Контрольная работа. Сдать 5 апреля.
Tuesday, the fifth of April ( сдать 7 апреля) Эмоциональные состояния, страхи и фобии Посмотрите видео к уроку https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=44bFsuYoR1s Устно разберите упр 2, 5, 7 стр 106 -107 Выпишите новые слова Д. З. Insert the right word. 1People who have a phobia are extremely … of something. 2Fear is a negative human …. 3We are afraid that our fears will ….
Nervous, public, afraid, emotion, come, fight
Контрольная работа. Сдать 5 апреля. Monday, the first of April ( 9- А) Writing Предложения не переписывать. См 2 лист I Write the correct degree of comparison 1. John is the … (talented) pupil in the art class. 2. Sue has been practising a lot, so her artwork is getting… (good) and …(good) all the time. 3. The … (much) Anne practised, the.. (easy) it became for her to paint portraits. 4. The authors’s book is quite good, but it’s not as… (interesting) as his last novel. 5. Williard Wigan’s sculptures are the …(tiny) works in the world. II Choose the correct Passive form 1. A new swimming pool … in the leisure centre last month. A has built Bhad built C was built 2. Our house … with environmentally friendly paints. A has recently been painted B was recenly painted C had recently been painted 3. The money from the sales … to a local charity. A will be given B we will give it C will have give it 4. I’m sorry, but magazines can’t … out of the library. A been taken B be taken C being taken 5. The Eiffel Tower … by about six million people each year. A is being visited b is visited c has been visited