Aims and Objectives of Lesson PlanningAims and Objectives of Lesson Planning Lesson planning should clearly outline the exact aims and objectives of your lesson, so that you can clearly identify the learning goals for your students during a lesson. All the goals of a lesson plan should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Appropriate. Organizing a defined lesson plan will enable you and your students to succeed in your teaching and learning environment. Defining an Aim · An aim in a lesson plan is generally thought to encompass the lesson as a whole. The aim broadly focuses on what you plan to do and achieve with your students in a lesson. Experienced, published teacher James Atherton writes, " Aims are broad statements of what learning you hope to generate. The Aim is the point of the whole thing. " To determine an aim for your lesson, focus on what part of the curriculum you are teaching and how you are going to achieve your goals for the students. Writing an Aim · Write your aim, or end goal of your lesson, at the top of the lesson plan. Avoid vague and difficult-to-assess words such as " understand" or " appreciate. " Use SMART words like " design, " " formulate, " " practice" and " analyze. " Describe your aim using active verbs to help track student progress. For example, if you want to teach your students how to do a dance from the movie " High School Musical, " write your aim as: " To engage the students in practicing the moves and performing a dance from 'High School Musical' as a class. "