Horrificator 3 страница[screaming] [violent blowing] [violent blowing] Plagg, claws out! [Chloe] No, not the hair! Time to transform. Tikki, spots on! [frightened screaming] Run and hide! [Ladybug squeals] I got wind you were being blown away Fewer puns, more action! [Ladybug yells] That guy looks pretty sketchy. [they groan] Where did he go? I don't know [Cat Noir] Chloe, this Evillustrator, he's targeting you specifically. Any idea why? No, everyone adores me. Yeah, because you're so adorable. Yay! Ladybug said I'm adorable. I totally need a picture of us together. [Ladybug huffs] I look great, but your smile's wonky. Let's take another. [Ladybug groans] Sorry, I'm a little camera shy. - Someone's got a fan. What's the deal? Why are you acting weird? You gotta admit that [groaning] I'm over this. Let's go. Are you kidding? What if he attacks her again? Fine, you stay. Later. What do you mean, later? You want to protect her, So... later! [Chloe] [cry of pain] Sorry, Tikki, Chloe just fires up Well, simmer down. It's hard to keep my cool... Oh my gosh, Sabrina, the project! Look like you have a new BFF. [she groans] [worried cry] It's you... from the library. I wanted to see you. [confused] But why did you attack Chloe? Chloe is cruel and selfish. Can't argue with that. [nervously] You? You're Marinette. You're beautiful, sweet and perfect. [embarrassed] Thank you. [nervously] It's my birthday today and... Oh... actually... I've got a presentation to work on and I have to call my friend Please. It'll just be you and I. [romantic music] Oh, my gosh. [awkwardly] You like it? [hesitantly] So much that I'll be at your party... on one condition. Anything for you. You can't hurt Chloe anymore. For you, and only you. Meet you next to Notre-Dame [whooshing] [she sighs] What are you thinking, Marinette? I'm thinking and his alter ego, the Evillustrator, is gonna get crushed by Ladybug. But how is Ladybug going to when you're going on the date Maybe some cool cat needs [Chloe whines] Sabrina is so selfish [whining] [she gasps] Cat Noir, are you any good This cat's got Great. Sit, kitty. Now, make it sounds [she gasps] I can be funny. [sarcastically] [phone rings] You can't just fly off Sorry, that wasn't cool, I need you to protect this girl. Her name's Marinette. The Evillustrator is in love with her. He won't harm Chloe While he's distracted, What about you? I'm going on a secret mission. I'll catch you later. Can you handle it? [he chuckles] You're out of danger. [angrily] [she growls] [gasping] you scared me. Sorry, I was just waiting for you. Yes... Yes I did. You were? [excitedly] So I did your geography homework. [surprised] Since you're my new best friend, Thanks but I can't accept it. Really? [she sighs] Great. So, you wanna work on I'm so sorry Sabrina. I've something really important to do. Something important, really? You know who else uses that excuse? [hesitating] Chloe. I'm beginning to see You expect me to do all the work, No... I-I don't, really. It's just... I can't believe I did [she sighs] I thought I was going to have to Get it? Claws. I haven't even introduced myself. Yeah, I know. You save the day all the time Why are you here? That birthday-boy date [she mimics him] But you're safe with me. That puts my mind at ease. But I am going to need help. What about Ladybug? She's busy. [she mimics him] [sigh of repulsion] Cat Noir and I What do I do? Just get his pencil away from him. I'll take care of the rest. [she giggles] [bleeping] What a lovely little scene but I don't get distracted, boy. I just want Marinette to love me. [angrily] Or else... [throbbing] [fearfully] [Marinette] [she giggles] [shyly] Thanks for accepting to come. - It's so beautiful. Well hold on. [he groans] Come on, you've gotta be kidding. Sorry... I didn't mean to startle you. I can't draw in the dark. Voilà! You're so talented. So why would you want Not all people, just Chloe. You were true to your promise I actually draw a little too. I'm sure you're great. Can I draw you something special [surprised] [he gasps] I need to draw something... now. No... I'm keeping it. Cat Noir, now! Marinette? You're working with him? I'm so stupid. I thought you liked me Teasing me, mocking me, leading me on! Come on, seriously? Why is everyone And I'm taking back my promise. Chloe's going to get We've been penned in, literally. [Marinette gasps] Cat Noir, put your stick like this, - Great thinking. Gotta go. Damsels in distress, I've more saving to do. Me thank him? We'd still be trapped [Tikki] He needs help saving Chloe. [sobbing] but after what happened I couldn't work on my project. Just look what it's done to my hair. [sobbing suddenly stops] Even a stupid hairdryer [door rumbles] Cat Noir, is that you? [she gasps] [she screams] Chloe, where are you? That is so cute. In the closet? [bleeping] [she screams] [he chuckles] [she screams] I win, Chloe. I found you. My designer dresses, my heels... You like to walk all over people but you don't like it do you, Chloe? Do you? [she screams] Oops, broke your heel, Look what the cat dragged in. No cat dragged me anywhere, I flew in all on my own. What was the secret mission? If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret. This is what's known as The thing is if