. With my other arm I swiped the billiard balls out of the way and laid her down, never leaving that sweet little slice of heaven in the process. Once she was safe, I pulled her hips to the edge, pushed her knees back, and spread her open with one leg in each hand. And then I thrust into her hard. “Oh, fuck! ” she cried out, and I stilled, mentally kicking myself in the ass for being so rough with her, especially after what she’d been through. “Shit, I’m sorry, kitten. I … I didn’t mean to. ” No apology was going to make up for what I’d done. “No, it’s a good fuck, ” she said, breathing heavily. “I promise, I’m okay. Better than okay, actually. That felt so incredible. It’s what I need, Noah. Don’t hold back on me. Please. ” I was both stunned and relieved. “Well, in that case, you might want to hold on to something because it’s about to get so much better. ” Lanie put her arms down at her sides and reached for the edge of the pool table, holding on for dear life. I grabbed her hips once she was secured and let her legs wrap around each of my arms. Then I pulled back before slamming into her again. The test drive proved everything was a go, so I let loose, driving into her furiously and with a quickness that left me panting. Her breasts bounced to and fro with each thrust and my balls slapped against her ass with each unrelenting drive of my cock. Deeper and deeper I thrust inside her. Lanie got very vocal, her head thrashing back and forth. I could feel the sweat beading on my forehead, but still I continued to fuck her with reckless abandon. And then I looked down at where we were joined, watching as my cock slid in and out of her tight pussy. “Fuck, woman. ” I growled, unable to look away. “Your pussy is so … goddamn … mine. ” My hips slammed into her over and over again, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. My thick cock stretched her tight opening and it was the most erotic thing I’d ever seen. The veins on my dick were supercharged with my pulsing blood, and the skin was coated in her wetness, the section that had been inside the firm grip of her pussy colored a deep pink from the friction. Everything that had been building inside me snapped and I shut my eyes tightly to the unbelievable sensation of my orgasm. I growled, feeling my cock throb and pulsate inside her. Slamming my hips into her one final time, I came, spewing my seed inside the woman I would do any fucking thing for. Once I’d given Lanie all I had to give, I pulled out of her and loosened my grip on her hips. It was then that I noticed how hard I’d been holding on. “Shit, I’m sorry. That’s probably going to bruise. ” I leaned forward and placed lingering kisses on each red mark like I could actually kiss them and make them better. Lanie’s fingers went to my hair and I laid my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. To my surprise, I found that mine was synchronized with hers. As corny as it sounded, we’d become one. And I knew it was true: no matter what happened with David Stone or the whole fucked-up fiasco of the contract, nothing was going to come between us. I meant it when I said I’d do any fucking thing for her. Even if I had to give up everything, be shamed in the public eye, and steal away with her to some deserted cabin in Alaska so she wouldn’t have to endure the embarrassment of everyone knowing what she’d done to save her mother’s life. I’d do it. Because nothing was more important than her. David Goddamnit. I checked myself over in my bathroom mirror. My gorgeous face looked distorted, but at least I’d managed to clean off the blood and bandage the open wounds. They wouldn’t go to the cops. I was sure of it. They’d have to expose themselves in the process, and I was pretty damn sure prostitution and being involved in the human slave trade would carry a much higher penalty in the long run than what I’d almost done. It wasn’t supposed to have gone down like it had, though. I’d planned it perfectly, or so I thought. Step one: make my proposition to the whore, threaten to expose their whole sordid affair, and bank on her natural gold-digging tendencies to seal the deal. Step two, my personal favorite: fuck her blind, let her know what she was missing by dissin’ Big Daddy Dick, and leave her begging for more, all while waiting for Crawford to walk in and catch us in the act. And then the piè ce de ré sistance: sit back and relax while I watched the bane of my existence go all self-destructo with the knowledge that I’d claimed yet another one of his prized possessions for my own. But my shit had backfired on me. Delaine didn’t accept my proposal, which meant Crawford wasn’t going to see us bumping uglies. I hadn’t figured on there being an actual physical altercation, not that I was sorry for knocking the bitch one. She needed to learn that this was a man’s world and she’d do well to stay in her place. But then Noah had come in and busted my shit up. “Fucking dick, ” I scoffed into the mirror before I walked into my office and poured myself a stiff one. Swirling the dark amber liquid in my glass, I headed over to the window and looked out over the city. My city. I fucking owned it, or at least I would. I winced when I took a drink and the glass made contact with my busted lip. A drop of alcohol landed right on the cut, stinging like hell and adding insult to injury. “Goddamnit! ” I roared, and threw the glass against the closest wall. It shattered, coloring the white paint with sprays of whiskey while tiny shards of glass rained down onto the floor. I swore under my breath and decided to leave it there for the cleaning crew, then turned back to the window. What had gone down earlier was the result of poor planning on my part. I should’ve allowed myself a little more time with her. Not that he wouldn’t have wanted to kick my ass even if she had been a willing participant. It’s just that if that had been the case, his fist wouldn’t have packed quite as much punch. Wounded pride and a broken heart are a whole lot easier to deal with than a man with a superhero complex going on a Rambo rampage to defend his territory. No matter—I still held all the power. Or at least I would before the night was through. I didn’t have to fuck his girl to destroy him. I already had that in the bag with the reveal I was planning for the board meeting on Monday. But I did have a point to prove. How many times had I tried to make the dumb fuck understand that women were only out for one thing? Money. Plain and simple. Gold-digging whores, each and every one of them. Okay, maybe there was another thing they were out for as well: dick. They liked that shit, too. When we were a couple of young punks, I’d tried to drill my theory on bitches into his thick skull, mostly because I wanted him to be available to hang with me on the weekends, or just whenever I needed a sidekick, but I believed what I said to be true. I’d seen my father change wives almost as often as he got a haircut. And every one of them left owning a little piece of his fortune—a fortune that should’ve rightfully belonged to me. When we became adults, it was even more important for my partner to focus. I needed Crawford’s head in the game if we were going to make our fathers’ company soar to heights the old men couldn’t even imagine. If he was all googly-eyed over a woman, a fucking cunt, he’d be too distracted to put his best foot forward, and I wasn’t talking about the one attached to his third leg, either.