39. Complete the text with the suitable words. Listen and check yourself:Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ The procedures for renting an apartment in different counties, and within the same area, city, or local area, can differ widely, and thus, know what to expect can help you in your apartment search. First of all, decide on the type of apartment you want to 1) …………... How big of a place do you need? How much 2) ……………….. are you willing to spend? Is public transportation available nearby? Think carefully about the place for you. Next, many apartments are advertised in the local newspaper, and these 3) ……………… generally described the size, location, and amenities of the place. Looking over these ads will give you a general idea of the types of apartments available. Ask your friends and teachers if they can recommend any specific place to live. Other students might be looking for 4) …………………, and this might be a good way to minimize your apartment search. Compare what they tell you to what you find in the newspaper. Then, figure out the exact costs for renting an apartment and determine your 5) …………………. In addition to your first month’s rent, you might have to pay a security 6) ………………. to cover any damage to the apartment. The amount you get back when you move varies widely, but don’t expect to receive the entire amount because 7) ……………… sometimes deduct money for regular maintenance including carpet cleaning and new paint. Finally, be sure to carefully read and understand the terms of the 8) ………………. ………………… because once you sign, you will be bound to uphold the terms of the contract. Ignorance is no excuse. Can you keep pets in the apartment? Is smoking allowed? How much notice do you need to give the landlord before you move out? Ask questions if you aren’t sure.
40. Complete the definitions of some words from the text:
46. Comment on the following information: Donald Trump once had a feng shui master back in the mid-1990s when he was building the Trump International Hotel and Tower just off Central Park. Mr. Trump consulted with Pun-Yin who is an expert in the Chinese practice of trying to harmonize with one's surroundings.
47. Choose a country and present information on what type of dwelling seems desirable in the country according to cultural traditions / beliefs / habits: Example: Muslims culture encourages friends and family to get together frequently. And that means it's important to have a lot of room, including separate living rooms for men and women… 48. Moving into and setting up your new home is definitely one of the most exciting things. Throughout history, people have gone from caves to huts to castles to blocks of flats – and nowadays, it seems like you can find an example of any house design possible. Anyway, people follow their personal housing preferences. Through homes people show themselves. Answer the questions: 1. Do you think the place you live in says a lot about you? 2. Are you a neat freak or the type that finds order in chaos? 3. Do you agree that a messy place is the residence of creative people? 4. Are you obsessed with cleanliness and organizing everything around the house? 5. Do you agree that colors, furniture or other decorations will set the mood inside your home and can show others if you’re a fiery or more of a laid-back person? 6. Do you think that if drapes and blinds are always shut in a house, the person who lives there is not that chatty and wants to be left alone?
50. Read each statement and then identify whether it is a fact or opinion. Prove your answer: · A fact is something that can be proven true with some form of evidence. · An opinion is not backed by facts, they are often based on feelings and emotions.
1. We live in a brick house. 2. Housewife is the best wife. 3. Bungalow is a low house having only one storey or, in some cases, upper rooms set in the roof, typically with dormer windows. 4. My father is a real estate manager 5. My mother gets annoyed when I come inside with muddy shoes. 6. A wind turbine is a modern windmill used to generate electricity. 7. My hamster’s name is Vinny. 8. A rooster woke me up this morning.
51. Write one fact and one opinion for each word: Example: Ocean || Fact: More than two-thirds of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans. Opinion: The Pacific Ocean is the best ocean to visit. 1. Mansion 2. Fence 3. Mortgage 4. Quilt 5. Vacuum Cleaner 6. Tap 7. Porch 8. Shed
52. Use the information and predict what will happen: Sam and Rosy mopped the floor and dusted the shelves in their two-storied detached house. Then they put on their snow suits, hats, boots and scarves. They went outside and took two big shovels. They began to roll the snow in three large piles. 53. Give the answers and prove them: 1. What is not inside or outside a house, yet no house would be complete without it? 2. A man builds a rectangular house. All sides of the house are exposed to the south. A huge bear walks by. What color is the bear? Why? 3. What is lighter than a feather, but cannot be lifted? 4. If there are eighty-five marbles and you take away 2, how many do you have? 5. What can overpower you completely, but not hurt you? 6. You have only one match. You walked into a room where there was an oil burner, a kerosene lamp, and a coal burning stove. Which one would you light first? 7. Why do you always find something in the last place you look? 8. When is longhand quicker than shorthand?