The Passive Voice (страдательный залог): Образование
Corporate Responsibility Market research shows that many consumer are ethical consumers, they expect the companies they buy from to behave responsibly. Most ethical consumer have high spending power so companies usually listen to them and will promise, for example, not to use child labour or to pollute the environment. A recent report showed that many companies have ethical policies which cover areas such as payment on time, product policy and the environment. Some companies have a policy of paying first world price for third world goods from developing countries – they pay more because they think the workers and the economies of developing countries need support. Every company should have these responsibilities: 1. There should be good communication between the company and its workforce. 2. The company should pay supplies on time. 3. It should train its employees. 4. It should try to protect and improve the environment. 5. It should make a profit so it can pay dividends to its shareholders and continue to provide jobs for its workforce.
The Passive Voice (страдательный залог): Образование The Passive Voice показывает, что лицо или предмет, обозначенные подлежащим, являются объектами действия, выраженного сказуемым: · She was woken from her sleep by his singing. - Она была разбужена его пением. Образование The Passive Voice образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола Participle II:
Таблица времен английского глагола в страдательном залоге напечатана в приложении на