Chapter Thirty-Three
J anza, can't you do anything right? " " What the hell are you talking about? By the time we got through with him, he'd been willing to sell a million boxes of chocolates. " " I mean those kids. I didn't tell you to make it a gang bang. " " That was a stroke of genius, Archie. That's what I thought it was. Let him get beat up by a bunch of kids. Psychological — isn't that what you're always talking about? " " Where'd you get them? I don't want outsiders involved in this? " " Some animals from my neighborhood. They'd beat up their own grandmothers for a quarter. " " Did you use the queer pitch on him? " " You were right, Archie. You called it beautiful. That really spaced him out. Hey, Archie, he isn't queer, is he? " " Of course not. That's why he blew up. If you want to get under a guy's skin, accuse him of being something he isn't. Otherwise, you're only telling him something he knows. " The silence on the phone indicated Emile's appreciation of Archie's genius. " What's next, Archie? " " Let's cool it, Emile. I want to keep you in reserve. We've got some other stuff going now. " " I was just starting to enjoy myself. " " You'll have other chances, Emile. " " Hey Archie. " " Yes, Emile. " " How about the picture? " " Suppose I told you there was no picture, Emile? That there was no film in the camera that day…" Wow, that Archie. Full of- surprises. But was he kidding around? Or telling the truth? " I don't know, Archie. " " Emile, stick with me. All the way. And you can't go wrong. We need men like you. " Emile swelled with pride. Was Archie talking about The Vigils? And was there really no photograph after all? What a relief that would be! " You can count on me, Archie. " " I know that, Emile. " But after he'd hung up, Emile thought: Archie, that bastard.