TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOLDOVATECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOLDOVA PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION FORM 23-25 March, 2021 Title of the scientific paper: _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Surname, given name of the author(s): _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Institution: _____________________________________________________________________ Faculty: _______________________________________________________________________ Department: ____________________________________________________________________ ÿ Student /group _______________ ÿ Master /group _____________ ÿ PhD student / Doctoral School ______________________________________________ Surname, given name, scientific title of the coordinator(s): ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Type of the paper: ÿ Article ÿ Thesis Topic of the paper: ÿ Electronics and Telecommunications (ionel. sanduleac@mt. utm. md) ÿ Energy and Electrical Engineering (corina. gutu@tme. utm. md) ÿ Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics (vasilii. cretu@mib. utm. md) ÿ Food Technology (daniela. paladi@toap. utm. md) ÿ Mechanical, Industrial Engineering and Transport (iulian. malcoci@bpm. utm. md) ÿ Urbanism and Architecture (eugeniu. braguta@dmmc. utm. md) ÿ Construction, Geodesy and Cadaster (viorica. tibichi@cms. utm. md) ÿ Economic Engineering and Business (iuliu. turcan@emin. utm. md) ÿ Textiles and Polygraphy (marcela. irovan@mctt. utm. md) ÿ Socio-Humanities (vasilii. cretu@mib. utm. md) ÿ Foreign Languages (daniela. paladi@toap. utm. md)
Please, submit your Registration Form and your paper according to the Template to the e-mail corresponding to the topic of the conference before 25 February, 2021.