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(a parody of Billie Eilish's Bad Guy)

Good Mom

(a parody of Billie Eilish's Bad Guy)


I have to change the diaper and this is the song:


White shirt

Now stained

Oh, thanks a lot


We don`t do enough of


May save us for a month

Kids be

Like tornadoes

Bruising your ego

So, you say

You can`t

Do homeschool every day

Screen time

Those rules are

Thrown away

Eat some snacks

Once again

So, you`re stressed mom

Like to get more rest mom

Wish you looked your best mom

They`re giving you that test mom

You`re the plaided type

Make your kids feel rad type

Even when you`re mad type

Like to kiss their dad type


You`re a good mom

You`re a good mom


All the pressure

Is put on you

How much coffee

For you to brew?

They`re bored

And hungry

What to do?

Eat some snacks

Once again

Sometimes you`re feeling

So alone

All call your name from different rooms

Work has you in a Zoom

Ooops, they`re here

Storming in

So much going on mom

Wish you had a clone mom

Help fold all the clothes mom

Online fitness zone mom

But you`re the real type

Sharing how you feel type

Yes, you`re stressed to the hilt type

Pray to God to heal type


You`re a good mom

You`re a good mom


You know that you`re a good mom,

good mom

Yes, sometimes I get mad

I guess I`m pretty glad

When I`m alone

These kids may be scared of me

I mean

I don`t see what they see

But maybe it`s cause I`m wearing my contacts wrong


You`re a good mom


Chips and salsa for dinner again

Yep, maybe ice cream sandwiches


But you`re a good mom!



Stained – запятнанный, впятнах

Bruisedego – задетое (уязвленное) самолюбие

Dohomeschool – обучатьнадому

Screentime – экранное время, время проведенное за экраном компьютера или иного гаджета

Plaided – закутанная в плед

feelrad – чувствовать (себя) круто

to brew coffee – сваритькофе

Storm in – врываться

Somuchgoingon – стольковсегопроисходит

fold all the clothes – сложитьвсюодежду

Sharinghowyoufeel – делиться своими чувствами

Bestressedtothehilt – находиться в состоянии максимального стресса, «довести до ручки»

toheal – исцелять, заживать, выздороветь

bendthelaw – нарушать (обходить) закон


https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=8zJtFENgdfQ& feature=emb_err_woyt



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