Application for a Stadt Kiel Scholarship for the
Application for a Stadt Kiel Scholarship for the academic year 2021/2022 or winter semester 2021/2022 or/and summer semester 2022
Home University:
Period (please mark with a cross) Academic Year 2021/2022
Winter Semester 2021/2022
Summer Semester 2022 Particulars
Surname / Family Name: First / Given Name: Sex: male female
Date of Birth: Place of Birth:
Nationality: Subject of Study at home University: Intended Subject of Study at Kiel University: (according to the list “Studienangebot” on the website: www. studium. uni-kiel. de/de/studienangebot/studienfaecher/ueberblick)
Current Address (valid until: ) c/o House Number and Street: Postcode / Zip Code and Town: Country: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail:
Permanent Address House Number and Street: Postcode / Zip Code and Town: Country: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail:
Enclosures: - Letter of Motivation - Curriculum Vitae - Two letters of Recommendation from the docents of the field of study at home university - Academic Record with Officially Certified Credentials - Evidence of Language Skills (TOEFL or IELTS; eventually German Certificate) - Photo
_________________________________ Stamp and Signature of Home University
Place and Date: ________________________________ Signature of Applicant