you knew her, you wouldn't bother saving her. It's not true. Everybody adores me. Look out! [she whimpers] The light... - He can't draw in the dark. Cataclysm! [crumbling] Here, kitty, a ball and chain to play with. Hey! Sadly, those who get in my way [he yells] [she gasps] [she whimpers] [ring bleeps] [Hawk Moth] take it, take it now! Before you go, Ladybug, Lucky charm! [whooshing] A bouncy ball? Just try and stop me with that, [she sighs] [tinkling] Gladly. [bouncing and smashing] [he yells] [whimpering] No more evil-doing for you, Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! [whooshing] [bubbling] [he gasps] POUND IT! [angrily] Their Miraculouses were Once I have them all in my grasp, I will have absolute power! [Ayla] and Cat Noir turned up? To be honest, They came barrelling in throwing balls around. Balls? [she giggles] I hope you had a good time I'm really sorry, Sabrina, but I can meet you today Too late. Chloe and I are You mean you're doing it. Of course, [Marinette groans] I know. Chloe lent it to me. Chloe! Your geography homework's ready. [she sighs] Hey, I heard about - Were you scared? It was a dream... I mean in your dreams. [sighing] [uncertainly] So what about Cat Noir, Sure, yeah, because you're So... that's a yes? [bell rings] Do you realise about how you think he's awesome? He touched me. Girl, you have got to get
Rogercop In the daytime I'm Marinette, just a normal girl But there's something about me because I have a secret. - Ready, dad? Happy career day, my darlings. My day begins at 4 am every morning You'd think it's a routine life, making the same pastries, but every day's different.
One day someone might order an Eiffel Tower You've reached Please leave a message. Hi, father, it's me. It's parents' career day, I was hoping you'd show up. - You OK? Marinette will come round to pass out some Thank you, Mr Dupain. Now, let's meet Alya's mom. She's head-chef owned by Mayor Bourgeois.
It's beautiful. Look, don't touch. Put it away, Chloe. It could get in the wrong hands. How many croissants have to sell to buy What am I saying? He'd If you're so rich, Jealous. Is that camembert? That's not camembert, I like shiny. I have no dishes to share but maybe Mr Bourgeois you all to the hotel for lunch. Do you ever not trip up? Next is Sabrina's father, Officer Roger. I've been a police officer and I believe that everyone is My bracelet, it's gone! I had it a second ago. You, you stole it! What are you talking about? You tripped on my bag You're a policeman, arrest her. My daughter is not a thief. Hold on, Miss Bourgeois. We don't accuse without proof. Everyone calm down. You're calling me a liar? Daddy! Roger, I demand Please, everybody. Need I remind you that as mayor, But it's against the law. OK, then you're fired. Mayor, you can't be serious. This is my daughter's bracelet. You're incompetent, Let's call Ladybug. She'll actually do something. Parent-child relationships and a perfect When there's no more law and Fly away, my evil little Akuma, and take control of He expects me to break the law? Rogercop, I am Hawk Moth. This city needs a true, and that is where you come in. Yes, sir. Ladybug and Cat Noir must be destroyed if you You will seize Do we have an agreement? Affirmative! Cat Noir and Ladybug will be Justice will prevail in Paris. Don't even think of going Do you know who I am? Gentlemen, this is a school. I'm sure the bracelet is around here somewhere. It probably just I'd try and get as far away Hey, Nino's been We can see what really happened. Marinette will come round to There you have it. Sabrina was holding it. Yes, but I gave it back Chloe, take a look Are you saying I'm a thief? No. Chloe's the one I'm going by what's Yes, I sketched it, You're under arrest. What? What for? Littering, jaywalking, Well, I suppose... I did Who are you any anyway? I sentence you to litter duty. Next mission, seek justice Give me the tape. I'll have it analysed. - No, it's my camera. I'm the Mayor! Where's the principle? I want to see him now! I won't bother you with the Yes you will, and fast. If by big you're referring to thanks for noticing. Now we have a bigger problem. Hey! You can't just I can go wherever I want, I am the law. Well, I'm the authority here. You are guilty of obstructing I sentence you to do laps. Wait. I can't... Why can't I transform? The bracelet will get absorbed Soon, Ladybug and Cat Noir will See, Chloe? Sabrina held the bracelet We are all suspects. What's that supposed to mean? And neither did I but Chloe could accuse Fine, since you're a suspect, Ok, but only if search No-one's rummaging in my bag. Marinette, She called me a thief. You're also accusing your I'm Chloe's BFF. What about Adrien? And we haven't seen him since. Not Adrien. If anyone's guilty, Are you accusing us? I want an attorney. Marinette, stop. We should search the parents. Where is the Mayor? Dad? That's your dad? - Hello, may I help you? I think he already left. Are you lying? Yes... I mean no. If nobody speaks up Where is your father? I don't know. Mr Principle, find out who stole it ASAP! Or your job is on the line. My Daughter has been treated I was only defending myself. My dad's right, I accused I don't think any of us took it. You'll find a way Yeah, well, right