Children’s surgery Inguinal hernia and hydrocele in children RAMAR SOLAIMUTHU COURSE-5 GROUP -45
Hernia A hernia occurs when a portion of an organ within the abdomen, such as the intestines, protrudes through a weakness in the muscles of the abdomen. A soft bulge is seen underneath the skin where the hernia is located. A hernia that occurs in the groin (inguinal) area is called an inguinal hernia. Causes of Inguinal Hernia Between 12 to 14 weeks of fetal development, the testicles or ovaries form in the abdomen near the kidneys. They gradually move down into the lower part of the abdomen as the baby continues to develop. As they move down, a portion of the peritoneum (a thin layer of tissue that lines the inside of the abdomen) that attaches to the testicle is drawn with it into the scrotum, forming a pouch or sac. Incidence of Inguinal Hernia An inguinal hernia can occur at any age, but one-third of hernias in children appear in the first 6 months of life. Risk Factors for Inguinal Hernia
Signs and Symptoms of Inguinal Hernia