Sociocultural Аspects of CommunicationSociocultural Аspects of Communication Course Description
AIMS The course “Sociocultural Аspects of Communication” for intermediate and upper-intermediate students was designed to · widen students’ knowledge and raise their cultural awareness of the differences between countries, promote an active curiosity in finding out about other people and other ways · develop the ability to explain one’s own cultural standpoint · use the foreign language to perform effectively in a class environment: negotiating, discussing, debating · develop students’ listening skills · expand the vocabulary and acquire the knowledge of cultural connotations · learn to do research-like projects · learn to work independently and in teams
LEARNING OUTCOMES · to use English at a near-native level of competence; · to use the studied vocabulary in communicative situations; · to possess a wide range of strategies for independent study, both individual and collaborative; · to develop cross-cultural competence.
STUDENT ACTIVITY The course offers you different types of work:
COURSE REQUIREMENTS The students are expected to: · attend classes regularly and punctually · work thoroughly on the home tasks · take initiative in the classroom, contribute to discussions and other activities · do research projects and participate in the presentations