now, Tikki, spots on! I-I-I thought it was camembert. You're always thinking A bit of pepper... Gesundheit! Plagg, claws out! I'm warning you, if you don't find it I'll cut off all funding But how am I supposed to... Didn't anyone ever teach you Justice doesn't need Mayor, you're under arrest Look who's talking. Paris has a new Your services are You can't accuse everyone Mr Rogercop, I need your help. Hey, come back. You're obstructing justice. You'll pay for this. You can add bodily harm Listen, you're Sabrina's dad Don't let the evil person make an evil cop out of you. Don't listen to her. Their powers belong to me! Justice must prevail The mayor must pay for getting Mr Rogercop! I've got a serious problem, worse than a bad hair day. - Come, we'll talk about it. Chloe, no! I bet you missed me. I know that Marinette She must be arrested. Auto-pilot engaged. Hello, are you listening to me? Thanks for the lasso, Lassy. Where are you going? Did I thank you for the lift? Nice shoes. Grab onto me. No, Ladybug! What have you done? Snatch his Miraculus! His ring! Nice day for a swim. Well, hey. I'm head over heels You're welcome. You owe me one. Sure but I'll take credit Mayor's Limousine located. There's no point He's way out of reach now. Well, if it's the He'll be heading for Do I sense a plan? Let's go. Call all available police forces Bourgeois, I'm taking over. Never! These handcuffs won't Then maybe this will. Hey! Don't you dare lay a finger So much for your powers. Paris has a new superpower. His name is Rogercop. all authority to Rogercop. All citizens are ordered Ladybug and Cat Noir are They must be hunted down and taken into Let's go get 'em. So now we're the nation's We haven't done anything. You can't accuse someone We should defend Not while Rogercop's How many times We're still saving Paris. Something about Paris You won't be dancing Arrest him. So you won't be joining me? Go, Ladybug, go! Ladybug, it's time You've got justice and revenge Lucky charm! Oven mitts? What am I Fabulous, so wretchedly OK, show's over. Get Ladybug and Cat Noir. Hey, my hair! Stop shooting like an idiot. You're supposed to seize The Akuma must be in We've got to get to it. How? Whenever you're ready milady. I have an idea, but I Where am I gonna get a ring? Ladybug, over there. That's Chloe's bracelet. Exactly what I need. Fend off Rogercop Whenever you're ready. Cataclysm! Gotcha. No! Do more evil-doing for you, Time to de-evilise! Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug! What am I doing up here? POUNT IT! As Rogercop would say, Justice has prevailed in Paris. I'd stick around and you wouldn't be able I doubt it, You may have eluded me but one of these days, and you and Cat Noir won't be I think this belongs to you. My bag... my... my bracelet. But... how? Roger... you found the bracelet? It was in Chloe's bag all along. into a side-pocket Roger, I apologize and for firing you I think Officer Roger You'd be wrong not to keep him. Of course, Ladybug, And it's actually Thank you, Mr Mayor. I'm proud to be on the force and I vow to uphold my belief that everyone is innocent Very good, a valuable lesson Yes, daddy. Lesson learnt.
Dark Cupid In the daytime I'm Marinette, just a normal girl but there's something about me because I have a secret. In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell Who can tell us why? Because only love can Correct. Technically, this is
Thank you, Max. Adrien, I hope What did I just say? The prince breaks the spell by because love conquers hate. Very good. Don't forget to finish Happy Valentine's day. I'll meet you outside. OK. Hi, Adrien. Sign here, please. You know I hate That's not what this is. It's a petition
Have you seen the sweaters Well, well, Marinette, Maybe she's looking Ignore them. They're not worth it. You're right. " Your hair is dark as night, " I wonder who you are " Every day we see each other, " Together our love could be so Wow, now that's a love poem. Who could it be to? " Hair dark as night", Well... you. No way. There are plenty of with dark hair and blue eyes. Yes, but bluebell eyes? What does he mean This is poetry. He wants to get to know you. Pinch me. Not literally! Operation Valentine's Day According to my research this jewel was ranked Perfect. I'll hit a homerun Love is like baseball, right? And if you aim right, - Great metaphor, Kim. Wow, sparkly. Is that for me? No, Alya, Keep quiet. Scoop! Kim's got a crush. Who's the lucky lady? It's gorgeous, Kim. She's still gotta accept it. - What if she says no? No way, don't hold back. Operation Valentin's Day Her route is in yellow, If you run at 10mph, you'll Wait here. It's the 3rd - Go, go! I know someone who's good but who can't take any. Let's go. You're right. Say what? I'm gonna tell him Well, I'll wright them, Yeah. Yeah. OPERATION VALENTINE'S DAY! Wow, he's so cute. Keep dreaming, girls, " To Chloe, the most awesome girl and the love of my life" She's not crying enough. " Dear, Adrien"... " Dear, Adrien" " Dear Adrien" I'm no good at this I sound like a dorkasaurus. Only when you say Relax, Marinette, I'm teasing. and speak from the heart. Adrien's letter. Why didn't I think of that Marinette? Check... it... out! It's perfect. Oh, thank you, thank you. Voilà.