Section A. A.1. Applicant Details. A.2. Educational and Professional Background. Section B. B.1. Details of the hostinstitute
Section A
A. 1. Applicant Details
| Name:
| Gender:
| Date of birth (dd/mm/yy):
| Citizenship:
| City of Residence:
| Current Institution:
| Current Department:
| Current Position. Please indicate if you are currently a PhD student, a postdoc, fellow or other:
| Please evaluate your English Language Proficiency (Elementary, Intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Advanced)
| Have you ever taken the English language proficiency tests?
If yes, write the name of the test, date and your score
| Mobile:
| Email:
A. 2. Educational and Professional Background
| 2. 1. Please list in the space below your degrees earned in chronological order, starting with the most recent. Please follow the format: date, university name and its location and a degree received.
| 2. 2. Please list in the space below your relevantresearch achievements (awards, conferences and publicationspapers) in chronological order, starting with the most recent. Please follow the format: date, name of the achievement, name of the granting organization.
| | | | | | | | | |
A. 3. Biography
| Please include your brief biography (maximum 250 words)
A. 4. Synopsis of current work
| Please briefly describe your current research(maximum 600 words)
A. 5. Statement of career plans
| Please briefly describe your career plans for the next 3-5 years(maximum 600 words)
Section B
B. 1. Details of the hostinstitute
| Please give the full name and position of your identified UK-based supervisorand detail on arespective UK university/research institution where you wish to carry out your fellowship.
| Name:
| Position:
| Department:
| Institute:
B. 2. Research Proposal
| Detail your proposed research project. This should include description of the essence of the project, its expected outcome and the relevance to the scientific field. It should address the following:
· the outputs and expected outcomes, what you are planning to achieve during the stay in the UK,
· A preliminary timeline of the planned project with key milestones and budget with the full breakdown of expected costs,
· explaining why it is important for the applicant to do research at that particularUK university/research institution/department/lab in the UK,
· how the applicant’s stay at the UK host institution will contribute to the completion of the PhD/Doctoral thesis
| Description of the research proposal(maximum 1500 words)
| |
B. 3. Research ProposalSummary(maximum 250 words)
| Please give a summary of the activity to be undertaken in plain English. This should be a statement for a non-specialist lay audience about the proposed research project.
B. 4. Proposed Length and Costs
| Please indicate the expected length and a total cost estimate of your fellowship and a break-down of expected costs.
B. 5. Future Cooperation
| Please indicate how your proposedresearch project will strengthen scientific collaboration between the UK and Russia.
| Please indicate how you became aware of the UK-Russia Postgraduate Research Fellowship Programme.