Ex 2 Write the correct reflexive pronouns for these sentences. (по смыслу предложения необходимо вставить правильное возвратное местоимение) ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Ex 2 Write the correct reflexive pronouns for these sentences. (по смыслу предложения необходимо вставить правильное возвратное местоимение) 1 I like to wake.. myself.. up in the morning with a cup of coffee. 2 Thanks for a great party - we really enjoyed . ourselves.. . 3 I hate watching ____on video. 4 I'm sorry, Tony, but I haven't got enough money to pay for you. Can you pay for ____________? 5 After his accident, Philip drove_______ to the hospital. 6 We don't need a babysitter - the children can look after________ 7 Now, children, remember to give __________enough time to answer all the exam questions. 8 'Should I apply for the job? ' she asked_____________ 9 We're planning to buy___________ a new television. 10 He hurt ___________when he was playing football
Ex 3. Write the correct possessive adjective or pronoun for these sentences. 1 Whose camera is this? Is it.. yours. ? (you) 2 Excuse me, those are ,. our.. seats, (we) 3 Is it______ suitcase or ________? (you/he) 4 Has the dog had______ food? (it) 5 They're not________ keys - they're___________ (I/she) 6 I don't think its________ room: I think it's ___________(you/they) 7 The police asked me for__________ address. (I) 8 Have you got_______ pen, or would you like to borrow__________? (you/I) 9 ___________garden is bigger than_____________ (they/we) 10 I think this is__________ book. Oh no, it's________________ (I/you) 11 The decision is____________ (they)
Exercise 4 Write the correct possessive adjectives for these sentences.
1 These are..... parents. (I) 2 I've got …. watch, (he) 3 Is this …… car? {you) 4 Do they like …… new house? (she) 5 Have you met …… teacher? (they) 6 Who's got …… money? (I) 7 I don't like ……. teacher. (we) 8 Have you got …… passport? (you) 9 He forgot …… keys. (he) 10 They changed …… hotel. (they)
Exercise 5 Write the correct Object pronouns for these sentences.
1. This is my new dress. Do you like ……? 2. Excuse me, sir. Can I help ……? 3. I’m tired. Can you take ……. home? 4. The kids are bored. I’ll play with ……. 5. Kim lost her keys. I’ll give …… my keys. 6. Nick likes sweets. I bought a chocolate for …….. 7. Bella and I are in Venice now. Come visit ……. anytime! 8. Paul likes Carla, but she doesn’t like ……..