Curriculum vitae. I. General information ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Curriculum vitae I. General information 1. Name: Inna Pronicheva 2. Citizenship: Russian Federation 3. Phone: +79105880088, Email: pia-155@mail. ru 4. Education: Candidate of sciences (PhD) in Russian Language (2011). Thesis title: “Cultural Connotations Verbalized in Dream Interpretations”. The thesis was defended in the Dissertation Committee ofI. A. BuninElets State University, Russia in 2011. Date of defense: 01/02/2011.
2003 – 2008 – Obtained a Specialist Degree (5 years of studies) of a teacher of Russian, Russian Literature, and English. Majors: Russian language, Russian literature, English language; Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University; Pr. Lenina, 125, Tula, Russia, 300026. Phone: +7-4872-36-01-45 (Department of Philology and Document Studies). Date of graduation: 27/06/2008.
5. Russian – native, English – fluent, Finnish – beginner.
6. Work experience:
11/2014 – ongoing: Associate Professor of Russian as a Foreign Language (Chair of Russian as a Foreign Language, International Department) Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University 125LeninaProspekt Tula 300903 Russia 09/2012 – 11/2014: Senior Instructor of Russian as a Foreign Language (Chair of Russian as a Foreign Language, International Department) Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University
08/2011 – 05/2012: Russian Language Teaching Assistant (Fairfield University, 1073 N. Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut, USA ) – participant of Fulbright FLTA Program (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant). Taught a speaking course based on Rassias method and organized a number of presentations about the Russian culture. Taught a speaking course of Russian for elementary and intermediate level students. The course was based upon the Rassias method used at Fairfield University. Assisted the primary instructor in checking homework, grading tests, helping students with creating dialogues. Also consulted with students if they faced difficulties going through the general course material, serving as a language and cultural informant during the class. Tutored advanced students who have already fulfilled the language requirements. Tutor sessions were organized on weekly basis in seminar format. Introduced students to Russian culture and society by means of the “Russian Hours”. These were one-hour presentations attended by both students of Russian and other students, faculty and staff.
12/2009 – 08/2011: Assistant Instructor of Russian as a Foreign Language Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University 09/2008 – 02/2011: Studied in the Graduate Program in the Russian Language, Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University
7. Courses taught since 2014 in the position of the Associate Professor
Developed materials for the courses on Moodle platform.
Also taught an Introductory Course of Russian for beginners.
As a part of my work at the university, I develop and teach courses for short-term programs and Summer Schools for international instructors of Russian. The course “Russian Language Today: Films, Music, and Literature” proved to be beneficial for German teachers of Russian enrolled in our Summer School since it helped them understand the modern Russian culture and acquire new vocabulary. This course also encouraged my students to develop their own courses based on the approach I introduced. The other course, which I`m proud of, was “Introduction to Journalism” which helped students get acquainted with Russian mass media. Students claimed this course to be one of their favorite since they had to read and discuss articles on various social and cultural issues.
Work Abroad:
23. 06. 2014 – 05. 07. 2014: Worked as an Instructor on Russian Language Teaching Methodology Courses in Russian Center for Science and Culture, Belgrade, Serbia. Taught a methodological course to Serbian teachers of Russia. Developed a syllabus for the course and online materials and tasks on Moodle platform.
Taught a speaking course in Elementary Russian to Lithuanian students at Vilnius University ( Vilnius, Lithuania ) for one month in October 2013. Taught a speaking course for beginners. Held presentations on various aspects of Russian culture for Lithuanian and international students (Erasmus Program) of Vilnius University. The presentations were organized in both Russian and English depending on the students` language proficiency. Held a series of modern Russian movie showings and discussions. Led a discussion of modern teaching methods at the Chair of Russian Philology.
8. Supervision. Supervised Master`s dissertations of the following students: 1. SupakpanichvitPichet (Thailand). «Semantics and Functioning of Anglicisms and Americanisms in the Russian Language» 2. LuyThuChang (Vietnam). «Linguistic and Cultural Analysis of Russian Youth Slang as shown in Mass Media and Internet» 3. Jiang Cian (China). «Semantics of Neologisms in the Russian Language as shown in Press»
I currently supervise students’ research projects in the field of the Russian language and literature. Serves as a scientific advisor to an international student working on his master`s thesis. The following topics are studied: “Russian student slang: semantics and etymology”, “Russian Spoken Speech Syntax”, “Structural and Semantic Analysis of the Russian Proverbs about Family”, “Analysis of the Russian Idioms about Labor”, “Lexicological, semantic, and derivational Analysis of the Borrowings in the Language of Russian Mass Media”, “Anglicisms and Americanisms in the Modern Russian Language”.
Wrote an evaluation on a PhD dissertation of ShadeeMaali«Linguistic Representation of Gender Stereotypes of Russian Culture in Commercials» (2017)
9. Developed syllabi for the following courses: “Introduction to Journalism”, “Practical Grammar of the Russian Language”, “Rhetoric”, “Stylistic Analysis of Text”, “Russian Speaking and Writing Practice”, “Russian in Business Communication”, “Introduction to Philology”, “Russian Language in Science”.
10. Developed and taught courses in Russian conversational etiquette (Fall 2012) and Russian business communication (Fall 2013, 2014, 2015) to groups of Italian trainees (undergraduate students of Ca`Foscari University, Venice, Italy).
Taught at short-term programs for International students and educators, such as:
1) Developed and taught a course in “Russian language today: music, films, and literature” in a group of university instructors from Germany during the Russian Language Summer School atLeo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University (Summer 2013). The course was aimed to integrate the language and modern culture studies. 2) Developed and taught a brief course in Russian language teaching methodology for teachers of Russian from Finland (Spring 2014)
11. Main fields of research: linguistic and cultural studies of Russian, cultural connotations, dream and dream interpretation in Russian culture, lexical semantics, phraseology, Russian as a foreign language teaching methodology. In my thesis I referred to Yuri M. Lotman`s work “Dream as a semiotic Window” along with works of V. N. Telia and Yu. D. Apresyan on cultural connotations. 12. Total number of publications: 33 Publications in the last 5 years: 11 13. List of major publications (in Russian)
https: //elibrary. ru/author_items. asp? authorid=648903& pubrole=100& show_refs=1& show_option=0
14. As a part of Russian Federal program to support Russian language studies in other countries, I participated in methodological workshops as a presenter (September 2014 – Bishkek, Kyrgyz Repubplic, October 2014 – Astana, Kazakh Republic). The right to hold the workshops was won by instructors of Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University in a national competition. I also contributed in preparing documents for the grant.
20. I serve as a Secretary of the International Department Council since 2012. I`m also in charge of International students` Research projects, and serve as a Supervisor of International students` participation in conferences.
24. I regularly study to enhance my teaching skills, both online and in person. In the past five years, I have fulfilled courses offered by Pushkin Institute (Moscow) and Zlatoust Publishers (Saint Petersburg).